IS— Lancaster Farming, Saturday. May 3. 1975 Mrs. Richard Cline, president of the Dauphin :ounty Farm Women Societies and toastmistress for he State Spring Rally discusses one of the many irrangements prepared for the event with John rieszaros, Director of the Hershey Rose Garden and krboretum who offered welcoming remarks to the r arm Women. Farm Women Hold Annual State Rally by: Melissa Piper Farm Women numbering close to 1300 and representing every County in Pennsylvania gathered in Hershey on Wednesday afternoon (April 23) for the LANCASTER SILO CO., INC. 2008 Horseshoe Road - 2436 Creek Hill Road LANCASTER, PA 17601 “We Manufacture and Erect our Silos' VIBRATED “LOCK-RIB” WET-CAST CONCRETE STAVE SILOS * . COMPLETE DAIRY & BEEF FEEDING SYSTEMS Starline Equipment Silo Unloaders Shuttle Feeders Cham Conveyors Roller Mills Taper Board Feeders & Conveyors - Lancaster Level Flo Fill Pipe and Silage Distributors - High Capacity 56 Silo Blowers - Hay Racks - Gates - Free Stalls ■ PLANS ESTIMATES QUOTATIONS SALES SERVICE INSTALLATION (Phone 392-9062) Tenth Annual Society of Farm Women Spring Rally. The Farm Women Societies of Dauphin County served as hostesses for the event which followed the theme “How Does Your * s i 1 f Barn Equipment Cattle Waterers Water Bowls Barn Windows Barn Fans Garden Grow''" A greeting ttUB brought by Mr.s. Richard B. Cline, president of the Dauphin County Societies and loastmlstrcss for the event. The welcoming speech was Niven by John P. Meszaros, director of the Herahey Rose Gardens and Arboretum. Meszaros spoke to the women about the facility and gave a brief history of the Hershey Estates -and Mini - Gardens If you’re among those still looking for a place to grow some fresh vegetables, but ; think you have no space, consider container gar dening. This idea has again been proposed by Dr. Charles A. McClurg, Ex tension vegetable specialist at the University of Maryland in College Park. Container gardens can be placed on balconies or concrete decks. These types of gardens are portable, and they should be moved oc casionally to take full ad vantage of the sunlight. Almost any type of con tainer may be used in this type of gardening. Dr. McClurg suggests the use of large clay pots, wooden baskets, planters or homemade boxes con structed from boards. The containers should be filled with a bottom layer of coarse gravel, with holes provided for drainage if the container is watertight. Otherwise, containers can be filled completely with prepared soil mixes for best results, according to Dr. McClurg. Soil mixes can usually be purchased at local gardening centers. Tomatoes, cabbage, radishes, lettuce, onions, snap beans, and peas can be grown in containers. Tomatoes are probably the most popular vegetable grown m containers. Dr. McClurg recommends dwarf tomato varieties for most container gardeners. In planting vegetables m containers, the plants should be spaced as far apart as those'“grown in outdoor gardens. Like their larger outdoor counterparts, container gardens require care. Plants should be watered regularly. When watering, add enough so that a little runs out the bottom of the container each time.' As a general rule, each plant needs one to two teaspoons of 5-10-10 fertilizer added to the soil mixture. This should be mixed into the upper soil surface. LMK. ISTER FA ER! ]E Sealcrete can paint your Hydraulic Aerial Equipment farm buildings quickly /^* a ll for JZree and inexpensively •• 'estimate (MAIN OFFICE) (WESTERN OFFICE) RD 2, Ephrata Pa. 717-859-1127 Box 365, Maiiinsburg, Pa. 814-793-3716 Amusement areas. A period of devotions that Included sacred song 861001100.1 and poems were given by Mrs. Waller Sell moltz, Mrs. Dclmnr Warfield and Gary Kcpner. Groups singing was led by Mrs. Ralph Alicman with Mrs. John McCorkcl as pianist. Following a noon luncheon in the Chocolate Room of the Hershey Convention Center, Gardeners should also be alert for possible insect and disease damage as well, says Dr. McClurg. If you’re interested in container gardening. Dr. McClurg urges you to pur chase supplies now, while they are still available. A folder listing *1975 recommended vegetable varieties is available free of charge from most county Cooperative Extension Service offices. Bookstores and garden centers also have books available on various aspects of gardening. WM. PENN PAVING COMPANY A Protecting Surface Treatment That Prevents GAS - OIL - SALT - WEATHER & OXIDATION DAMAGE. At the Same Time It BEAUTIFIES YOUR PAVEMENT. DRIVEWAY PARKING LOT WM. PENN PAVING COMPANY, INC. 441 BIRCH STREET KENNETT SQUARE, PA 19348 NAME STREET CITY TELEPHONE BEST TIME TO CALL Uiv Group was entertained by the Bell Ringers of the Milton Hershey School directed by Harold Reichard; a ladies trio, and the Penn Pipers, a Quartet from the Harrisburg Chapter of the Sweet Adelines. Door prizes which were donated by several farm and agribusiness firms throughout the state wore awarded at the end of the event. KENNETT SQUARE, PA 215-444-0630 DISTRIBUTORS and APPLICATORS for SEAL-MASTER WM. PENN PAVING COMPANY s4^ You SDOLLARSS on Maintenance Cost For Your Driveway or Parking Lots. MAIL OR CALL 215-444-0630 FOR FREE ESTIMATE. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD NELSON WEAVER & SON RD2 Lititz. Pa. 49% SOYBEAN MEAL BULK or BAGGED For the Lowest Prices m the Area Call Today PHONE 626-8538 AM, • iS fUtittd COOKING The No-Work (Almost) Orange If you um your hood, you enn cron to a delightful dessert thnl can ho made ahead, is chock full of »itamin C and is easy n* ABC to create, as imp this elegant orange arrange menl. BOTH PM
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