BTEPRKHTUP SAVE!SAVE!SAVE 3 POINT CEMENT MIXER • Complete hydraulic cyli hose and fitting mounting brai needed • Easy on an' hookup. • Rotates w dumping to clean • Adjusts to dumping heigl angle. • 1 '/ 2 sack 8 ci capacity. Drum tin 30" diamattr x4l y 4" long Fits most 3 point hitch tractor* with PTO and hydraulic vahr* Reg. 599.95 ATQ • # (ONE ONLY) CATTLE HEAD GATES Built to Last Easy to Operate Reg. 209.95 ! 79.95 FAY OR AIL THE WAY Top to bottom agitation, absolutely no bridging Troughs are tapered to prevent feed build up Hopper diameter 56". bottom diameter 55” 12- door feeders, galvanized Bottom warranted not to rust during useful life of feeder 12 gauge steel. 40 bu Wt 302 lbs AND All Farm Toys 30% Off HOG FEEDERS Reg. 159.95 119* 95 MUSCLE MACHINE H.P. 36" RIDING MOWER Reg. $69995 549 .« With Any Trade In ROOF RIDERS 8 H.P.-30" Cut Reg. 575.00 499.95 MANURE FORKS GROUND SHOVELS ALUMINUM SHOVELS RAKES - HOES, ETC. 10% Off OUR REGULAR LOW PRICE GOLDEN MALRIN Fly Bait Best You Can Buy at the Least Cost 5 lb. can - Reg. 7.95 5‘ 95 Also Available in Liquid Form 10 H.P. - 42” Cut Reg 885.49 699.95 Push& Self-Propelled Mowers All Priced to Sell ROCKUND SUPER KLEEN-KOW LIQUID FLY SPRAY 5 gal. - Reg. 21.25 16.95 Also Available in Gal Containers Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 17,197 S JACOBSEN Rock Share Osmundson BROKEN SHARES REPLACED FREEI As Long As Shara Is Not Worn Out. AppiiM only to Rock Shares Th. .xtra h.avy duty tong wearing thara is mad. of top quality spring ttMl, thus hav ing th. bast wssnng malarial usad in plow sham Th. manufacturing upswung process bMfs up th. nos. of th. blada to doubi. th. ragular thickness thus making th. shar. «ur twice as long or mar. By adding this extra amount of material in th. nos. it makes th. shar. extra strong to .timinat. br.akag. This special upsatting process makesour .xtra h.avy duty plow shara wmt as long as any other share on the market Order bolts separately from listing os blad. price does not include bolts Front hoi. uses 1 '/ 2 - long bolt STOP IN AND SAXSAT OUR LOW. LOW PRICES. All Plow Parts, including mm Q/ _# # Shins & Moldboards I H Aff While Supply Lasts i " (ONE ONLY) LAST CALL ON SPRAYERS ONLY (5) LEFT ene-piece polyethylene sprayer tanks JitMc 6{ 2.u*bty sffueutiwuU BfwfMUMi to 1 iHOfli crcuNoen tank* allow Meet u sailc qallonagc on «-»■• SIDE HIU woes WITHOUT , running ruups day- Jf —/ • ta« valva manifold ***** 200 gallon model (as shown) CENTRAL TRACTOR MILK REPLACER Hlabar duality than meat ml* raplaaara an tha mortal. Campara far yauraalf and aaa iha ddtaranea ihta duality tan maka m your animal Campara aur auarantaad antlyaM la ItMt at any athar praduat, than gat ma maat tar ytur manay tl Cantral Traator OUARAWriEO ANALYSIS Cruda prttain not laai than 2100%, cruda tat not lata man 1000%, ctuda (Ibar na« mart than 1 00%. vitamin A 21,000 Off umta par *. vitamin E S I units par lb Activa drug Ingradlant n*. ytttraevelina 100 grama par ton SO pound kap* gm m AA Reg. 12.99 I 1 # ** BARN RED Reg. 31.50 29.95 5 gal. • MARTIN-SENOUR EXTERIOR & INTERIOR PAINTS on existing stock 20% HOLDING CRATE FOR HOGS Inside 69* x 20". Handles up to SOO lb hog Emergency break type lever tightans haad clamp—ratchat lock cant slip Side gate ralaasac* bog immadiataly attar ringing, makes for a smooth fast operation Made of heavy It gauge atsal Snead with angle iron throughout Wt 245 lbs 22055-176 • VARIABLE NOZZLE SPACING 40" r*w width d*wn t* «ny r«w width dttir«d 10GM t ps standerd other tips awa leble PAINT WHITE Reg. 34.25 31.95 5 gal. Off Reg. 154.99 99.95 / / «—r kHM l*.|« *s79.9s***" 9
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