4 t ' Local Livestock Market, Auction —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 17,1975 2 Lancaster Market Monday, May 12 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 1121 206 1023 38 Last Monday 1370 232 876 93 Last Year 897 70 792 124 Monday's Auction 964 233 955 125 Last Mon.'s Auction 10H 137 815 92 CATTLE: Compared to last Wednesday slaughter steers uneven, high Choice and Prime 25-50 lower. Choice over 1100 lb. steady to weak, Choice under 1100 lb. 50-1.00 lower, Standard to low Choice steady to 1.00 lower; cows 1.00-1.50 higher; bullocks 50-1.00 higher; bulls 1.003.00 higher. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 1050 1210 lb. 49.5051.00; Choice 11001325 lb. 48.0050.00, one lot 1220 lb. 51.10, Choice 925- 1100 lb. 46.85-49.75; high Good and low Choice 44.00 48.25; Good 40.25-44.75; Standard 35.35-39.00; couple lots Utility and Standard 960 1050 lb. 31.1032.10. COWS: Utility and high dressing Cutter 24.75-26.50, few 27.00-27.60; Cutter 22.35- 25.25. BULLOCKS: Choice 950- 13501 b. 34.25-39.50, few 40,35- 40.75; Good 1000-1200 lb. HAY MARKETS Regional Hay Prices For Southeastern & So. Centeral Pennsylvania (All hay No 2 and better, prices paid by dealers at the farm, price per ton.) Hay & Straw steady, but slower. Alfalfa - 70.00-90.00; Mixed hay -50.00-70.00, few to 85.00; Timothy hay - 45.00-65.00; Straw - 30.00-35.00; Mulch - 20.00-35.00. Green Dragon Green Dragon Ephrata, Pa. May 9,1975 Prices Per Ton; 51 loads hay & 20 loads straw. Alfalfa, few loads - 72.00- 89.00, one load 105.00; Timothy - 45.00-65.00; Mixed hay - 50.00-93.00; Clover, few loads - 61.00-83.00; Straw - 39.00- Com, 4 loads 63.00- CHAMBERSBURG LIVESTOCK SALES Chambersburg, PA Located 3 blocks off Interstate SI MARKET EVERY THURS. 1 P.M. Phone 717-263-925) 28.5032.00, few 900975 lb. 25.25-28.75. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1100-2000 lb. 30.75-33.10, individual 2005 lb. 34.75, three head 14301585 lb. 37.00 39.25; yield grade 2 9501350 lb. 25.7029.50, couple 1730 1940 lb. 28.5028.75. VEAL CALVES: Vealers mostly steady; bulk of supply 160240 lb. slaughter calves selling 3.005.00 lower. VEALERS: Choice 58.00 65.00; Good to low Choice 45.0055.00; Good 40.0046.00; Standard and Good 36.00 42.00; Standard 90105 lb. 30.0036.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES: Choice 160240 lb. 35.0042.00; Good 29.0035.00. SHEEP: Slaughter lambs about steady. SPRING LAMBS: Choice 7090 lb. 52.0057.50. few 5065 lb. 59.0062.00. WOOLED LAMBS: Choice 60-90 lb. 44.00-50.00, one lot Good 75 lb. 35.00. TRY A CLASSIFIED New Holland May 12,1975 Prices Per Ton: 51 loads hay & 18 loads straw. Alfalfa - 70.00-92.00, one at 110.00; Timothy - 60.00-93.00; Mixed hay - 65.00-97.00, one at 113.00; Straw - 40.00-52.00; □over, one load at 88; Com - 4 loads 73.00-80.00; Com Fodder, one load at 38.00; Oats, - 1 bushel at $1.75 per bushel. Paul Z. Marlin* PaulZ. Martin Wednesday, May 14 72 loads of hay. Alfalfa 70- 92 with one load to 126; timothy 50-81; mixed hay 40- 126; one load of Reed canary grass at 69; load of Broome grass at 61; orchard grass one load at 60 and one load of clover at 56. Straw 45-52 and com two loads at 74 and 75. Two loads of M« hay and Vt straw at 50 and 64. LEBANON VALLEY LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. 1 mile East of Fredericksburg along Route 222 PHONE JONESTOWN 865-2881 Sale every Tuesday at 1:30 P M starting with feeder cattle and pigs Vintage Auction Tuesday, May 13 Cattle Calves Sheep Today 1104 447 93 Last Tuesday 1175 496 56 Last Year 993 367 142 CATTLE: Compared to last Tuesday slaughter steers steady; cows 3.004.00 higher; bullocks 1.50-2.50 higher; bulls 2.00-3.00 higher. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 1050 1250 lb. 50.5051.50, few 51.50 52.00; Choice 1025-1325 lb. 48.0050.00, few 50.0051.00; Choice 9001025 lb. 46.50 49.50; high Good and low Choice 44.5048.00; Good 39.5045.50; Standard 35.75- 40.00, few Utility 9501100 lb. 26.0033.50. COWS: Utility and high dressing Cutter 26.5028.00, few 28.0028.75; Cutter 23.00 27.00; Canner and low Cutter 21.5024.25. BULLOCKS: Choice 1000- 1350 lb. 34.00-36.75, few 37.00- 39.50; Good 29.00-32.50. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1200-1725 lb. 30.50-33.50, few 34.60-36.25; yield grade 2 1000-1400 lb. 26.25-30.75, few 900-975 lb. 22.00-24.50. VEAL CALVES: Vealers mostly steady, instances 2.00 lower on Standard under 90 lb. VEALERS: Choice 62.00- 65.00; Good to low Choice 48.0055.00; Good 40.00-48.00; Standard and Good 35.00- 42.00; Standard 90-120 lb. 32.0055.00, 65-85 lb. 25.00- 30.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Bulk 100-125 lb. Holstein bulls 47.00-50.00, one 25 head lot 100-105 lb. 54.00. SHEEP: Spring lambs 3.00-5.00 higher; slaughter ewes 2.00-3.00 higher. SPRING LAMBS: Choice 40-80 lb. 55.00-62.00, few 65.00- 69.00; Good 39.0049.00. SLAUGHTER EWES: Utility and Good 16.00-20.00. Lebanon Valley Livestock No market report available at press time. VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. PARADISE, PENNA. BULLS, STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 12 NOON HOG SALES Every Saturday At 9:00 A.M. Every Wednesday At 9:00 A.M. FOR MARKETING INFORMATION PHONE AREA CODE 717-442-4181 For 24 Hour Market Reporting Service, Call 717-768 3117 Box 100 Paradise Pa 10 miles East of Lancaster on Rf 30 Lancaster Auction Wednesday, May 14 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 1151 143 1024 IS Last Wednesday 990, 114 594 24 Last Year 716 62 445 39 Wednesday’s Auction 1054 143 1058 15 Last Wed.’s Auction 719 137 566 27 CATTLE: Compared to Monday slaughter steers SO 1.00 lower, instances 1.50 lower on Choice under 1000 lb.; cows 1.002.00 higher; bullocks fully steady, in stances 1.00 higher on Choice; bulls steady, in stanced 1.00 higher on yield grade 2: SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 1100- 1330 lb. 48.75-50.25; Choice 10501350 lb. 47.35-49.60, Choice 9001050 lb. 45.25- 48.85; high Good and low Choice 43.00-47.75; Good 39.75-45.75; Standard 36.00 39.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 800-1000 lb. 40.00- 43.75; Good 35.25-39.25. COWS: Utility and high dressing Cutter 26.50-28.35; Cutter 24.75-26.50. BULLOCKS: Choice 1000- 1300 lb. 34.0038.50, few 38.50- 40.00, couple 41.85-42.85; Good 28.50-32.50. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1200-1800 lb. 30.35-35.10; yield grade 2 1000-1400 lb. 27.00- 30.00. VEAL CALVES: Vealers steady to 2.00 lower. VEALERS: Choice 58.00- 66.00; Good to low Choice 45.0035.00; Good 38.0045.00; Standard 90-105 lb. 30.00- 35.00, few 7035 lb. 26.0030.00. SHEEP; One lot Choice 66 lb. spring lambs 60.00. JMew Holland Horse Auction Monday, May 12 Reported receipts of 407 horses, mules and ponies. Market stronger than last week. Load of New York riding horses 190-460; load of Tennessee riding horses 330- 450 and load of Tennessee riding horses 170-520. Local work horses 420-510; mules 270-650; better horses 275-760; driving horses 175- 420; riding horses 160-250; lightweight killers 19-21; heavyweight killers 24-26; mares 15-25; geldings 15-45; colts 5-20 and larger ponies 55-140. i ~ New Holland Auction ffiursday,MayS Cattle Calves Sheep Today 1803 433 13 Last Thursday 1228 323 33 Last Year 1109 297 30 CATTLE: Compared to last Thursday slaughter steers 50-1.00 lower, with some sales 2.00 lower; cows steady to 1.00 higher, full advance on Cutter; bullocks fully steady; bulls 1.00-2.00 higher. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 1050- 1350 lb. 49.00-50.00, couple 52.00; Choice 1025-1325 lb. 46.35-49.60, few early 45.50- 46.25; Choice 925-1025 lb. 44.5047.50; high Good and low Choice 42.50-46.50; Good 39.0043.00; Standard 32.00- 37.50; .Utility and low Standard 26.00-31.50. COWS: Utility and high dressing Cutter 26.50-28.50, few 28.60-29.00; Cutter 24.75- 27.00; Canner and low Cutter 21.00-24.50. BULLOCKS: Choice 1000- 13001 b. 33.2538.75, few 40.00- 41.25; Good 28.0032.50. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1100-1700 lb. 30.2532.50, several 33.00-34.85; yield grade 2 1000-1400 lb. 28.00- 30.50, 900-1000 lb. 27.00-29.00, few 800-900 lb. 23.50-25.00. VEAL CALVES: Vealers 1.00- lower, instances 8.00 lower on Standard. VEALERS: Few Choice 56.00- couple Prime 66.00- Good to low Choice 42.00-52.00; Good 35.00- Standard and Good 29.0036.00; Standard 90-105 lb. 24.0031.00,6535 lb. 20.00- SHEEP: Insufficient volume to fully test trend, (hie lot Choice 55 lb. spring lambs 64.00; few Utility slaughter ewes 12.00-15.00. COMPLETE LIVESTOCK BUYING SERVICE Specializing in order buying of Stockers & Feeders FRANK OUSSINGER LIVESTOCK ORDER BUYER PHONE: 17171397-7539 MARTM LIVESTOCK Washington Boro, PA 17582 Office Phone [7l7] 872-5491 John Bowman Phone: 1717] 653-5728 NEW HOLLAND The Action Auction AUCTIONS make the difference in marketing livestock! NEW HOLLAND makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY'S ACTION ■ 9 00 A M - Fat Hogs 10 00 A M - Horse Sale 11 00 A M - Hay, Straw & Ear Corn 2 30 P M - Fat Steers, Bulls. Cows & Veal WEDNESDAY’S ACTION; 12 00 Noon - Hay, Straw & Ear Corn 12 30 P M • Dairy Sale THURSDAY’S ACTION: 12 00 Noon - Beef Sale Order of Sale Bulls, Fat Steers, Cows & Veal MEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES INC. New Holland, PA Abram W. Diffenbach, Manager Phone; 717-354-4341 % ews Composite Report. Friday, May If Cattle Calves This Week 7100 1250 Last Week 9685 1102 Last Year 4693 814 CATTLE: Slaughter steers 50-1.00 lower, extremes mainly on Choice under 1025 lb. 2.00 lower; cows strong to 1.00 higher with most ad vance on Cutter; bullocks 50- LOO higher; bulb 1.066.00 higher. Supply included an estimated 35 per cent slaughter steers, 10 per cent cows, 10 per cent bulb with the balance mainly feeder steers. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 1050- 1250 lb. 48.75-50.50, few mainly early part of week 51.00-52.00; Choice 925-1100 lb. 46.25-49.60, few sales 49.75-51.00, Choice 900-1025 lb. 44.50-48.00; high Good and low Choice 42.5047.00; Good 39.0045.50; Standard 32.00- 39.00; Utility and low Standard 26.00-32.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 800-1000 lb. 40.00- 43.75; Good 35.25-39.25. COWS: Utility and high dressing Cutter 26.50-28.50, few 28.50-29.00; Cutter 24.00- 27.00; Canner and low Cutter 21.00-24.50. BULLOCKS: Choice 950- 1300 lb. 33.50-38.75, few 39.00- 40.00 with a couple 40.50- 42.85; Good 27.00-32.50, few 900-975 lb. 25.25-27.50. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1100-1800 lb. 30.25-33.50, several 33.50-36.50, three bead 1430-1565 lb. 37.00-39.25; yield grade 2 1000-1350 lb. 28.00-31.00,900-1000 lb. 25.75- 29.00, few 800-900 lb. 22.00- 25.00. VEAL CALVES: Vealers weak to 1.00 lower, some closing sales on Standard as much as 8.00 lower. VEALERS: Choice 58.00- 66.00; couple Prime 66.00- 72.00; Good to low Choice 42.00- Good 35.00-42.00; Standard to low Good 30.00- 36.00; Standard 90-105 lb. 24.00- sales early part of week mainly 30.35, Standard 6085 lb. 20.00-28.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Bulk 90-125 lb. Holstein bulls 32.00- 70 head graded 100-125 lb. 47.00-50.00, one 25 head lot at 54.00.
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