Rtol Estate THE TIME IS RIPE for selling, buying and moving. Beat the rush! Dairy Farm with ail the trimmings. This beautiful 240 acre farm sits above a breathtaking view. Commanding 2*/z story frame and aluminum farmhouse, Tenant House, and Georgian style pointed stone home, built circa 1735 with everything you expect completely restored. Sturdy rustic barn and many outbuildings. Frontage on Route 222. 140 acres tillable. Southern Lancaster County. wagner D <:o. Quarryville, Pa. 17566 Realtors 12% acre beef and hog farm in Snyder Co. (Mid dleburg area) 38 x 46 bam loam-type soil 1% story frame bouse well and stream. Southern Lancaster Co. - 70 acre dairy farm, milking parlor, loafing pen 9-room frame & log house. Steer & chicken farm of 160 acres in Juniata Co. Port Royal area. All buildings in good condition, 3- bedroom house about 130 acres tillable. 148 acre dairy farm one mile south of Marticville. Large stone and frame bam in good condition. Har vestore and concrete stave, com bam, tobacco shed. 8- room house in good condition. Also tenant house with 7 rooms, small bam and garage. 118 acre general farm about one mile from Nor thumberland. Producing soil, road frontage. 163 acre general farm about 25 miles west of Harrisburg. 100 acres tillable. Buildings in good condition. Approx. 50 acres woodland. Also road frontage. 83 acres land, no buildings, two miles south of Lawn on Route 241, bordered on north by Pa. turnpike. Partially wooded, sloping, good drainage. 131 acre steer farm in Bethel Twp. Frystown area. Limestone soil. 3 acres fruit. Large bam and double house. 2 wells and 2 streams. Some road frontage. Lease purchase available. 30 acres land with frame bam, apartment house, brick mill. 10 acres meadow, 2 acres woodland 2 wells, spring. This is unusual property located in Lebanon Co. (Fredericksburg area). 60 acre dairy farm in Chester Co. near Morgantown Interchange. Farm overlooking a beautiful large lake. Land adjoins lake property. Has very nice slope towards lake. 8-room house in good condition. Large bam and milking stable. Silo, com barn, machine shed. 13-acre farmette near Lancaster. 750 road frontage. Zoned residential. Please call our office for further details on these and our other listings. CHRISTIAN M. MOSEMANN, Realtor 734 Main Street, Akron, Pa. Phone Office 859-1004 or 733-1224 206 acre modern hog (arm, farrow to flniah, 4.000 head annually. Harold Friea, P.O. Box 140. Bedford, Pa. 10522. 814-623-0223. 215 West Fourth Street (717) 786-2131 or 786-3020 Auction! riorar • New Holland J Sales Stables IDAIRY SALE • 1 load Canadian t Franklin • Co. cm for Marvin Eshelman. S 30 haad N.Y. cows, all dost • springers or (rash, a low • purtbrods, 6 nica Ist call • heifers consigned by Adolph • Krebs. • Complete # • Herd Dispersal • • 50 head Reeistered Holstems • • from Albert Baxter • • Chestertown MD All home * • raised but 2 Sire Power* • breeding used for many yrs . • 2 featuring 2 Escraso Golden * • Topper daughters 1 a real* • show cow. due in July. I • • Kingpin daughter. 2* 2 Astronauts 2 Oma Charms. • • Other sires represented are * 2 Type Blazer. Lucky and • • Vernon • • This is a fine herd of cattle * • with real good udders 12 3 2 2 yr olds due this fall • • Don t Miss This Sale if you 2 2 need good young purebred • • cows 2 2 Herd will be sold about 2 • • pm Pregnancy checked & 2 2 health charts day of sale Abe • • Diffenbach Mgr 2 2 Norman Kolb, Pedigrees • Help Wanted Herdsman-Milker wanted for large dairy. Must be capable of assuming full responsibility of operating automatic take-off parlor for 1 shift. Must be a good milker and able to detect herd health problems. 5M> day week, paid holidays and vacation, hospitalization, attractive pension plan. Salary open but in $lO,OOO. Per year range. Fairmount arms, Inc., Hampstead, Md. 301-239-7221. THE BEST WAY TO BEGIN IS ... Buy-Rite has 20 full-time sales associates working with Farms, Residential and Commencal Properties. Your Buy-Rite Agent has wide contact with numerous sellers of farm properties interested in giving fall or spring possession. If you are looking for a Gram - Dairy - Beef or Hog farm, we offer a wide selection throughout Southeastern Minnesota. Buy-Rite has negotiated close to 8000 acres of farm land this past year from out of state and instate buyers Help Wonted HARVESTORE SALES Agricultural background necessary to deal directly with farmers selling farm automation and feed storage. Company training program before territory assigned. Call for appointment 717-354-4051 PENN-JERSEY HARVESTORE New Holland, PA 17557 Help Wanted - Experienced Srson needed on large dairy rm capable of milking and accepting some management responsibility. Good wages, house available, references required. Call 302-492-3688 SPRINGING HEIFER SALE 80 Head High Grade I Reg. Holstems FRI. NIGHT, JUNE 20 8:00 P.M. Sharp At the Marvin Miller Farm located 3 miles East of Hessdale or 3 miles South of Strasburg May Post Office Road to Weaver Road 1 mile West along Weaver Road Strasburg Twp Sale by Glenn Fite, Quarryville, PA 717-786-2750 Watch next week s issue for full listing INTERESTED IN BUYING? To Let Buy-Rite Realty Do the WORK . . . Members - National Farm Brokers Members - Rochester Board of Realtors Members • Rochester Multiple Listing Jerry Dallmann Dodge Center, MN 507-374-6328 Lyndori"\eselle Rochester, MN 507-288-6909 Gaylord Kasson, MN 507-634-7730 Harry Nelson's. West Concord, MN 507-527-2807 Auctions Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 7,197! Shenandoah Wood and Coal Stoves, Fire Grate. The Maximum Security Lock, without Key-Dlaloc. HIESTAND DISTRIBUTORS RDI, Marietta, Pa. Ph. 717-426-3288 Halp Won tad Dairyman warned, ex perienced worker needed on large dairy farm. House with heat and electric supplied, plus other benefits. Write Box 266 E, co Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa. 17543. Help Wanted • Young man interested in working with registered Holsteins. Call 301-374-2098 or write Hickory Hill Farms Inc., Upperco, Md. 21155. I NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER - | MUNCY CHIEF | FALL SEEDS FOR 1975 I MUNCY CHIEF SEED CORN j FORM Make Application For 1 Acre Contest J , - - Also For 5 Acre Contest | C n Please Mail Catalog & Price List •’ I n Please Mail 1976 Prices j □ Mail Application for 5 Acre Contest I n Mail Application for 1 Acre Contest NAME I ADORE • PHONE j r. i Farmer n Dealer n Corn Acres I MUNCY—CHIEF HYBRID | MUNCY. PENNSYLVANIA 17756 TELEPHONE AREA 717-546-5981 t_ _ _ _ Miicallonaous RUBBER STAMPS Made To Order Ink Pads Available Write or call alter 6PM Gary Hess 4SIN GeorteSt Millersville, PA 717 172-6245 J.C.Ehrlich Co., Inc. Te mite, Pest, Rodent ai Smoke control. Lawn ai Shrubbery spraying, Fn Estimated, 1278 Loop Roa Lancaster, Pa. Phone 71 397-3722. 's—4
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