Youth attend grange camp Harrisburg More than 100 young people attended the annual youth camp of the Pennsylvania State Grange July 11, 12 and 13 at Camp Kanesatake near Spruce Creek, Huntingdon County. Miss Clarice Marquart, of *** *********** t “SPRING SPECIAL” PICKUPS IK STUCK { * 20 TRUCKS TO CHOOSE FROM * X (2) 1973 CLUB CABS J J (1) 1971 FOUR WHEEL DRIVE PICKUP, 4- J m Speed, Short Bed with P-Angle Snow * * _ Plow * {PETTICOFFER DODGE. INC.I ■ft Route 230 East, Next to Shopping Center Elizabethtown, Pa. ¥ ¥ PH. 367-1108 ¥ £************************£ Knowles, Wis., the National Grange princess, was a guest. Douglas Bonsall, of Millerstown Rl, chairman of the State Grange youth committee, said the program featured educational and entertaining workshops for the campers. Climax of the three-day event was the selection of a State Grange prince and princess to succeed George Rodgers, of Slippery Rock Rl, and Jane Hilt, of Kutz town R 3. The new 1975-76 prince and princess will be crowned at ceremonies Saturday evening, July 12. The annual junior camp will be held July 13-19 at Camp Kanesatake with approximately, 225 campers and staff members at tending, The program will include state talent com petition and the selection of a new junior Grange prince and princess, according to Mrs. Alan Merkel, Kutztown R 3, chairman of the State Grange’s junior committee. The reigning junior prince and princess are Fred Raney, of Enon Valley Rl, and Karen Sattazahn, Womelsdorf Rl, who have served for the 1974-75 year. Displays stress proper soil testing Harris Laboratories has announced the availability of two exciting new mer chandising aids that stress the importance of proper soil testing. Both carry the theme SOIL TEST RIGHT NOW. These displays are available to firms who already have - or wish to establish and promote - a good testing program. The first aids are colorful 22’ x 17” posters being offered free to anyone requesting them. The second aid is a free standing 6’ display which serves as a complete “soil testing center” for modern Lancaster Farming. Saturday. July 12.1975 growers. Supplies and in formation are conveniently located on the display, allowing growers to easily obtain all the materials they need for sampling their farms. Included with each display are a full supply of: sample collection bags, information sheets personalized with the firm’s name and address, instructions on how to take a soil sample and fill out the information sheet, plus brochures explaining Harris’ unique Triple Option Soil Analysis Program. Reports include alternative fertilizer recommendations for up to three options - allowing growers to soil test right now, yet select the most favorable cropping plan later. The three option reporting gives a valuable 10HH Z. LAPP HD o»mamtr 'A Quality Paint For Every Purpose” • Engine Sales & Service • Lawn Mower Sharpening- Hydraulic Units Centerville Road RDI, Gordonville, Pa. 17529 GLEANER Combines pull you through. % ' Rained hard last week. Means wheels full of mud. And that’s when you’ll be extra glad you’re workm’ a GLEANER Combine from Allis- Chalmers. GLEANER Combines feature center line design for sure-footed balance. Better stability. And better traction all the way. To say nothing of your GLEANER Combine's big tur bocharged power. See your Allis-Chalmers dealer. Find out why so many farmers go GLEANER Combines from Allis-Chalmers. C. J. Wonsidler Bros. RD#l Quakertown PA 18951 Phone 215-536-1935 215-536-7523 L. H. Brubaker Lancaster, PA 717-397-5179 BHM Farm A. J. Noss & Son a Equipment, Inc. RD#2, Oley, PA Annville.RD.l.PA 215-987-6257 jjgk 717-867-2211 hedge against uncertain future market conditions. While the display en courages growers to tak their own soil samples, i instructs them to returi completed informatio sheets and samples to th display site for shipment to the laboratory. The easy-tc assemble unit is shippe complete for $ll.OO. “Accurate soil testing i; the best way to apply th 3 right fertilizer,” explained Bob Harris. “But people tend to put it off or do a half serious job about it. TV theme SOIL TEST HIGH' NOW hopefully remind, people to get involved in soil testing immediately and tc do the job correctly with a reputable laboratory.” “Over 75 percent of all sol samples are collected bj growers, so we design the special stand-alone display to give firms an easy to use complete, coordinate), center for supplying soi. testing information to thei( customers,” continued Harris. “The posters are designed for the firm that offers a more complete soil sampling program.” Those interested may obtain more information or order the posters and display by calling Bob Harris at 800- 228-4091 or writing c-o Harris Laboratories, Inc., P. 0. Box 80837, Lincoln, Nebraska 68501. jjttKKHKKKM Roy H. Buch, Inc. Ephrata, R 0.2 717-859-2441 Grumelli Farm Service Quarryville, PA 717-786-7318 AUiS-CHALMKM 17
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers