5-Lancastar Farming Saturday. May 3, 1975 Carlisle Livestock Carlisle.PA April 21, mi CATTLE 401. Supply In cluded 208 head feeder cattle. Compared with last Tuaaday'a market, slaughter ateera moatly steady. Slau|htcr cows steady, spots 75 cents lower. Two High NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES SAMolf MAY 24 oo a.m. Vi Purebred and Vi Grade Yearfings, Jreii Htffers and Springers We will have local and out of state buyers. All heifers tested for interstate shipment. Vaccinated heifers in good demand. If you want to consign heifers, contact: ABRAM DIFFENBACH. Mgr. 717-354-4341 or NORMAN KOLB 717-397-5538 or JOHN J. STOLTZFUS 215-286-9038 Remember when you sell your livestock direct. It can be one or the other ■k~ ■ SSTJ^sS National Bank Anywhere, U.S.A. is bonded for your protection, a good reason why you should do business on the market Your Commission Firm Walter M. Dunlap & Sons, Inc. Choice A Prime slaughter steers 47.75 and 48.00, few Choice 40.25-41.85, Good 32.60-37.75, Standard 25.00- 32.00, few Utility 23.00-25,25. Few Choice slaughter heifers 31.7548.00, few Good 27.25-32.00, one Standard at 28.25. Utility A High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 21.75-23.00, one at 23.35, Cutters 20.00-22.00, Canners 18.00-20.00, Shelia down to ANY PACKING COMPANY \* % * . Phone 397-5136 Johnson Cattle Co. Phone 394-3744 19.00. Few Standard ■laughter bullock* 24.26- 25.00, one Utility at 23.00. Few Yield Grade No. 11490- 1816 lbs. slaughter bulla 29.00-27.50, one yield grade No. 2 1785 Iba. at 23.25. Few Good & Choice 425-750 Iba. feeder ateers 27.50-30.50, Medium & Good 450-750 lbs. 21.25-26.50. CALVES 151. Vealers mld # « Mlon « small sup grading Utility Si Standard P Uea available for all fresh strong to |7 higher. One meat classes moving out at Prime vealer at 60.00, two or near top quotation carried Choice at 50.00, few Good report. Few com -44.0- Standard 37i0tH»‘J* nltm e nts from early 50.00, Utility 110-130 lbs. s** Bloo3 111 low end of price 30.00- 90-110 lbs. 28.00- ran 8 e for delivery into 32.00, 65-85 lbs. 23.50-29.00. Frid *y current week. Farm calves active, holatein. Steer Beef bulls 90-130 lbs. 30.00-44.00; ' priinc 600-90° lbs. 73.00- few beef cross bulls & heifers Choice 600-700 72.50- 70-110 lbs. 34.0047.00 74.00; 700-800 71.50-73.50; 800- 900 71.00-73.00; Good 500-800 69.00-71,00. HOGS 416. Barrows & Gilts steady toll higher. US No, 1- 2 200-235 lbs. barrows & gilts 43.35-44.00, No. 1-3 200-245 lbs. 43.00-43.60, No. 2-3 190- 250 lbs. 42.00-43.35, few No. 1- 3 145-180 lbs. 32.60-35.75. US No. 1-3 325-500 lbs. sows 33,0036.00, few No. 2-3 435- 535 lbs. 30.00-34.75. Few Boars 28.0032.50. Veal (Skin Off) Choice 90-150 lbs. 82.00- 87.00; Good 60-90 73.00-79.00; Standard 60-120 65.00-70.00. FEEDER PIGS 285. US Lamb No-lbs. feeder pigs Choice and Prime Spring 23.00-36.00 per head, lot No. 30-55 100.00-102.00; 55-65 1-3 80 lbs. 46.00 cwt., lot 99.00-102.00. Utility 20 lbs. 17.00 per head. Choice Beef Cuts Hinds (Steer) 145-190 lbs. SHEEP 19. Few Choice 50- 85.00-89.00; Ann Chucks 90- 65 lbs, spring slaughter 105 57.00-61.00; Ribs (7-rib) lambs 46.00-50.00. Two 34-40 99.00-104.00; Loins Slaughter ewes 11.00. (Trmd) 50-70 