—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 7, 1975 4 Poultry Market Reports VAVAV/SSSSAV/SS/AWA^^^^^ WEEKLY NEW YORK EGG MARKET Tuesday, June 2 to Friday, June 6 Mon. Tues. Wed. Thun. WHITE Ex. Large 52 Large 49 Mediums 40 Pullets 31 Peewees 22 BROWN Large 52 52 52 52 52 Mediums Unquoted Pullets Unquoted Peewees Unquoted Off Grade Large 44 44 44 44 44 Checks 31 31 31 31 31 Tone Full steady. Copyright 1975 Urner Barry Publications NEW ENGLAND WEEKLY SHELL EGG REPORT Tuesday, June 3,1975 Prices paid per dozen Grade “A” brown eggs in cartons delivered to retail stores: EXLARGI MASS+ 54-62 Mostly 55-57 NEWHAMP 52-59 54-55 58-59 56-65 Mostly R.I. VERMONT Mostly 56-60 54-58 48-52 MAINE 56-58 54-56 48-50 +lncludes Central and Western Sections Only. Omaha Cattle June 5,1975 Weekly 51 - Cattle - Compared with the previous weeks close - Slaughter Steers closed mostly 25-75 c higher with many Choice and Prime 1200-1300 lbs. at full advance, although some good and low Choice 950-1100 lbs. little better than steady late. Heifers were steady to 50c higher. Cows closed 1.50- 2.50 higher, best demand for Utility and Commercial. Bulls were weak to 1.00 lower. Four day receipts 18,800 as compared 15,200 pervious holiday week and 19,300 a year ago. Fed cattle prices advanced on the weeks opening session under a generally good demand by most buying interests with all classes sharing in the early upturn. STEERS: During the week, three loads high- Choice and Prime 1200-1254 lbs. yield grade 3-4 53.50, fourteen loads same grade 1114-1277 lbs. yield grade 3-4 52.25-53.00, two loads 1440 lan caster , Farming P.O. Box 266 - Lititz, PA 17543 Office: 22 E. Main St, Lititz, PA 17543 Record-Express Office Building Phone: Lancaster 717-394-3047 or Lititz 717-626-2191 Richard E. Wanner, Editor | Melissa Piper, Associate Editor Subscription Price - $3 per year Established November 4,1955 | Published every Saturday by Lancaster Farming | | Lititz, PA $ i-j Second Class Postage paid at Lititz, PA 17543 $ Members of Newspaper Farm Editors Assn Pa Newspaper ;|:' *: Publishers Association and National Newspaper Association $ LARGE MEDIUM SMALL 52- 46-55 30-39 53- 47-49 31-33 50-57 44-51 27-34 4647 50-51 48-55 52-53 56-57 54-64 lbs. yield grade 4-5 49.00. Choice 975-1100 lbs. yield grade 2-4, many predominantly yield grade 3 50.00- Choice 1100-1300 lbs. yield grade 2-4 51.00- 52.25. Mixed Good and Choice 950-1250 lbs. 48.00- 50.50. Good 44.00-48.50, mostly low-Good Holsteins yield grade 2-3 42.50-43.50. Standard and low-Good 38.0042.00. HEIFERS: Two loads and part loads high-Choice and Prime9B2-1081 lbs. yield grade 34 50.75-51.00, other Choice and Prime 912-1097 lbs. yield grade 34 50.00- 50.50. Choice 850-1050 lbs. yield grade 24 48.00-50.00. Mixed Good and Choice 800- 1000 lbs. 46.0048.50. Good 40.00- Small lots Standard and Good 36.00- 39.00. COWS: Utility and Commerical 22.50-25.00, a few mostly dairybreds 25.50- 26.00. Canner and Cutter 16.00-22.50, Mixed Cutter and low-Utility 22.75-23.50. BULLS; Yield grade 1 & 2 1400-1800 lbs. 21.00-27.00, a few yield grade 1 28.00-28.50. Eastern PA &NJ Live Poultry Report Wednesday, June 4 Prices unchanged to cent higher on light type hens. Offerings continue light and short of a fair demand. Frl. Dressed Product reported slow to clear. Offerings of heavy type hens barely adequate to adequate for a fair but unaggressive call. Prices paid at farm: Light Type Hens 3-6, mostly 5-5 Ms in PA., mostly 5-5 Ms in N.J. Heavy Type Hens TFEWR. New York Dressed Meats Junes Daily distributive • less than carlot meat trade. Compared with Wed nesday: Prices unchanged from mid-session for all fresh meats with the market situation very comparable as wholesalers meeting relatively poor demand for meats with beef chucks, round, lamb legs and pork loins particularly slow. 29-30 33-34 Steer Beef Prime 600-900 lbs. 84.00- 85.00; Choice 600-700 84.00- 85.00; 700-800 84.00-85.00; 800- 900 84.00-85.00; Good 500-800 76.00-80.00. 