—Lancaster Firming. Saturday. May 10, 1975 4 VtVAWVd# Poultry Market Reports WEEKLY NEW YORK EGG MARKET Monday, May S to Friday, May 9 Mon. Tues. Wed. Thura. WHITE Ez. Large 56 56 56 56 56 Urge 54 54 54 54 54 Mediums 47 46 46 46 46 Pullets 44 42 42 40 40 Peewees 31 31 31 28 28 BROWN Urge 58 57 57 56 55 Mediums Unquoted Pullets Unquoted Peewees Unquoted Off Grade Large 50 50 50 50 50 Checks 34V* 34V* 34V* 34V* 34V* Tone Large About Steady, Mediums Barely Steady, Small Weak. Copyright 1975 Urner Barry Publications NEW ENGLAND WEEKLY SHELL EGG REPORT Tuesday, May 6,1975 Prices paid per dozen Grade “A” brown eggs in cartons delivered to retail stores: EX LARGE LARGE MEDIUM SMALL 59-69 57-68 52-02 39-49 MASS+ Mostly 59-61 NEWHAMP 56-63 5900 6203 60-72 Mostly R.I. VERMONT 6209 6004 Mostly MAINE -(-Includes Central and Western Sections Only. New York Dressed Meats May 8,1975 Daily distributive - less than carlot meat trade. Compared with Wed nesday: All fresh meat classes moving out at steady prices except pork loins which are fully $3.00 or more above mid-session. Moderate to small supplies will apparently be well cleared by close of business Friday. HAYLAGE TOO HARD FOR YOUR SILO UNLOADER? CALL YOUR PATZ DEALER LISTED ON PAGE 9. |ane£Ste farmin .. P.O. Box 266 - Lititz, PA 17543 Office: 22 E. Main St., Lititz, PA 17543 Record-Express Office Building g; Phone: Lancaster7l7-394-3047 or Lititz 717-626-2191 Richard E. Wanner, Editor Melissa Piper, Associate Editor Subscription Price $3 per year Established November 4,1955 g | Published every Saturday by Lancaster Farming $ Lititz, PA Second Class Postage paid at Lititz, PA 17543 Members of Newspaper Farm Editors Assn Pa Newspaper;-: Publishers Association and National Newspaper Association j-J 53-55 50-57 5800 5502 52-53 56-57 54-64 57-58 6102 5909 5603 54-58 6108 5903 Steer Beef Prime 600-900 lbs. 80.50- 81.50; Choice 600-700 80.00- 81.50; 70000080.0001.00; 800- 900 79.5000.50; Good 500000 69.00-76.00. Helferßeef Choice 500-700 lbs. 78.50- 80.00. Calf (Skin Off) Choice 150-350 lbs. 62.00- 66.00; Good 150-350 56.00- 62.00; Standard 150-350 51.00- 57.00. Veal (Skin Off) Choice 90-150 lbs. 86.00- 92.00; Good 60-90 76.00-85.00; Standard 60-120 70.00-76.00. Lamb Choice & Prime Spring 30- Delmaiva Brollcr-Frycr Market Wednesday, May 7 Ready to cook movement continues very good for immediate needs. Slaughter schedules remain fairly heavy. Today’s less than trucklot asking 1 prices ranged unchanged to 1 cent higher on both Plant and US Grade A. Advance interest Good with limited early trading noted at 42-43 cents on Plant Grade. Live sup plies fully adequate at weights mostly in a desirable range. Undertone firm. Negotiated trucklot prices 2-3 lb. ready to book broiler fryers for delivery next week: US Grade A none, Plant Grade 42-43. Fri. Current broiler-fryer negotiated prices for im mediate delivery mostly multiple-drop shipments to New York City from Delmarva. Range: US Grade A 42%- 44; Plant Grade 42-43%; Premium US Grade A 45-47; Premium Plant Grade 44-45. Wtd. Avg.; US Grade A 42.88; Plant Grade 42.36; Premium US Grade A 46.58; Premium Plant Grade 44.92. 40-42 37-44 39-40 43-44 55 100.00-102.00; 55-65 99.00- 102.00. Choice Beef Cuts 41-45 Hinds (Steer) 145-190 lbs. 95.00-97.00; Arm Chucks 90- 105 63.00-68.00; Ribs (7-rib) 34-40 110.00-115.00; Loins (Trmd) 50-70 135.00-140.00; Rounds (Steer) 70-95 92.00- 94.00; Full Plates 49.00-50.00; Hinds (Heifer) 120-170 95.00- 97.00. Pork Cuts (Fresh) Loins (Regular) 8-14 91.G0-94.00; 94.00; 14-17 90.00-93.00; Picnics (Regular) 4-8 48.00- 49.00; Boston Butts 4-8 69.00- 71.00; Spareribs 3 lbs. down 98.00- Hams fSkin ned) 14-17 75.00-76.00; 17-20 74.00- New Holland Horse Auction Monday, May 5 Reported receipts of 487 head of horses, mules and ponies. Market reported steady. Load of Tennessee riding horses 270-630; load of riding horses from Tennessee 260- 460. Local work horses 350-500 and pairs 725-1235; mules 180-480; better horses 250- 700; driving horses 175-520; riding horses 165-235; lightweight killers 19-21; heavyweight killers 24-26; mares 15-45; colts 10-25; gddings 15-35 and larger ponies 65-150. New Holland Dairy Wednesday, May 7 Reported receipts of 121 head of cows, 23 heifers