ads Dairy Equipment „ _ . ieftn ... .. 1000 MueUer 0 Model Milk * 1 f a i 'r!u U t ?£ Tank, Automatic Washer Hi-Perform Model OH bulk an d compressor $4000.00. milk cooler with two SHP 6 00 Girton $1865.00 compressors and auto 500 Mojonnler $650 washer. 215-9264798. 300 Girton $3OO. Others. Ui 814-793-2829 Vo ________ CURRY SUPPLY I DCIITAI Curryville, Penna. ItCnIML For Sale - Esco 450 gallon C|| mflinAirMT bulk tank with compressor, ou rlllilr MtNI almost new; 50 gal. hot 102‘ ■■eßWli lllkll ■ water heater, also used very L BACKHOES little. 215-932-9762. Pt UNILOADERS SOIL COMPACTORS „„„ „ , T GARDEN TRACTORS 300 Gal Jamesway w- _ p L OWS _ Compressor, Good Cond. rarm 1 AG TRACTORS 500 B al - Esco « B°° d cond., = ~ a ouancv o w-compressor / \ DIIVUII « 300 gal. Girton milk tank, /TUX HURST / nnAo CLARK ELECTRIC DnUO. RDI, Kinzer, PA Lititz RD4, PA Phone Phone: 6264705 Intercourse 768-8228 FOR BETTER MANURE HANDLING ih. The perfect tractor loader team 1 I \ / TRACTOR LOADER rit I iSl|' „ WE’RE YOUR LUBRICATION HEADQUARTERS 1- Co 1700 International Truck With Roll Back Bed (Very Good Cond.) ill. 750 N. MARKET STREET Dairy Equipment Dairy Equipment MESSICK FARM EQUIPMENT INC. PHONE 367-1319; JOHN KREIDER HOME 367-6039 WARREN SPICKLER HOME 6534560 PHONE 717-394-3047 or 717-626-2191 2 - Star 12 can coolers, Used 3 years with 12 Volt D.C. Motors. {agwav} SUPPLY CENTER 1027 DlUervlUe Road Lancaster, PA Phone: 397-4761 Farm Equipment STANDBY POWER PLANTS New and Used in Stock IKW to 55 KW DOUG JOHNSON INC. Elkton,Md. 21921 301-398-3451 (398-3528 Nile) USED EQUIPMENT I. 424 w/Loader 650 Harvester w/Screen Pickup Head N.H. 1469 Self Propelled Haybine J. 3 Bot. 16” Plow Badger Self Unloading Wagon Smoker Elevator 24 and 30 ft. Case 9 ft offset disk NH • 717 Harvester w/1 Row Head Sauder Loader N.H. 469 Haybine N.H. 479 Haybine I.H. 550 Plow 5-16" LAWN & GARDEN 60 Cadet 110 John Deere 700 Wheel Horse Farm Equipment New 704 Uni-System with cab and weights, 767 Forage Harvester with knive sharpener, 766 pickup. Priced at $19,995.00. Stanley A. Klopp, Inc., Bernville, Pa. 215-488-1510 M.H. Clipper Combine 7 ft. self-propelled Frick Thresher wit! Heinkei self feeder anc blower 20-34 Hand walking plows Spike Harrows Stone Conveyor (2) 3 pt. hitch weeders Hammer Mill Dozer blade w-hand hyd. pump for Oliver tractor Int. 45 baler for parts Hay, Straw and Wheat, Also com on cob. Phone 215-262-2659 Near Allentown, PA New Holland Model 790 Spreader FINANCE AVAILABLE NOV. Ist, 1975 | WALSH I SPRAYERS i IN STOCK ELIZABETHTOWN, PA Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 24,1975 Farm Equipment USED EQUIPMENT J.D. F 125 4-14” Plow J.D. F 145 H 5B Plow w slats J.D. Fl3O 3-16” w-slats J.D. 1450 5-16” Plow KBA 28 Disc Harrow J.D. 4-row Piateless Planter J.D. 494 Plate Planter N.H. 271 Baler w-kicker J.D. 14T Baler w-engine J.D. 24T Baler w-engine J.D. 5-E Tool Bar w-11 teeth J.D. A and G Tractors J.D. 2020 Diesel