31-33 Heifer Beef Choice 500-700 lbs. 82.50- 84.00. Calf (Skin Off) Choice 90-150 lbs. 86.00- 94.00; Good 60-90 77.00-85.00; Standard 60-120 72.00-77.00. Lamb Choice and Prime Spring 30-55 102.00-104.00; 55-65 102.00-104.00. Choice Beef Cuts Hinds (Steer) 145-190 lbs. 100.00-103.00; Arm Chucks 90-105 63.00-66.00; Ribs (7- rib) 34-40130.00-140.00; Loins (Trmd) 50-70 135.00-139.00; Rounds (Steer) 70-95 92.00- 94.00; Full Plates 55.00-57.00; Hinds (Heifer) 120-170 99.50- 102.00. Pork Cuts (Fresh) Loins (Regular) 8-14 96.00- 99.00; 14-17 96.00-99.00; Picnics (Regular) 4-8 58.00- 60.00; Boston Butts 4-8 83.00- 87.00; Spareribs 3 lbs. down 115.00-118.00; Hams (Skinned) 14-17 76.00-79.00; 17-20 74.00-77.00. Kosher Steer Bee! Choice Forequarters New Holland Horse Auction Monday, June 2 Reported receipts of 450 head of horses, mules and ponies. Market reported steady. Load of New York driving horses 210-450; load of New York driving horses 270-325 and load of Kansas riding horses 255-435. Local work horses singles - 360-500 and pairs 775-970; mules 175-390; better horses 275-660; driving horses 175- 420; riding horses 165-250 and lightweight killers 18-20; heavyweight killers 24-26; mares 15-45; colts 5-25; geldings 15-35 and larger ponies 50-110. Delmarva Broiler-Fryer Market Wednesday, June I Ready to cook movement remains good with strong Interest centered on parts, especially legs. Slaughter schedules about steady. Today’s less than trucklot asking prices held un changed on both Plant and US Grade A. Advance in terest slow in developing as both buyers and sellers take a wait and see position. Live supplies barely adequate to adequate for needs at weights often lighter than desired. Undertone fully steady to firm. Negotiated trucklot prices 2-3 lb. ready to cook broiler fryers for delivery this next week: US Grade A none, Plant Grade none. Current broiler-fryer negotiated prices for im mediate delivery mostly multiple-drop shipments to New York City from Delmarva. RANGE: US Grade A 46- 48, Plant Grade 45-47, Premium US Grade A 48-51, Premium Plant Grade 47-49. Wtd. Avg.: US Grade A 46.62, Plant Grade 46.00, Premium US Grade A 50.35, Premium Plant Grade 48.79. Wednesday, June 4 Prices unchanged. Car toning demand in fairly good balance with available graded supplies of Large, Extra Large and Mediums; Smalls and Ungraded stocks ample. Undertone fully steady to firm on larger sizes. ' Prices to Retailers: Sales to volume buyers, consumer grades white eggs in cartons, Delivered: Store Door; A Extra Large A Large 53-54V 2 , A Medium 42-43M>. and Prime 69.00-74.00. Philadelphia Eggs NEST RUN EGGS Prices arc from Egg Clearinghouse, Inc., (ECI) Durham, N.H. and reflect trading prices for gradcable nest run eggs (CNR) on ECI, a nationwide trading center for produce) s, packers and marketers. GNR eggs arc classified by weight in 30-dozcn coses, and traded in lots of cither 300 or 750 cases. Prices arc FOB buyers dock, and arc computed Tuesday and Thursday of each week. This week’s prices for each classification were; Classification Extra Urge Class 1 - Urge Class 3 • Medium Class 4 - Small Breaking Stock Checks Fair. Supplies are ample. Cartoned Eggs: Prices to retailers, State Graded (Min. one case sale) White: Grade A Large 56-62, mostly 56-58; Grade A Medium 47- 53, mostly 47-49. Baltimore Eggs Wednesday, June 4 Market steady. Demand HIGH PRESSURE WASHING OF POULTRY HOUSES AND VEAL PENS BARRY L. HERR 1744 Pioneer Road Lancaster Pa Phone 717-464-2044 HOG PRODUCERS! 'Get Top Price for Hogs m New Holland Sold in sorted lots the auction way bee them weighed and sold and pick up your check SALE EVERY MONDAY 9:00 A.M. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. _ , .. Phone 717-354-4341 Dady Market Report Phone 717-354-7288 Abe Diffenbach. Manager New Weight PerCaie 51 lbs. 48 lbs. 42 lbs. 39 lbs. 48 lbs. 48 lbs. Tuesday Thursday 0 0 40 40 33 33 27 27 37 37 31 31
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