New York Dressed Meats May 22,1975 Daily distributive - than carlot meat trade. Compared with Wed nesday: prices unchanged for all listed fresh meats including carcasses, primal cuts and pork cuts with whole salers apparently in good position regarding clearance as turnover of meats very active from mid morning session Wednesday into close. Steer Beef Prime 600-900 lbs. 81.50- 82.50; Choice 600-700 81-50- 82.50; 700-800 81.50-82.50; 800- 900 81.00-82.00; Good 500-800 74.00-78.00. Heifer Beef Choice 500-700 lbs. 80.00- 81.50. Calf (Skin off) Choice 150-350 lbs. 62.00- A *V & yLP- * MARTIN HARDWARE EQUIPMENT CO. Schaefferstown, PA 717-949-6817 COPE & WEAVER New Providence, PA 717-786-7351 STRALEY FARM SUPPLY INC. 1760 East Canal Road Dover, PA 717-292-4443 66.00; Good 150-350 55.00- 62.00;; Standard 150-330 50.00-57.00. Vcal (Skin) Choice 90-150 lbs. 86.00- 92.00; Good 60-90 75.0085.00; Standard 80-120 70.00-75.00. Lamb Choice and Prime spring, 30-55 100.00-102.00; 55-65 99.00-102.00. Choice Beef Cuts Hinds (steer) 145-190 lbs. 97.50-100.00; Arm chucks 90- 105 62.0084.00; Ribs (7 rib) 34-40 112.00-115.00; Loins (trmd) 50-70 132.00-138.00; Rounds (steer) 70-95 90.00- 94.00; Full plates 55.0086.00; Hinds (38134) 120-170 97.00- 99.50;. Pork Cuts (fresh) Loins (regular) 8-14 95.00- 97.00; 14-17 95,00-97.00; Picnics (regular) 48 50.00- on 1974 The new 75 Quiet Line Cub Cadet" lawn and garden tractors are here! To make room, we’re offering big savings on our remaining 74’s. So you’ll pocket lots of dollars right now on the purchase of a 1974 Cub Cadet. But hurry, supplies are limited and available on a first come, first served basis. OVTMM POWhR PRODUCTS Reported receipts of 110 cows, 26 heifers and 4 bulls. Market reported lower. Load of Pa. cows springers 465-575; load of Pa. cows fresh 265-500; load of New York State springers 355-640 and load of Pa. cows fresh 435-760 and springers 500-760. Locally consigned cows 245-600; springing heifers 375450; open heifers 125-285 and bulls 145-395. 53.00; Boston Butts 4-8 76.00- 80.00; Spareribs 3 lb. down 104.00- Hams 14-17 75.00- 17-20 74.00-77.00. Choice and Prime forequarters: 67.00-69.00. ig savings Close-Out INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER & R. S. 113 West Main St. 71 , OQK Mountviile, PA 717-285-4538 HERITAGE; INTERNATIONAL INC. 1054 S. State St. 717 9900 Ephrata, PA 717-733-2283 MYERS EQUIPMENT MARK EQUIPMENT INC. of STONYBROOK 3852 East Market St. York, PA New Holland Dairy Wednesday, May 22 Kosher Steer Beef HI HOLLINGER C. & SON 717-755-3759 Illinois Miss To Edit Brown Swiss Paper Miss Connie Gritton assumed responsibility as editor of the Brown Swiss Bulletin on March 20, to replace Meredith McHone who had resigned. Connie comes from a dairy-grain farm near Paxton, Illinois. Her parents have a milking herd of 100 Holsteins, and Connie owns several head of purebred cattle. She is a January graduate of the University of Illinois with a major in Dairy Science. She also took Models * M * B. MESSICK FARM EQUIPMENT INC. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 24,1975 several courses in Agricultural Journalism. While at the University of Illinois, Connie was active in the Dairy Science Club and held the office of secretary one year. Connie was a member of 4- H for nine years and following that was a leader for three years. Connie participated in the 4-H County Speech Contest and was the winner and first alternate two years each. She is a winner of the Key Club Award and attended the HOOBER & SON Intercourse, PA 717-768-8231 2750 N. Market St. Elizabethtown, PA 717-367-1319 101 Rosehill Ave., West Grove, PA 215-869-2474 National 4-H Dairy Con ference in 1972. She was active in many school ac tivities and clubs, among them being editor o! the high school yearbook. In 1973, Connie worked as a Summer Extension Assistant in Stephenson County, Illinois and in 1973 and 74 was an Assistant Superintendent in the Dairy Department of the Illinois State Fair. Youth Calendar Sunday, May 25 Broken Bit 4-H Horse Club Horse Show at the Friendly Horseman’s Show grounds in Denver. Monday,June2 York County 4-H Pig Club meeting at the home of Nathan Sheffer. Tuesday, May 27 Penn Manor 4-H Club meeting at the Ann Letort School 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 27 Thomasville 4-H Club will hold a meeting at the 4-H Center near Bair at 7:30 p.m. The program will be on physical fitness. Wednesday, June 4 4-H Queen Contest ano Talent Show at the Farm and Home Center 8:0C p.m. Agriquotes . . . With attention to the culti vation of grass, farmers often double the value of an old [arm m a few years and grow rich on farms on which their predecessors had nearly starved Benjamin Rush. 7
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