HOG PRICES Lancaster Market April 28,1975 HOGS: Barrows and gilta steady, instances 50 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 210-240 lb. 43.85-44.10; 15 head US 1215-235 lb. 44.50- 45.00; US 2-3 200-255 lb. 43.50- 43.85. Lancaster Auction April 30,1975 HOGS: Barrows and gilts mostly steady. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-3 200-240 lb. 43.50-44.10; Couple lots US 1-2 44.25- 44.50; US 2-3 235-270 lb. 42.75- 43.50. Leb. Valley Auction April 29,1975 HOGS 438. Barrows & Gilts steady to 25 cents higher. US No. 1-3 193-245 lbs. barrows i gilts 43.35-44.35, No. 2-3 190- 250 lbs. 42.00-43.60, No. 1-3 125-170 lbs. 35.00-39.85. Few US No. 1-3 350-600 lbs. sows 33.00-35.00, Utility 280-450 lbs. 20.75-29.50. FEEDER PIGS 22. Few US No. 1-3 40-45 lbs. feeder We would be happy to have you as a Customer.. . $. K. SHQTZBEBCER. INC. JJVESTOCI<TRANSPORTATION Gene Zwally, President Marvin Johns, Secy.-Treasurer P.O. Box 925, Lancaster, Pa. 17604 Phone: 393-4641 (day or night) M. HOOBER INC.j Serving YOU The America) Fanner COMPLETE SERVICE with feeder pigs and fat hogs. COMPLETE SERVICE with feeder cattle and fat cattle. Your complete satisfaction is our reason for 80 years of continued service - Order Buying our Specialty. Lancaster, PA Call us soon! Ph. (717) 397-6191, 569-2084, 626-5659 i rnimrinnr mittut LET lIS HANDLE 4P*V TOUR FEEDER PIGS NEXT FEEDER PIG SALE HIES., MAY 13 Feeder pigs consigned to Walter M. Dunlap and Sons must arrive at the stockyards between 7 A.M. and 11 A.M. the day of the sale. Upon arrival they will be inspected by a veterinarian, tagged, and state graded. The two sales scheduled for May will be held on the following Tuesdays: May 13 and 27ch, starting at 1 P.M. Consignors wishing to tag their pigs on the farm can get the tags at the state office at the stockyards, not later than 4 P.M. any day preceding the sale, thereby saving 25 cents per pig. Consign all your feeder pigs to Walter M. Dunlap & Sons where they will be handled by a capable and experienced staff, and for furhter information call 717- 397-5136. WALTER M. DUNLAP & SONS Capable Service To The Livestock Industry Since 1898 pigs 26.00-28.00 per head, few No. 1-3 5545 lbs. 30.00-43.50 per head. New Holland Auction April 28,1975 HOGS 1600: Compared with last Monday’s market. Barrows & Gilts SO cents to $1 higher. US No. 1-2 200-240 lbs. 43.7545.00, No. 1-3 200- 250 lbs. 42.7543.75, No. 2-3 190-270 lbs. 40.5042.75, No. 1- 3 160-190 lbs. 40.0042.75. US No. 1-3 300-575 lbs. sows 32.00-38.00. Boars: 31.50- 40.50. St. Louis Auction May 1,1975 HOGS: 5000. Barrows and gilts fairly active, 50 to mostly 1.00 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-3 200-240 lb. 43.50-44.00; 240-250 lb. 43.00-43.50. IndianapoKs Auction May 1,1975 HOGS: 2000. Barrows and gilts fairly active, 50 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS; Few US 1-2 210-240 lb. 44.00- 44.25; US 1-3 200-250 lb. 43.50- 44,00. Than day, May 1 These prices are made up of the average prices quoted by a number of participating local feed and grain con cerns. It should be noted, however, that not every dealer or broker handles each commodity. All prices are per bushel except ear corn which is per ton. The average local grain prices quoted Thursday, April 24, 1975 are as follows; Bid+Offered* UShlma - Ear Com 64.75 71.71 Vintage ' : ShellfedCom 2.90 3.09 Auction ~ °£«i Apri126,1975 , " Wertem HOGS 700: Compared with Barley last Saturday’s market. Wheat Barrows & Gilts mostly 25c Millers 2.99 to 50c higher. US No. 1-2 200- +Bid is the price the 225 lbs. 43.85-44.60, No. 1-3 dealer will buy from the 200-250 lbs. 43.00-43.85, No. 2- farmer delivered to the mill. 3 190-250 lbs. 42.50-43.25, No. Offered is the price the 1-3125-175 lbs. 32.75-36.50. US dealer will sell for at his mill. No. 1-3 310-460 lbs. sows 33.00-37.25. Few Boars 28.75- 31.50. Peoria Auction Mayl, 1975 HOGS: 3000. Barrows and gilts active, opening 50-1.00 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 200-240 lb. 44.00-44.25, .about 110 head 44.50; US 1-3 200-250 lb. 43.50-44.00. April 30,1975 HOGS 