and 6 bulls. Market reported stronger than last week. Load of Pa. cows fresh 500- 715; load of New York State cows springers 415-605; load of Franklin County cows fresh 455-695 and springers 360-560; load of Maine springers 300-620. Locally consigned cows 275-710; bred heifers 275-350; open heifers 75-225 and bulls 135-300. Herd dispersal of 21 head springers from 310-535 and small dispersal of cows 355- Fogelsville Sale of May# (Prices paid dock weights, cents per pound, except where noted.) Hens, heavy type 10-29, mostly 22-27; Pullets 34-41, mostly 47-51; Ducks 46-51; Brakes 37-46; Geese 41; Turkeys-hens 45; Rabbits 15- 60, mostly 5060; Guineas 1.65-1.68; Pigeons (per pr.) 1.72-3.00. Total coops sold 244. Poultry received Monday 7 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., Tuesday 7 a.m. to 12 Noon. Sale at 11:30 a.m. Directions - Take Rt. 222 thruway. Exit at Fogelsville exit. North to stoplight in Fogelsville, turn left, proceed one mile. Eastern PA &NJ Live Poultry Report Wednesday, May 7 Prices tended higher within unchanged ranges on Light Type Hens. Demand fairly good as one plant continues closed and other plants operating part time in most quarters due to light supplies. Offerings of heavy type hens barely adequate to adequate for a fair call. Prices paid at farm: Light Type Hens 3-5, mostly 5 in Pa.; mostly 4-4% in N.J. Heavy Type Hens TFEWR. m IL L: - Programmed feeding: a key to your profit picture* Your profit picture depends largely on how efficiently your birds convert feed to eggs Can you afford less than the best and most efficient feeding system available 7 Can you afford costly feed waste through spillage, over feeding and uneven feed distribution that you get with cart feeding 7 Can you afford losses inherent in feeders that encourage feed waste through accumulation of picked over, stale, less appetizing feed 7 Wouldn't you rather have a system that reduces labor to the push-button level and distributes feed evenly with out spilling an ounce 7 One that brings you the advantages of programmed feeding 7 A system that automatically dispenses fresh, unpicked-over feed to every cage at pre-set intervals allowing birds time to clean up feed between feeding cycles, thereby en hancing your chances for better feed conversion and more profits Well, Made to work, the Chore-Time Cage Feeding System Built to last. WE SEII, SERVICE and INSTALL Prices are from Egg Clearinghouse, Inc., (ECI) Durham, N.H. and reflect trading prices for gradeabte nest run eggs (GNR) on ECI, a nationwide trading center for producers, packers and marketers. GNR eggs are classified by weight In 30-dozen cases, and traded in lots of cither 300 or 750 cases. Prices are FOB buyers dock, and are computed Tuesday and Thursday of each week. This week’s prices for each classification were: Classification Extra Large Gass 1 - Large Gass 3 - Medium Class 4 - Small Breaking Stock Checks • mAVAVA'.W.W/AVA'AVAVAVANWiVAVAVAWiVMVAVAVAV.VM'A* Philadelphia Eggs Wednesday, May 7 Prices unchanged to lower on Mediums, balance un changed. Cartoning demand fair. Supplies fully adequate to ample. Undertone un settled. Prices to Retailers; Sales to volume buyers, consumer grades White eggs in car tons, delivered: Store Door - A Extra Large A Large A Medium 47^-50%. HIGH PRESSURE WASHING OF POULTRY HOUSES AND VEAL PENS BARRY L. HERR 1744 Pioneer Road Lancaster Pa Phone 717-464-2044 111 f f \ A. A. A ’ f f E. M. HERR EQUIPMENT, R.D.I, Willow Street NEST RUN EGGS New Weight Per Case 51 lbs. 48 lbs. 42 lbs. 39 lbs. 48 lbs. 48 lbs. can do all this and more It could very well be the key you need For more information oh how the Chore-Time Cage Feeding System can help increase your profit picture, con tact your local distributor or write; Chore-Time Equipment, Inc , Milford, Indiana 46542, Watkinsville, Georgia 30677, Maldegem, Belgium Tuesday Thursday 0 0 46 46 39 38 35 33 42 42 35 35 Baltimore Eggs Wednesday, May 7 Prices unchanged to 1 cent lower on Mediums. Demand fair. Supplies ample. Cartoned Eggs: Prices to retailers, State Graded (min one case sale) White. Grade A Large 61-67, mostly 61-63. Grade A Medium 53-60, mostly 53-56. INC. 717-464-3321
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