w-47 loader USED LAWN & GARDEN J.D. 56 Riding Mower 75 Ford Lawn Tractor w-mower Bolens 7 H.P. Lawn Tractor w-mower 7 H.P. Yardman Lawn Tractor w-mower New Snapper riding mowers, 5, 6 & 8 HP New Brillion Cultipackers, Cultimulchers Hesston Mower Con ditioners Stakhands, Stakhand movers. WENGER IMPLEMENT INC. The Buck, PA 284-4141 Hitch upload to Hussey. FOR SALE Purchased at Old Price Savings Passed Unto You. 100 H.P. 1105 Diesel 42 H.P. 235 Diesel M.F. 124 Baler M.F. 260 Forage Har vester M.F. 29 Wheel Rake M.F. 57 2 Way 3-16 Plow M.F. 16 Scraper Blade Sauder Loader USED EQUIPMENT 12 Ft. Dunham Cultimulcher M.F. 65 Gas Tractor Oliver 770 Gas Tractor M.F. 1150 Diesel M.F. 1130 Diesel M.F. 88 Plow 8-16” M. M. WEAVER & SONS North Groffdale Road Leola, PA Phone: 717-656-2321 Like new, New Idea Lime & Fertilizer Drill. N. I. 1-row Transplanter Side Rakes Wisconsin 4 cyl. engine Good 2-B 14” Oliver Plow N.H. and Meyer Hay con ditioners and Tedders Good horse drawn riding weeder and riding cultivator Meyer conditioner parts Mower conditioner com bination Good McCormick Deering No. 7 Silo Filler w-pipe and Shredder Bars We build sprayers and booms to fit your needs. 1 used 20 gallon shrub and tree sprayer with hitch. BEN FISHER 73 S. Rooks Road Ranks, RDI, PA Farm Equipment 1 Used 430 Int. Baler. Used Fast Hitch 2-row Com Planter. 10 Tooth Chisel Plow 7 H.P. Cadet Tractor w3B” mower Used 2-row 555 Forage Harvester COPE & WEAVER CO. New Providence HI, 786-7351 Special Price on Inventory Reduction Sale Patz Model 98-A Silo Unloader Gehl Baler 1500 Gehl 95 MX Grinder-Mixer Gehl Mower Conditioners Century Sprayers MC Rotary Scythe Athens Heavy Tractor Disc Chisel Plows Ford Industrial power units Hawk Bilt Manure Spreaders. Fisher Tedders 30 H.P. Wise, w-clutch reduction ZOOK’S FARM STORE Box 222, RD2 Honey Brook, Pa. 19344 215-593-5326 68 and 268 New Holland Hay Balers, PTO or engine drive; New 9 & 10 ft. spring tooth harrows; 8, 9 & 10 ft. cultipackers; New & Used 206 N.I. Spreaders. 200 mt. Spreader, like new McCormick No. 9 trailer gear mower John Deere No. 5 mower N.I. and N.H. Hay Crushers A.C. Power Unit Lapp 28 ft. elevator w-hyd. lift Farmhand Wheel Rake Elias S. Beiler RDlLeola,Pa. Musser’s School Road Melrose 500 Bobcat Loader, excellent $3,175.00; Allis Chalmers Diesel Road Grader, very good $5000.00; 500 Zero milk tank with washer and 3 HP com pressor $1500.00. vacuum tank. CURRY SUPPLY Curryville, Pa. Phone 814-793-2829 USED EQUIPMENT Ford 8000 Ford 2000 Diesel Ford 800 Ford 8N Massey 165 Farmall A Farmall H Farmall M Case Tractor - Loader - Backhoe Model W 3. Used trailers for In dustrial Hauling - 6 ton, 9 ton, 12 ton, 18 ton. NEW EQUIPMENT Gehl Roll Baler Hesston Roll Baler Hesston Hay Stackers in Stock Hesston Mower Con ditioners Kubota Tractors STRALEYFARM SUPPLY, INC. 1760 East Canal Road Dover, PA 17315 717-292-2631 or 717-292-4443 35
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