600: Compared with last Wednesday's market. Barrows & Gilts mostly 50c to 75c higher. US No. 1-2 200- 240 lbs. 44.00-44.85, few 45.00, No. 1-3 200-250 lbs. 43.25- 44.00, No. 1-3 140-170 lbs. 34.00- US No. 1-3 300-575 lbs. sows 35.00-37.00. Boars 30.00- light weights 34.00- Lancaster Feeder Tuesday, April 29 Feeder Pigs 1931 Today Two Weeks Ago FEEDER PIGS; Com pared to two weeks ago feeder pigs steady to weak, instances 4.00 lower. All prices on a per hundred basis. US 2-3 26-39 lb. 97.00-108.50; US 1-3 40-50 lb. 94.00-103.00; 50-60 lb. 85.00-96.00; 62-60 lb. 67.00- US 3 32-39 lb. 86.00- Couple lots 40-44 lb. 80.00-65.00; 50-60 lb. 65.00- 84.00. Friday, April 25 Feeder Cattle Today 1347 Last Week 1305 FEEDER CATTLE: Choice 750-900 lb. 2.00-3.00 higher, Choice 550-700 lb. 1.00-2.00 higher; Good 350-650 lb. 50-1.00 higher. Supply included 736 in graded sale. FEEDER STEERS: Choice 700-865 lb. 36.00-39.00, 60 head Choice 840-905 lb. 39.75-41.60, Choice 535-700 lb. 33.00-35.75; mixed Good and Choice 435-675 lb. 30.00-32.75; Good 460-640 lb. 24.50-28.50, couple lots 700-770 lb. 30.85- 31.85. Local Grain Weekly 51 - Cattle - Compared with last weeks close. Slaughter Steers 2.50-2.75 higher, few late sales 3.00- 3.50 up. Heifers 2.00-2.50 higher. Cows 50-1.00 higher. Bulls weak to 1.00 lower. Four day receipts 16,200 as compared 17,300 previous week and 19,800 a year ago. Slaughter Steers ap proximately 44 percent of weeks supply, Heifers 27 percent, Ck>ws 15 percent, and Feeders for Friday Auction 11 percent. 2061 STEERS: Eight Load Choice and Prime. 1199-1271 lbs. yield'grade £-4 48.00- 48.50, four loads 48.2548.50. Two loads High-Choice and Prime 1369-1552 lbs. yield grade 4-5 46.0046.50. Choice 975-1300 lbs. yield grade 24 46.0048.00, mainly 46.50 and above on weights 1100 lbs. and heavier. Mixed Good and Choice 950-1225 lbs. 45.2546.50. Good 40.0045.25. Standard and low-Good 38.0040.00. Average cost Slaughter Steers first three days 45.11 average weight 1109 lbs. as compared 43.29 and 1127 lbs previous week and 40.07 and 1152 lbs. a year ago. HEIFERS: Several loads and part loads Choice and Prime 868-1110 lbs. yield grade 3-4 45.00-45.50. Choice 1.68 1.96 2.22 2.01 2.17 Omaha Cattle Mayl Lancaster Farming. Saturday. May 3.1975 Futures Trading (Closing bids as of Thursday, May 1) Chicago Chicago New York Cattle Hogs Maine Potatoes May June 47.80 47.50 July August 44.35 47.10 September October 41.00 45.20 November December 41.25 45.40 Trend Cattle are Higher, Hogs are Higher, Potatoes are Higher, and Eggs are Mixed. Markets Provided by Commodity Department Reynolds Securities, Inc. Chicago Grain Futures (Closing bids as of Thursday, May 1) Soybean Corn Wheat Soybeans Meal 2.76% 3.18 5.37% 122.40 May 2.75% 3.17% July September 2.63% 3.23% 5.12 125.00 October November 2.46% December January 1976 Trend Com is Lower, Wheat is Lower, Soybeans are Lower, and Soybean Meal is Lower. Markets Provided by Commodity Department Reynolds Securities, Inc. U. S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter Estimated Daily Livestock Slaughter Under Federal Inspection CATTLE HOGS 495.000 1,087,000 507.000 1,129,000 468.000 1,236,000 Week to Date Same Period Last Week Same Period Last Year 850-1050 lbs. yield grade 2-4 Canner 13.00-15.00. closed 43.50-45.00. Mixed BULLS; Yield Grade 1-2 Good and Choice 800-975 lbs. 1400-1800 lbs. 21.00-25.00, few 42.50-43.75. Good 38.00-42.50. yield grade 1 26.00. Small lots Standard and Good 36.00-37.50. COWS: Utility and Commercial 20.50-23.00, a few Utility 23.25-23.50. Canner and Cutter 15.50- 20.50, Mixed Cutter and Utility 20.75-21.00. Shelly FOR BETiai NET DEIUMS SHIP TO THE DANVUE LIVESTOCK MARKET Old Rt. 11 Danville, Pa. Phone (717) 275-2880 SALE EVERY MONDAY 2 P.M. OWNERS Charles C. Myers Melvin M. Lehman (717) 569-2106 (717) 964-3621 4.13 48.00 4.88 5.12 5.17% 132.00 *•*♦*•*•*•*•*•%%*•*•%*•%*•*!*•*•*•*•%*•*•%.•>*•*•*•* EVERY FRIDAY FEEDER CATTLE 12 NOON Lancaster Stockyards, he. 3 m Chicago Freih Egg* 47.20 49.00 51.30 57.40 122.20 126.50 SHEEP 108,000 114.000 125.000
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