110.00-116.00; Anytown, U.S.A. This- UNCASTER LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE MEMBERS S. L Heilbron & Sons Phone 397-9713 Merton W. McCoy Phone 397-1411 it's your choice ANY PACKING CO. or ______ - __ __ LANCASTER LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE MEMBER (bonded for your protection) Lancaster, Pa. Bondodf up to Order of - ABC Bank ' New York Dressed Meats Mayl Daily distributive - less thin carlot meat trade. Compared with Wed nesday: Meat trade and price trend comparable with Heifer Beef Choice 500-700 lbs. 71.50- 73.50. Calf (Skin Off) Choice 150-350 lbs. 57.00- 62.00; Good 150-350 51.00- 56.00; Standard ISO3SO 48.00- 51.00. -This 'SS.'fjS’ J. M. Hoober, Inc. Phone 397-6191 Wm. W. McCoy Phone 393-3914 Chambersburg Chambersburg, Pa. April 24, 1975 CATTLE 445. Compared with last Thursday’s market, slaughter steers $1 to $3 higher. Slaughter cows 75 cents to |2 lower. One Prime slaughter steer 1300 lbs. at 47.00, Choice 950-1260 lbs. 41.85-44.00, one at 44.50, Good 36.35-41.25, Standard 29.25- 36.60, Utility 25.00-28.75. Few Choice 940-1000 lbs. slaughter heifers 38.75-12.25, Good 26.50-33.85, Standard 23.50-28.50. few Utility 21.50- 25.75. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 21.75-23.85, one at 24.50, Cutters 19.75-21.85, Canners 17.00-20.10, Shells down to 14.50. Few Good slaughter bullocks 26.75-29.85, one at 32.25, Standard 25.25-27.25, few Utility 19.00-22.00. Yield Grade No. 1 1270-1900 lbs slaughter bulls 25.75-28.75; few yield grade No. 2 830-1465 lbs. 20.85-24.85. Good 350-800 lbs. feeder steers 25.50-27.50, Rounds (Steer) 70-95 82.00- 86.00; Full Plates 44.00-45.00; .Hinds (Heifer) 120-170 85.00- 87.00. Pork Cute (Fresh) Loins (Regular) 8-14 81.50- 84.50; 14-17 79.50-82.50; Picnics (Regular) 4-8 46,00- 48.50; Boston Butts 4-8 63.50- 66.50; Spareribs 3 lbs. down 89.00-92.00; Hams (Skinned) 14-17 71.50-72.00; 17-20 69.50- 71.00. Kosher Steer Beef Choice and Prime Forequarters: $61.00-64.00. Louis Lyons & Son Phone 394-7915 Lancaster Stockyards Phone 717-394-2611 Medium 900-700 Ibc. 20,50- 24.50; few Good 500-680 Iba feeder heifers 20,50-25,50 Medium 400400 Iba, is.ool 20.00; Medium & Good 350- 700 Iba. feeder bulla 17.50- 24.00. CALVES 373. Vcalers grading Utility & Choice ateady to $3 higher; Stan dard & Good IS to 111 higher. Few Prime vealera 61.50- 75.00, Choice 51.5046.00. Good 46.0045.00, Standard 44.0041.50, few Utility 120- 140 lbs. 40.50-43.50,00-115 Iba. 29.00- 7045 lbs. 27.50- 30.00. Farm calves active. Holstein bulls 90-110 lbs. 32.00- holstein heifers 100-110 lbs. 40.0042.00. HOGS 99 Barrows & Gilts 25 cents to 75 cents higher. US No. 1-3 205-235 lbs. barrows & gilts 41.85-42.50, lot 43.00 No. 2-3 200-225 lbs. 41.60-42.10, few 270-300 lbs. 35.00-35.25, Lot No. 1-3 175 lbs. 36.75. Few US No. 1-3 300- 450 lbs. sows 30.00-30.50. Few Boars 23.00-27.75. FEEDER PIGS 38 Lot US No. 1-3 30 lbs. feeder pigs 13.50 per head, No. 1-3 4050 lbs, 24.00-33.00, lot No. 1-3 55 lbs. 40.50 per head. SHEEP 33. Choice 50-70 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 59.5003.50. Few Slaughter ewes 12.0015.00. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD!
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