Trees Tested A Christmas trie “disease garden" Is being established this spring at the Plant Pathology Farm of The Pennsylvania State University, located 10 miles west of the campus at the Rock Springs Agricultural Research Center. Aim of the project is to select the most disease \ MORNING GLORY? FIELD CORN GETS TO THE ROOT OF YOUR TOUGH * ♦ J^fR^WJeATJSS, &*£* < * 4 v <. V -A. *A'AJt <**%■* X * resistant strains of Scotch pine and Douglas fir, the two most popular Christmas trees grown in the Com monwealth. Plantings will be made from genetic stock already selected for ap pearance and color In the PENNSYLVAN Program. The latter is a tree im provement program SMARTWEED? BANVEL. Herbicide POST-EMERGENCE APPLICATION IN BROADLEAF WEED PROBLEM developed In cooperation with the Pennsylvania Christmas Tree Growers Aaeodatlon. Directing the research la Dr. William Merrill, associate professor of plant pathology at Penn State. Research assistant with the project Is Barry Klstler of Promised Land. Eventually the research will Include spruces as well as Scotch' pine and Douglas fir. * Your corn crop is well along. But tough, deep rooted weeds threaten to take over. The earlier you spray Banvel, the better, preferably before hot, humid weather. Even though you spray over the tops of corn, normally no brittleness develops. If you see velvetleaf or pigweed, a lower rate of Banvel mixed with 2,4-D will give most effective control. Banvel works! For one simple reason. Banvel translocates. Absorbed by leaves, stems, roots, Banvel moves with plant fluids from leaf tip to root tip. Destroys as it goes. So, no regrowth. In permanent pasture, Banvel gives you easy control of more than 40 of the most common weeds, including wild garlic, weed brush and weed trees. Cost of Banvel? Up to $1.90 per acre broadcast in corn. Ask your dealer or custom sprayer for full information. BANVEL® from VELSICQL DISTRIBUTED BY: V Seedings now being planted are 2 to 3 years old. When the trees are 7 to B years old, they will be Inoculated with disease spores. Initial emphasis will be on needlccast diseases of Scotch pine and Douglas fir. Such diseases are wide spread on Scotch pine and damage Douglas fir in parts of northeastern and south western Pennsylvania. The Penn Staters claim PIGWEED? THISTLE? P. L ROHRER & BRO., INC. Smoketown, PA Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 3,1975—U diseases cost Pennsylvania Christmas tree growers about 2V4 million dollars each year. The wholesale value of Christmas trees in the Commonwealth, they add, is about 15 million dollars annually. “To the best of our knowledge, this is the first such disease garden established anywhere to 'h** Phone 717-299-2571 study disease resistance In Christmas trees,” he af firmed. He added that similar procedures have been used to evaluate resistance of southern pines to fusiform rust and white pines to blister rust. From the PENNSYLVAN project, promising strains of Scotch pine will be planted not only from Pennsylvania but also from strains originating In Greece. Turkey, France, Spain, and Scotland. Seedlinga of Douglas fir will be grown from seed coming from British Columbia, New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado. After the trees are about 10 years old, breeding stock developed in tree selection and improvement studies in the Northeast and Lake States will be grafted onto them. In this way the disease resistance of newer selec tions can be compared with other strains or seed sour ces. Scotch pines will be planted initially in blocks. Each block will contain 12 different selections, and each block will be repeated 9 times. The blocks of Scotch pines will be separated from adjacent blocks by barrier rows of Douglas fir. Nine selections of Douglas fir will be used. These also will be planted in blocks and repeated 9 times. Broken Bit 4-H Chib The Broken Bit 4-H Horse Club met at the Lincoln Fire Hall with president Natalie Immel presiding. Kelly Ackley and Kyle Buck were welcomed into the club as new members. Final plans were made for the annual open horse show to be held May 25 at the Friendly Horsero*n’s Show Grounds, Denver. The show will start at 11:00 a.m. and feature 21 (lasses of western and English style riding. Several classes will be special for the 4-H chib. Quality tack or money and "ribbons will be awarded to ,class winners and special •championship division awards will be made. Jane Gregory reported on 4-H County Council and. gave information about giving demonstrations. Brian Immel demonstrated ways to tie a horse. Martha Gregory and Jon Keller will be attending the 4-H teen leader retreat at Dublin Gap. Club leaders, Robert Gregory and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Immel spoke to the members about their project books. Also, Coggins test for homes were explained. emjm VOCO II IS THE PROVEN WHITEWASH THAT IS NATURALLY ADHESIVE. Voco II is NOT A LIME whitewash Voco II will not flake or scale off. Voco II dries white. APPLIED BY: RICHARD R. FORAY Lancaster, PA Phone 717-397-0035 We are also equipped to serve you . u ith modern equipment in all your areas of crop spraying
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