□0 x—l—M Thera's nothing old-fashioned about Bta stanchion barn pipeline milldng. Modern Sta-Rite dairy equipment makes every milking system better, more efficient, easier on you and your cows. And you can add any of these up-to-date products to your stanchion barn or milking parlor. m >'* The Sta Rite Full View Milker permits a con slant visual check of rrnlk flow Cuts milking lime reduces over milking See these men for expert help in designing a milking system to fit your operation. j r >■ r - a l \ jafcr-i. I "'" i !s"'•apt WILMER MARTIN Home Phone (215) 445-5652 See these men for Expert Service and Installation. Phone (717) 397-4761 -24 hours a day. V. r- ’ V « -• (agway) UNCASTER PA MIKE DREIBELBIS ★ USED 400 GALLON SUNSET BULK TANK WITH COMPRESSOR Sta Rite s 900 Scries Milk house Pane! is factory as semtled and tested Swi’ches nstantty from milk to wash for thorough ptpe line cleaning Automatic seif dram - ajj ★ USED SURGE PAIL MILKERS 1027 DILLERVILLE ROAD. Open Friday Evenings til 8 p.m. x. The new Sta Rite Vac Sav Milk Valve reduces vacuum loss to a mini mum Also gives pro tection against con lamination a J? - ' }% (ftßWftY) UMCASTEI SUPPLY CENTER PHONE 717-397-4761 STORE HOURS Sat. 8 a.m. to Noon y ■ Make ptpelme washing completely lulomalif and Grade A clean with a Sta Rile Full Convenience Pipe hne Washer A 24 hour timer lets you pre program al> necessary wash nnse and sanitize cycles with fail safe protection A Sta Rite Full Vac vacuum pump insures positive vacuum for your milking system MELVINSTOLTZFUS Home Phone (717) 392-0066 ROY FASNACHT LANCASTER, PA Mon. thru Thurs. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m, Lancaster Farming, Saturday. May 3,1975 Number two among Pennsylvania corn growers who entered P-A-G Seeds' Bountiful Harvest contest is Charles Miller, left, of Lititz, who averaged 178.81 bushels per acre using the company's SX 397 hybrid. P-A-G’s Tony Biesiot, district manager from Bowling Green, Ohio, presented Miller a trophy for his second place yield. United Cerebral Palsy Walkathon Two special starting times for the 2nd annual United Cerebral Palsy Walkathon on Sunday, May 18 are being planned. The regular beginning of the walk is 9:00 a.m. from the Manor Shopping Center. A second featured walk will leave at 1:00 p.m. This time is planned for those who have morning committments. Church groups observing Pentecost Sunday are particularly urged to par ticipate in the 1:00 p.m. walk. The 15-mile route from the Manor Shopping Center will take the group through the Lancaster County Park, along the Conestoga River, including sections north and Arcadian Liquid. Now’s the time to give corn a good start. Plant and feed more acres per day with liquid starter. Seed lings develop faster, roots grow bigger, maturity comes earlier when you plant and feed an Arcadian SLF premium liquid starter. It provides the nourish ment germinating seeds need for a vigorous start in the critical early stage of growth High anal ysis phosphate from Poly-N®, Golden Ujian* liquid nitrogen, potash, secondary elements, mi cronutrients, even pesticides, JOHN L MARTIN New Holland R#l Scheduled south of East King .Street, into McCaskey High School grounds, on to Buchanan Park, and returning to Manor Shopping Center. Liquid refreshments will be served at the County Park and McCaskey High School. Water is available on the route.' For additional information on the Walkathon or how to sponsor a walker, contact the UCP office 397-1841 or 397-5600. Information is available at each school throughout the county. Read Lancaster Farming For Full Market Reports can be prescription-mixed to suit your soils and crops And SLF liquid saves time and labor The Gumz Farms in Indiana, plants 1300 acres of com 50% fastei since switching from dry to an SLF liquid starter. If you want to get your com oil to a running start, then count on us and SLF premium grade liquid starter ARCADIAN See me now. Phone 717-354-514* 51 Wl (Jiemictl
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