6 pet. Gain Seen In The expected contract acreage in 1975 of the three principal vegetablea (or processing - map beans, sweet corn, and tomatoes • is estimated to be up six per cent from last year, ac cording to the Pennsylvania Crop Reporting Service. The total estimated acreage for these vegetables is 20,800 acres. The increases L-B-S WANTS YOUR TAX REBATE TO GO FURTHER DURING THEIR COUPON SAVINGS SALE. HUNDREDS OF ITEMS ARE SPECIALLY PRICED NOW TO SAVE YOU MONEY. SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY 27th THRU MAY 31st. Reg. 51.39 storm and windows 40 sizes in stock Reg. $12.95 BUILD ... REPAIR .. . REMODEL ... MATERIALS COST LESS AT LI in snap beans and tomato acreage offset the decline in sweet com acreage. Plantings of snap beans under contract for processing are expected to total 7,800 acres this year, an increase of 18 percent from the 6,600 acres contracted this year. Sweet com (or processing is expected to be planted under contract on >N T. READY-MIX CONCRETE Fix up ond repair Just add water to use 45 pound bag STORM WINDOWS track Aluminum 3 screen 1 50 I White rjijk aluminum COVerS 1 2988 Reg. $36.88 SAVE NOW! HONE 393-132 Now Just Say CHARGE IT! BankAmericard iM&xnne It/ti Pa. Vegetable Crops 5,800 acres this year, a decrease of 15 percent from last year’s contract acreage. Plantings of tomatoes for processing under contract are expected to total 7,400 acres in 1975, a 16 percent increase from last year. Across the nation prospective contract plantings of snap beans, at 302,530 acrea, are 1 percent ALUM SIM OPEN DAILY SAM to 5 30 P M SAT 8 to 4 30 OPEN MON . WED & FRI EVE TO 8 30 P M less than last year, The prospective plantings of sweet com for processing total 510,000 acres, the same as in 1974. However, prospective contract acreage for tomatoes is set at 368,000 acres, up 11 per* cent from 1974. Pennsylvania farmers intend to harvest 1,300 acres of strawberries this year. 11111111 I I I I I I I I I CUP THIS VAILIIABUE COUPON f LANCASTER BUILDING SUPPLY 1/2 PRICE SALE! I Over 1 00 styles in stock ne DISCONTINUED MODELS REDUCED 40%' J 11111111 I I I I I I I I ] CUP THIS VALUABiI COUPOH f h ■ ii " I I J 0% 11111111 I I I I I I I I ] CUP THIS V AiUABLi COUPON \ J SliMsM % mm^w^ ..J QJ ) ion LANCASTER BUILDING SUPPLY ”1 * Lancaster Firming, Saturday, May 24,1975 This acreage is unchanged from recent years. In the United States, the 1975 acreage for harvest in \f Learning without wUdom i« a load of hooka on an aaa'a back week only. LANCASTER BUILDING SUPPLY LANCASTER BUILDING SUPPLY J % | OFF g ir LANCASTER BUILDING SUPPLY “ SP the spring seasonal group of states is estimated at 37,610 acres, two percent less than harvested in 1974. 10X36-IN. BIRCH SHELVING This beautiful Reg. S2.7B—NOW birch shelving at price this week limit 6to T I a customer B ON ALL HT FIXTURES LI o ON PURCHASE OF ANY OF L-B-S's 108 STYLES IN— STOCK ONLY ANELIN6 101 purchase of Armstrong EILIN6 TILE OON ALL , WHITE ALUMINUM UTING 17 50%^ ’"CI 10^1 °%n •PLY a 52 OTHER ,83 SIZES .41 LESS .36 io c o
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