Umcjifr Farming, Saturday, May 3. 1975 20 "The Sting", a tractor owned by Lester Landis, Lititz, was one of 17 tractors on display last week at Park City. The Southeastern Tractor Tractor Pullers Set To Open ’75 Season Although their tractors didn’t roar, spit fire and smoke, or churn dirt, Lan caster County tractor pullers did get their season un derway with friendly competition before a crowd of thousands last week at Park City. The pullers trucked 17 tractors into the Watt & Shand Mall. Giant super stock tractors, souped up garden tractors and WE’VE ADDED 14 WINNERS TO OUR GROWING LIST OF NATIONAL CHAMPIONS IN THE NCGA 25 ACRE CORN CONTEST! PENNSYLVANIA WINNER Gerald Shoop Milton, Pa TXS 119 178.16 bu. per acre MARYLAND WINNER John Myers Jr. Westminster, Md TXS 113 & TXS 119 182.53 bu. per acre FOR YOUR SPRING PLANTING NEEDS CONTACT YOUR LOCAL TROJAN DEALER TROJAN SEED CO. ATLANTIC DIVISION 2550 KINGSTON RD YORK PA 17402 PH 717 757 5973 Pullers Association staged a show there in the Watt and Shand Mall to herald the beginning of another season of tractor pulling. everything in between were on display. An estimated 25,000 people looked at die machines, and 701 of them stayed long enough to cast their votes for the best looking tractor. When the votes were counted, the winner was Elwood Funk’s modified Farmall F-30. The tractor was built in 1939, but is now powered with an 1100 cubic inch V-8 Ford engine A SUBSIOIARY OF originally designed to power tanks. Funk is president of Chemgro Fertilizer Co. in East Petersburg. He’s also president of the Buck Tractor Pulls, the country’s first track built especially for tractor pulling. Funk’s tractor, “Boss Moss’’, will be seeing plenty of action this year. Elvih “Oz” Ament, Ephrata R 2, was chairman of the Park City display. He said the pulling season in Lancaster County will open a two-day event May 9 and 10 at Kinzers. The Southeastern Tractor Pullers Association will stage that pull at the Rough and Tumble Engineering Grounds on Route 30 about 12 miles east of the City. The Buck Track will open its season a week later on Saturday night, May 17. That track is located 12 miles south of Lancaster on Route 272. Buck .pulls have also been scheduled for May 24 and May 31. More in formation about any of these events can be had by calling 717-354-8600. 27 N. CHURCH ST QUARRYVILLE, PA 786-7361 Farming’s Productivity A Story of Success The chronicle* o( OKrivullur a) productivity - fewer nnd fewer farmers producing great er amounts of food for more ami more jMsiple - is a sue less siorv unparalleled in U H lusiorv From 1(H) percent of the orotund settlers working the land (or their own stimuli to I lie present total of less than - r > |Mnenl ol the U S population i ttgaged in farming to feed the nmnimler of the country and a si/ahle part of the world, it's a store of amazing agncultur al siiitistu s At the lime of the Keeolu lion, more than SH) perienl of (hi |Kipulation of the new ELECT BRONSON HERD IMPROVER has a proven record of performance with a plus PD on the 11-74 USDA Summary of + 887 - .15% + 10F +ss6 with 60 Dtrs. in 49 herdsaveraging 16,062 M 3.55% and 571 F giving him'a 72% Rpt for a reliable proof. His daughters are strong working cattle with well attached udders. BRONSON NEBA - FULL SERVICE CONCEPT - Sire Power NEBA (717) 836-3127 Sire Power (717) 836-3168 RD2, Tunkhannock, PA BUCK. PA 284-4464 I'*., nation was still engaged in limning U\ I Hat), the pen enlace of larmers had dropfied to some M t pen enl and ahoul lit) man hours of labor were needed to produi e an ai re of wheat (iradualK the number of \miruans in agriculture ion Imued to slip until hv 1870 larmers were no longer in a 9H113 Leebar Bronson. VG Lehighton 562-3684 Bernville 488-1370 Mel'Hix. R 5 acfiustable. As your pasture changes from the lush, green grass of spring to the dry, brown grass of fall, your Mol-Mix formula tion can be adjusted so that your cattle constantly receive the proper amounts of digestible protein, TDN, phosphorus and other nutrients needed for a balanced diet. Mol-Mix is the quality liquid supplement that promotes max imum gains on growing cattle; faster breedback of cows; and overall improved herd health all for a minimum investment. Mol-Mix- That s why we say feeding Mol- Mix is simply good economics, liquid Supplements Red Rose ANIMAL FEEDS RED ROSE FEED & FARM SUPPLY majority In the U.S. By then, onlv 'l7 percent of the count r\ \ imputation could l>e clans it ted in agriculture, The number of farmers dwindled further and hy 1910 onlv u third of the tfrowlnK ImipuliKion was in nitmulture \\ nh onlv -1 iH'rcenl of the |Hi|itihi(ion in lamiinjc in ItMO. hour-- required to proihue an at re of wheal fell to just three In (lie IMMI's the farming po|iiil.iiion (li|)|hml to less than r> pi m-iil and lonlinuuiK tie ihm-> mimed that percentage lo li ss r i prcM'iitlv Hut aum ultiir.d (iiiMlmlion main- I.lined us upward limit) and out put pir manhour jumped some t 1 limes m the past two deludes Lancaster 733-1224 687-6214 Division of Carnation Hamburg 562-7117
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