IS— Lancaster Farming. Saturday. May 3. 1975 Farm A three-day agricultural (estival known as “National Field Days” is fast developing into one of New Zealand's major tourist attractions. Staged each June at Mystery Creek outside the fanning center of Hamilton (about 80 miles south of Auckland), the event (June 12*14 this year) takes on the appearance of a large state fair with colorful booths, displays, demon strations and competitions. Included is an exciting fencing contest, the only one of its kind in the world, where teams match skills in erecting fences and hanging gates. 2ht~ staged automatic dryers from FARM FANS I|vyl* Temper Ones W 210 bu pet Ur AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ■JI Mima WE SELL, SERVICE and INSTALL jgj E. M. HERR EQUIPMENT, INC. 717-464-3321 R Dl. Willow Street 780 EAST MAIN ST., NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 717-354-4241 —FREE ESTIMATES- Progress Days ~ New Zedlnnd Style Manufacturers demon strate their agricultural machines, farm Implements and gadgets in competition with each other much to the delight of spectators. Even non-farmers find it exciting to see squadrons of huge earth movers and tractors churning up the soil, irrigation systems hurling columns of water into the air and small farm bikes whirling around muddy tracks and along the sides of the hills. There's also an annual competition to select the best dairy, sheep and dry stock farms in the area. Visits are arranged to the winning • Choose from two great port able dryers X£ • Surprisingly low cost lOOVi Z;t£ automatic \y. • Easy to operate ££ • Better quality gram higher profits •!•*% • Man free operation • Dependable economical op* eration # Designed and built by Farm £ Fans—22 years of experience £ in drying gram £ Let us give you full •:;* details about AB dryers, £:j: including :j:;| price Planning to Dig farms during the three-day Admission to Fieldays is event at which time visitors $1.35 a day; three-day can not only look over the concession tickets may be farms but also talk to the purchased for $2.70. Com owners petltlve demonstrations Disease Control for Azaleas Leaf gall has been a common and troublesome disease of azaleas during recent wet springs. It may also occur on some rhododendrons and is most noticeable after new growth begins in the spring. This disease is caused by a fungus. The fungus is wind borne and may overwinter as spores on the bark and in bud scales of azaleas. Symptoms of the disease are fairly recognizable. All or only part of the leaves may be affected. When diseased, they become distorted (thick or fleshy) and turn pale green or whitish. When young, these gall-like leaves are covered with a mealy fungus growth. As the bladder-like galls age, they turn brown, dry up and fall off. Flower parts may also be affected. When the disease is severe it may reduce vigor of the plant due to the loss of young leaves. Leaf gall is usually most severe on plants growing in very shaded locations or in locations where air movement is very slow and evaporation poor. The disease is seldom a problem during dry springs or when plants are in sunny locations. Infection occurs when moisture is ample. Once the disease appears, there is no practical method of control except to pick off and destroy the galled plant parts. It reduces the source of spores and may provide adequate control of the disease. In situations where gall removal isn’t feasible, the disease can be prevented by proper timing of fungicide sprays to protect the new growth in early spring. Start preventive spraying at bud-break and continue at 10-14 day intervals, or as long as young leaves are present. When plants are in a shady location or frequent showers occur in early spring, use the shorter in terval between sprays. Add a spreader-sticker to help the material adhere more firmly to the leaves. The following fungicides may be used to prevent the outbreak of azalea leaf gall: maneb (1% Tbs. to a gallon of water), ferbam (2 Tbs gallon) or zineb (1% Tbs gallon). For more in formation, contact your county extension office and ask for a free fact sheet on “Azalea Leaf Gall.” PROFITIZE Your Dairy With A SURGE combined with the RIGHT dairy system. You can add more cows, expand your facilities, buy new labor saving equipment - but un less you invest in the RIGHT milking system, you won't reach the profit level you seek. You can milk those additional cows properly in a Surge Diag onal Stall System. Good cow milking is not sacrificed for "cows per-hour" efficiency. You can have both! Automated SURGE DIAGONAL MILKER STALLS let you handle each cow as an individual. You see the entire cow, you have more room to handle the milker units and you reduce the risk of splatter and kicking. Surge Power Gates take the work out of changing cows you merely move the handy lever switch to open or close stall gates. r SURGE...the accent is on YOU GLENN E. HURST GROFF EQUIPMENT RD2, East Earl. Pa Phone 215-445-6865 BRANDT’S FARM SUPPY, INC. 601 E High SI Elizabethtown, Pa Phone 717-367-1221 commence at 10 a.m. and Air New Zealand has continue until 4 p.m. each organized several tours that day, concluding on the af- include a visit to this year’s ternoon of the third day Fieldays. For further in -line 14) with aerial top formation or brochures write dressing spraying and fire to the New Zealand travel fighting. Free buses operate commissioners in Los frequently between Angeles, San Francisco, or Hamilton and Mystery New York or contact any Air Creek, New Zealand office. ELECTRIC or BUTTERY MODEL FENCE CONTROUER REPAIRS AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE ON MOST SHOCKERS Repair Them Now. GLENN M. HOOVER Leola RDI, Oregon Pike, 17540 656-8020 Manufacturers of Kafstals, Veal Stalls y . < {surge} 2 W State St Quarryville. Pa Phone 717-786-7225 LESTER B. BOLL RDI, Lititz, Pa Phone 717-626-6198
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