DS ARE ON THE MOVE!!! Mr. Independent Commercial Eggman HIRE ARE ADVANTAGES OF FEEDING BEACON EGG FEEDS. 1 Beacon Milling Co, Inc. is a non integrated Northeastern • Regional Feed manufacturer we do not contract any poultry we do not compete with you in the egg markets, We try to assist you 1! 2. Beacon encourages cash payments on feed because we feel that lending institutions other than feed companies can meet your needs at a cheaper rate this in turn allows us to lower cost per ton of feed to you. 3. We operate with a minimum number of marketing per sonnel (this is why you do not see a Beacon Marketing Representative very often) thus reducing the cost to you, our customer. 4 All our personnel are marketing oriented; Mr. Jim Camp • bell, our Production Superintendent, does his very best to produce top egg feeds. 5 Beacon as a company is service minded (not labor minded) • meaning we give you outstanding technical service through Olm Rowoth, Vice President and Director of Research and Technical Services Along with this, our delivery service is the best. Beacon was the first feed company east of the Mississippi w to have their own computer department thus giving you “least cost” formulation. 7 01m Rowoth, Vice President and Director of Research and • Technical Services, is one of the country’s outstanding poultry nutritionist helping you with your individual problems • We value you, our customer, as our most important asset Why Not Call Collect Today and Ask For Your BEACON MARKETING SPECIALIST; RICHARD B. KENDIG CHESTER WEIST R. E. RUDISILL Phone 854-2281 Beacon Feeds, York, RA Rhone 717-843-9033 Phone 302 478-3058 BEACONFEEDS UPU Phone 741-2600 Octorara FFA Holds 18th Banquet The Octorara chapter of the Future Farmers of America held its 18th Annual Parent and Members Banquet at the Octorara High School, recently. Opening ceremonies were conducted by the Chapter officers. Toastmaster Dennis Yoder then in troduced the High School Principal, Robert I. Rentz, who spoke on behalf of the administration. John Whiteside gave the in vpocatlon. Terry Murray, State Secretary, brought greetings from the state association Awards were given by Mr. Stauffer and Mr. Monohan to the following students: Bruce Yoder, Dairy; Sharon Henley, showmanship; Bruce Wrigley, dairy calves; Sharon Henley, record keeping; sheep production, Bruce Wrigley; poultry, George Laffey; parliamentary procedure, Dennis Yoder; public speaking, Wayne Pierson; conservation speech John Whiteside; tractor driving, Jerry Smoker; Welding, Sue Mullin; Ag mechanics, Carl Shank; Ag processing, Joe Underwood; Ag. service, Ken Graham; placement in Ag, John Whiteside with Dave Rzucidlo receiving runner-up; home im provement, Carl Shank; Home garden, Barry Ray; the Dekalb award went to True 3-Point Suspension No Drive Drum to Manhandle No Weights Adjust '•v V,* Throws It Out! • Gives You Faster Feeding • Two Machines in One • Can't Tip, Can’t Tilt Really Stop in Today for Free Catalog. YOU CAN COUNT ON US AGRI-EQUIP. DEPENDABLE MOTOR CO. RD #2 Farmersville Ephrata PA East Mam Street Honey Brook PA 717-354-4271 215-273-3131 | SNAmy GRUMEUI FARM SERVICE 455 South Cedar Street Lititz PA Robert Fulton Highway Quarryville PA 717 626-8144 717 . 786 7318 ERB & HENRY EQUIP.. INC. IAND|S BROTHERS " ?? c 26 . He o nr L Avenue NeW Berlmvllle PA 1305 Manheim Pike P 0 Box 484 215 367 2169 Lancaster PA 717-393-3906 HENRY S. LAPP INTERNATIONAL STAR 717 442 8134 P SILO ASSOC., INC. /i/442 8144 RD4 Myerstown PA CARL L. SHIRK 717 866 5709 5 Colebrook Road Lebanon PA ROY 0. CHRISTMAN /i/2/4-i«b RDI (Shartlesville) Hamburg PA 19526 215-562-7218 dr 215 488-1904 ' - Lancaster Farming. Saturday, May 3.1975 Delink Yoder for being the outstanding graduating senior. Sharon Henley received the Star Chapter Farmer award and Star Chapter Greenhand award went to Elvin Mast. Outstanding students in each class were: Elvin Mast, class of 1978; Clifford Blank, class of 1977; Sharon Henley, class of 1976; Dennis Yoder, class of 1975. Sharon Henley was voted chapter sweetheart and received a chapter sweetheart jacket and one dozen pink roses. Certificates of MR. DAIRYMAN! Now's The Time To Instol Your New Around-the-Born BOU-MATIC PIPEIINI Either Gloss Or Stainless Steel Carousels And Milt Parlors Abo Avoßoble AuidlLlvilliL \ Call Now For A Free Estimate BOU-MATK • . . America's Fastest Growing Milker CARL L. SHIRK RDS, LEBANON, PA. COLEBROOK ROAD PHONE 274-1436 ■»».««» M predation were given to Richard Gilpin, Joseph Pierson, John Stoltzfus and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mct zlcr. A special award of ap preciation went to Ivan Stauffer for 20 years of service to the Octorara School District. Entertainment for the evening was provided by Gerald Metzler who gave a slide presentation on his trip to Switzerland. ap- __ ■t" S. 4/ TRY A CLASSIFIED 53
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