Turf IContbHNd Itmi P«ti l| The two brothers are able to ■hare some Ullage equip ment, and quite often are able to rotate potatoes and turf. If it's grown right, there’s not much that can hurt a good field of sod. "Hail won’t hurt it," Hummer said. "It can be flooded for 27 days and still survive. The only thing that can really cause any damage is heavy rain right after seeding. I’ve been growing sod here for six years, and I’ve never had to reseed. But I did lose one field to Agnes." A turf farmer is very busy for about five months out of the year. April, May and June are the biggest selling months. There’s another ' yom Matvei to a, aton," 1 ml smo/ 1 H sJ “&a*eyPa£” "Stun&Pttf' R.D. 4 MYERSTOWN, PA. 17067 CALL COLLECT 717-866-5708 IT PROFITABLE IS It costs 75 cents to treat a ton of haytage or silage and $2.00 2. A little extra effort is required to meter it on correctly, to treat a ton of hay. Less time is needed in harvesting the crop Haylage has a sweet smell. Haylage does not burn in the silo, but stays a greener color. Corn silage put up at 70 percent moisture does not get a sour, stinky smell. Cows really like the treated roughage, George F. DeLong Ben Greenawalt Regional Manager RD2 Conestoga, PA 17516 P 0 Box 683 Lititz PA 17543 Phone 717 872-5686 Call Collect 717 626 0261 Eastern Lancaster Co, Lebanon Co. Melvin Herr Marvin Meyer -RR2. New Holland. PA 17557 RO2 Box 157 Phone 717-354-5977 Annville PA 17003 Phone 717-867 1445 North Western Lancaster Co. Earl B Cinder RD2 Manheim, PA 17545 Phone 717-665-3126 Southern Lancaster Co. Henry Delong, ir. RD2, Quarryville PA 17566 Phone 717-284-2683 spurt in October and November, after it gets too late in the year for builders to plant grass seed. In a good growing year, some of the sod that's planted in the spring can be harvested in the fall of the same year. The machine that cuts the sod cuts the roots off about a quarter inch below the soil surface, leaving a thick, carpet-like mat. While some topsoil is removed with each crop, Hummer feels that the soil is being built up at least as fast as the topsoil is removed. “We only take the top part of the plant," he expalined. “The roots go down a foot or more, though, and they stay in. I think the soil tilth is actually im proved because we’re adding a lot of organic matter to the soil,” Sod can only be harvested when it’s cool, which means istern Penn; early morning and late af ternoon during the warmest part of the year. In the busy season, Hummer finds himself on the go from 6:30 In the morning until 6:30 or later in the evening. Turf's biggest competitor, at least locally, is the seeding market. That, Hummer said, is mostly because people don't un derstand sod. "They think it's expensive. But if you consider it over the long run, it's really no more expensive than seeding. With sod. you get a good grass cover right away, and it’s 100-percent Kentucky bluegrass. You don’t have any weeds, so there’s no spraying cost. The land isn’t subject to erosion when it's covered with sod, and the customer gets the instant beauty and coolness of grass. If you compare the costs of sod and sekUng in the first two years, sod really isn’t any more expensive." Locally, most of the sod that is planted is used for erosion control. Hummer feels the state’s tightened stream probably open up new markets for turf growers. Hummer’s market area extends in roughly a 100-mile radius from his farm, but goes mostly north and west. Competition is very rough in the Philadelphia area because of the many large turf growers in that area and (Continued on Page 20| TO USE SILO-KING ON HAY, HAYLAGE AND CORN SILAGE? THROUGH THE EYES OF DAVID WINDLE DISADVANTAGES OF USING SILO-KING ADVANTAGES OF USING SIIMUR 9. Silo-King is not a corrosive material! Southwestern Lancaster Co Lehigh Co. Area J. H. Moore - 1213 Zorba Drive Whitehall PA 18052 Phone 215 432-5987 The biggest cost factor in turf farming is the labor involved in harvesting. Although there is a special machine to cut the crop away KEY TO PROFIT AGRI KING, PERSONALIZED FEEDING PROGRAMS ATGLEN, PA 6. Hay does not get dusty. 7. I hardly ever find a moldy bale - even in hay baled at 25-30 percent moisture. 8. I can start baling an hour or two sooner. Sometimes this can save me a whole day in the field; and if it rams, this can save a whole week. In turn, I can save this cutting of hay and keep from stunting the next growth. & SE Berks Co Monl ;omei Cy Arnold 739 Rosewood Drive Douglasville PA 19518 Phone 215 385 6249 Chester Co. William Windle ROl. Atglen. PA 19310 Phone 215 593 6143 Northeast Berks Co, Roger Heller RDI, Robesoma, PA Phone 215 693 6160 Belleville Area Louis S. Peachy, Sr RDI #5B-C Reedsville PA 17084 Phone 717 667 3291 - > V r ~ FULTON, 111. South Central Penna James L Yoder Regional Manager RRI Box 81 Chambersburg PA 17201 Call Collect 717-264 9321 Adams Co Area Menno N. Rissler n n J H R RR4 Gettysburg PA 17325 ' „.,, n Phone 717 528 4849 Hagerstown. MD 21740 rnone Phone 301-739.5199 Franklin Co. Penna. Area Eldon Marlin RDS Waynesboro PA 17268 Phone 717 762 3576 Uruatter Farming. Saturday. Jun« 14.197 S from the soil, it must still be picked up and loaded onto wooden pallets by hand. Washii Western Washii Charlie Campbell Newville PA Phone 717-776-7573 Mark H. Yoder 2004 Philadelphia Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 Phone 717-263 1808 in Co.. MD Area lon Co. 'Area 17 4 «• I I'
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