—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. May 3. 1975 8 .jg& the OLD MAY 5-11, 1975 Il*» fickle May. on Hummer'* brink. Dig dandelion greens now ... Mother'* Day I* May II (and it *nowed thi* day in I'.Mo) .. . New Moon May II ... Hud* unfolding now, and humming bird* await them . . . Average length of day* for the week, 14 hour*. 21 minute* . . . Thi* week in 1934, tho*e awful du*t *lorm« in Okla., Kan., Colo., and Texas . .. American Medical Association originated May o, 1847 ... Forest fire danger now ... Never slay your enemy until you come to him. Aik Ihe Old Farmer: I hear that you can tell that rain is coming by the way smoke comes out of a chimney. Is this true? R. A., Jamestown, N.Y. Rising smoke that goes straight up or almost straight up depending on wind conditions, foretells fair weather. Lowering pressure, preceding a rain, drives smoke downward. Hams Hints s Sa\e the empty scjueeie-t> pe mustard containers and All them with icing to decorate cakes and pastry They do a neat job. OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECASTS New England: Rain to start, then bright and sunny; cool with intermittent rain latter part. Greater New York-New Jersey: Light rain and cool at first, then clear and warm; end of week rainy and cool. Middle Atlantic Coastal: Week begins rainy, then sunny and cold; end of week warmer with light rain. Southeast Coastal-Piedmont: First part of week sunny with occasional showers; end of week warm with light rain. Florida: Generally clear and hot all week; very hot weekend. Upstate & Western New York-Toronfo & Montreal: Rain at first, then sunny and cold; hard rain and much colder latter part. Greater Ohio Valley: Ham to start, then cool and partly cloudy; moderately heavy rain at week’s end. Deep South: Most of week sunny in west; showers, sometimes heavy, in north and some showers in central. Chicago & Southern Great Lakes: Week begins rainy, then some clearing; more rain and cold latter part. Northern Great Plains-Great Lakes: Ram to start, then clear and cold; heavy rain or snow latter part. Central Great Plains: Early week cloudy and cool; heavy snow latter part except moderate rain in east. Texas-Oklahoma; Fairly heavy ram most of week m central and east; turning very cold by weekend. Rocky Mountain Region: Cold snap at first, then rain and snow m central and north; clearing by weekend. Southwest Desert: Clear to start, then some rain; end of week clear and cold. Pacific Northwest: Early week cold snap, may freeze; end of week warmer with rain by weekend. California: Week begins overcast, then partial clearing; cold snap latter part. (All Rik'hts Reserved. Yankee, Inc., Dublin, N.H. 03444) Oklahoma Qty May 1 Thursday Feeder Cattle Auction Estimated Receipts 7,5000 Same Day I Jisl Week 5,310 Trade active, Feeder Steers 1.00-2.00 higher with most advance noted on weights over 600 lb. Feeder Heifers steady to 1.00 higher. Bulk of Receipts 400-600 lb. Feeder Steers, 400-700 lb. Feeder Heifers. Moderate attendance buyers. FEEDERS STEERS: Choice 300-500 lb. 33.50-36.75. 500-600 lb. 32.50-35.90, 600-700 lb. 35.25-38.25, 700-600 lb. 34.00-37.50, lot 761 lb. 36.80, 800-950 lb. 36.60-38.75. Mixed Good and Choice 400-500 lb. 29.75-33.50, 500400 lb. 29.50- 32.50, few scattered lots 600- 900 lb. 29.2534.00. Few small lots Good 550-800 lb. Holsteins 24.50-26.40. FEEDER HEIFERS: Choice 350-500 lb. 25.75-29.00, 500-600 lb. 28.5031.75, 600-700 lb. 29.0031.75. Mixed Good and Choice 400-500 lb. 23.00- 26.50, 500-700 lb. 26.00-28.50. Good 300-525 lb. 21.00-23.00. Cattle for the week: Feeder Steers 1.00-2.50 higher, with most advance noted on Steers over 600 lb. Feeder Heifers steady to 1.00 higher. Slaughter Cows finished the week 50 cents to 1.50 higher, while Slaughter Bulls remained steady. Slaughter Steers and Heifers closed the week strong to 50 cents higher. Salable supply this week numbered near 15,000 head, compared to 13,700 last week, and 9,589 same period last year. Cows comprised near 12 percent, Feeder Cattle near 83 per cent of total. New Holland Dairy Wednesday, April 30 Reported receipts of 151 cows, 14 heifers and 8 bulls. Market reported lower. Load of New York State cows, fresh 430-565 and St. Louis Auction May I Weekly Cattle Review Receipts 8500 Last Week 8000 Year Ago 6000 Compared with last Tuesday, slaughter steers and heifers 1.00-1.50 higher, except standard and good Holsteins mostly steady. Cows steady to 1.00 higher.' Bulls steady. Supply near 37 percent slaughter steers good to mostly Choice 950- 1250 lbs. yield grade 2-4, however, choice steers over 1150 lbs. rather scarce. Slaughter heifers near 21 percent, cows IS percent and 25 percent feeders. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Few loads and part loads mostly Choice 1100-1200 lbs. yield grade 2-4 46.25-46.50. Choice 1000-1300 lbs. yield grade 2-4 44.0046.00. Mixed Good and Choice 41.5044.00, closing mostly 41.5043.50. Good 37.0042.00. Standard and Good Holsteins 1000-1500 lbs. 34.0038.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Couple part loads Choice including Prime 925-975 lbs. yield grade 34 44.0044.25. Choice 850-1100 lbs. yield grade 24 42.0043.50. Mixed Good and Choice 39.5042.00. Good 36.00-39.50. Few Standard and Good 600-900 lbs. 32.0036.00. COWS: Utility and Commercial 18.00-22.50, few 23.00-24.00. Cutter 15.00-18.00, canner 13.00-16.00, few thin canner 11.00-13.00. BULLS; Yield grade 1-2 1100-1600 lbs. 23.00-26.00, individual yield grade -1800 lbs. 27.50. Yield grade 1-2 900- 1100 lbs. thin 19.00-23.00. VEALERS: Choice 34.00- 39.00. springers 360-600; load of New York State springers, 260-530; load of Pa. cows fresh 450-1325 and springers 580-725; load of Franklin , County springers 480-820 and, load of Pa. cows fresh 400- 1 515. Locally consigned cows 355-595; springing heifers 300-425 and bulls 200-420. Herd dispersal of 31 head of Guernsey’s 185-420 and small herd dispersal of cows in all stages of production 330-825. eta ACAAII /quick to build ■/ CLEAR SPAN Designed by structural engineers High quality all-steel construction CHECK THE COST— on . „„ PLEASANT SURPRISE! 394-3753 BUCKWALTER CONSTRUCTION, INC. 235 N. Duke St. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD Now I lon’s NEW "HnyThin/ ICS T 5 Lancaster, PA ¥ /Sa Lnj\A
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