¥ft HOG PRICES Lancaster Market June 9, 1175 HOGS: Barrows and gilts 50*75 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 200-240 lb. 49.35-49.50; Few US 1 205-235 lb. 50.00- 50.25; US 2-3 200-250 lb. 49.10- 49.50; 250-280 lb. 47.75-48.75. Lancaster Auction June 11,1975 HOGS: Barrows and gilts 1.00-1.50 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 200-240 lb. 50.85-51.10; One lot US 1220 lb. 52.00; US 2-3 200-250 lb. 50.35-50,85; 250- 270 lb. -49.50-50.25. Vintage Auction June 7,1975 HOGS 812: Compared with last Saturday’s market. Barrows & Gilts $1.25 to $1.50 higher. US No. 1-2 200-240 lbs. 49.25-49.85, No. 1-3 200-250 lbs. 48.6049.25, No. 2-3 185- 265 lbs. 47.5048.50, No. 2-4 255-280 lbs. 45.1047.50, No. 1- 3 150-165 lbs. 35.25-41.75. US No. 1-3 320-550 lbs. sows 38.0040.50. Boars 36.00-40.75. June 11,1975 HOGS 330: Compared with last Wednesday’s market. Barrows & Gilts strong to $2.50 higher. US No. 1-2 200- 240 lbs. 51.00-52.35, No. 1-3 GET TO KNOW WHAT GOOD IS GOOD SERVICE - GOOD PEOPLE ]J M. HOOPER HMC.j Since 1895 our family has been serving the American farmer with the highest quality livestock service possible. Our people are highly qualified to handle all of your feeder and fat cattle needs. We are staffed to assist you with all your feeder pig and market slaughter hogs. ORDER BUYING IS OUR SPECIALTY Lancaster Stockyards PLEASE CALL SOON Phone (717) 397-6191, 569-2084,626-5659. - V/ .-V \ WALTER M. DUNLAP & SONS Consignors can get state tags at our office, thereby saving 25c marketing expense. 200-250 lbs. 50.00-61.00, No. 2- 3 190-280 lbs. 40.50-51.00. US No. 1-3 300-550 lbs. sows 39.00-40.35. One Boar at 36,00. New Holland Auction June 9,1975 HOGS 1333: Compared with last Monday's market. Barrows & Gilts mostly $1.50 higher. US No. 1-2 200-235 lbs. 50.00- No. 1-3 200-250 lbs. 49.00-50.00, No. 2-3 200- 270 lbs. 48.00-49.00. No. 1-3 150-180 lbs. 47.0049.00. US No. 1-3 300-550 lbs. sows 37.00- Boars 34.00-44.00. .Leb. Valley Auction June 10,1975 HOGS 261. Barrows & Gilts $3.50 to $4 higher. US No. 1-2 190-230 lbs. barrows & gilts 52.00-52.85, No. 1-3 200-240 lbs. 50.75-52.60, No. 2-3 190- 250 lbs. 49.85-50.75. US No. 1-3 300-500 lbs. sows 39.00-41.85, No. 2-3 300-450 lbs. 34.85- 39.00. Few Boars 28.00-33.00. FEEDER PIGS 25. Few Lots US No. 1-3 20-25 lbs. feeder pigs 17.00-22.50 per head. Indianapolis Auction - June 10,1975 HOGS: 1500. Barrows and gilts slow, steady instances 25 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 200-240 lb. 50.00, 1 lot 50.25; US 1-3 200-250 lb. 49.50- 50.00. I # * m ‘ m NEXT FEEDER PIG SAL TUESDAY, JUNE 24th Consign ail your feeder pigs to Waiter M. Dunlap & Sons where they will be handled by a capable and experienced staff. UNCASTER STOCK TARDS For Further Information, Call 717-397-5136 HOGS: 8000. Barrows and gilts moderately active, 25-50 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: Near 175 head US 1-2 200-240 lb. 49.75; US 1-3 200-240 lb. 49.00-49.50, liberal volume 49.50; 240-250 lb. 48.50-49.00. HOGS: 3500. Barrows and gilts moderately active, opening mostly 50 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 200-230 lb. 50.00-50.25, about 140 head 50.50; US 1-3 200-240 lb. 49.5050.00. This Week 5900 Last Week 5800 Year Ago 4200 Compared with last week’s close, slaughter steers steady to 1.00 instances 1.50 higher most advance on Choice and Prime over 1200 lbs. Slaughter heifers uneven, generally steady. Cows steady to strong. Bulls weak. Receipts about 75 percent slaughter steers, up 20 percent slaughter heifers, balance mostly cows. While slaughter steers over 1200 lbs. continue in good demand lighter weights under pressure. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice and Prime 1200-1415 lbs. yield grade 3-4 53.50- 55.50; load 55.75; Choice 950- 1100 lbs. yield grade 2-4 49.00- 52.50; Choice 1100-1300 lbs. 51.50- Mixed Good and Choice 900-1300 lbs. 45.50- 49.00; Good 42.00-45 50; Standard and Good Holsteins 40.50- load 43.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Monday Choice and Prime 900-1100 lbs. yield grade 3-4 50.00-51.00; couple part loads 51.50-52.00; at midweek Choice 850-1050 lbs. yield F' Good friends are for keeps ... we value your friendship and business. Thank you. S. K. SHOTZBERGER, INC. Gene Zwally, President Marvin Johns, Secy-Treasurer P.O. Box 925, Lancaster, Pa. 17604 Phone; 393-4641 (day or night) St. Louis Auction June 10,1975 Peoria Auction June 10,1975 Peoria Cattle June 12 Weekly Summary Cattle Receipts Lebanon Valley Livestock Fredericksburg, PA June 10,1975 CATTLE 370. Compared with last Tuesday’s market, slaughter steers about steady. Slaughter cows 50c to mostly $1 to $2 higher. Slaughter bulls $1 lower. Choice 1000-1100 lbs. slaughter steers 49.75-52.85, Good 41.25-48.50, Standard 34.50- Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 26.75-28.25, couple to 28.85, Cutters 24.00-26.00, Canners 22.00-23.85. Few Choice slaughter bullocks 40.35- Good 31.00-36.50, Standard 28.75-31.50, Utility 24.50- Yield Grade No. 1 1200-1950 lbs. slaughter bulls 29.35- one at 35.75. CALVES 151. Vealers steady to $1 lower. Few Choice vealers 50.00-55.50, Good 38.00-44.00, Standard 32.00- Utility 90-115 lbs. 25.00- 70-85 lbs. 18.00- 25.00. Farm calves, holstein bulls 90-115 lbs. 26.00-36.50. New Holland Horse Auction Monday, June 9 Reported receipts of 440 head of horses, mules and ponies. Market reported steady. Load of Kansas riding horses singles 140-335; load of Tennessee riding horses singles 270-365 and two loads of Tennessee riding horses singles 215-545. Local work horses 280-430; mules 230-270; better horses 250-550; driving horses 165- 740; riding horses 150-225; lightweight killers 18-20; heavyweight 24-26; mares 1545; colts 5-25; geldings 15- 35 and larger ponies 50-110. grade 2-4 47.50-49.50, few tpm 50.00, load 50.25; Mixed Good and Choice 750-1100 lbs. 42.00-47.50; Good 39.0042.00; Standard and Good 36.00- 39.00. COWS: Utility and Commercial 20.00-24.00; Cutter 17.50-22.00; Canner 14.50-17.50. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 14,1975 Futures Trading (Closing bids is o( Thursday, June 12) Chicago Chicago New York Cattle Hogs Maine Potatoes June 53.75 50.85 July August 48.50 50.90 September October 43.15 46.95 November December 41.55 46.85 January 1976 February 40.60 46.10 March Trend Cattle are Higher, Hogs are Mixed, Potatoes are Stronger, and Eggs are Stronger. Markets Provided by Commodity Department Reynolds Securities, Inc. Chicago Grain Futures (Closing bids as of Thursday, June 12) Soybean Corn Wheat Soybeans Meal July 2.77V* 2.96% 5.00% 122.70 2.53% 3.01% 4.82 124.50 September October November 2.37% 3.10% December January 1976 Trend Com is Lower, Wheat is Lower, Soybeans are Lower, and Soybean Meal is Lower. Markets Provided by Commodity Department Reynolds Securities, Inc. U. S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter Estimated Daily Livestock Slaughter Under Federal Inspection CATTLE HOGS 527.000 1,003,000 529.000 1,034,000 489.000 1,282,000 Week to Date Same Period Last Week Same Period Last Year vX\\%wXv!vXvXvX'X<<*l*X*^^ Some people believe that dreaming of a bright burning candle means you will receive a letter from your love. FORSTER NET RETURNS SHIP TO THE DANNIE LIVESTOCK MARKET Old Rt. 11 Danville, Pa. Phone (717) 275-2880 SALE EVERY MONDAY 2 P.M. OWNERS Charles C. Myers Melvin M. Lehman (717) 569-2106 (717) 964-3621 52.30 6.00 58.10 7.06 4.81% 4.88% 130.00 3 Chicago Fresh Eggs 45.00 47.50 50.60 57.60 56.25 60.20 125.50 127.50 SHEEP 112,000 114.000 118.000
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