On Monday, April 14, the Grassland FFA held elections for the 1975-76 year. The meeting was conducted by Lloyd Hoover, past president. Those members elected for officers are: (sitting from left) Linford Weaver, vice president; LaVern Martin, president and Dale Burkhart, secretary. (Standing from left) Richard Groff. Sentinel; Lewis Good, treasurer and Tom Wentzel, chaplain. Not present for the picture was Jeff Martin, reporter. Agri-King Through the Eyes of an Average Lancaster County Farmer Richard 801 l RD2 Lititz, PA “We started on the Agri-King feeding program in February, 1973 with a rolling herd average of about 12,000 pounds milk. By April, 1975 our rolling herd average is 15,309 pounds milk and we’re averaging 56 pounds milk shipped per cow on milking cows. Two years ago I did not think this was possible with our quality cattle. Most all our cows are grades and we raise our own replacements. I feel that one of the biggest things that helped us get this production is the quality of roughage we have to feed our cows and feeding it in a balanced feeding program. We treated all our corn silage, haylage and hay with Silo King last year and it was the best quality roughage we've made. Our haylage juiced a little but that was because I chopped it over 75 percent moisture I had wmdrowed my hay too tight and the lulheastwn Pern George F. Delong Ben GreenawaK Regional Manager RD2 Conestoga Pa 17516 PO Box 683 Lilitz, Pa 17543 Ph 717 872 5686 Call Collect 717-626 0115 Eastern Lancaster Co Melvin Herr Lebanon Co RR2 New Holland Pa 17557 Marvin Meyer Ph 717 354 5977 RD2 Box 157 Annville Pa 17003 Ph 717 867 1445 North Western Lancasl Earl 6. Ginder RD2 Manheim Pa 17545 Phone 717-665 3126 Lehigh Co. Area J. H. Moore ——_ . „„„ fr 1213 Zorba Drive Henjy OeUns, Jr Whitehall. Pa 18052 RDI Quarryville, Pa 1/566 215 432-5987 Ph 717-284-2683 8 srn Lancaster Southwesi Penn Willow 4-Hers Collect Cancer Funds Members of the Penn Huber. laid out the routes to Willow 4-H Club collected be taken. Nearly every road contributions for the Lan- in Conestoga Township was caster County Chapter of the covered. American Cancer Society for the second straight year. • Drive were as Follows: Ruth Forty 4-Hcrs from age Berrier, Mrs. Dagen, Darla eight to eighteen knocked on Kreider, Pat Sourbccr, Mrs. doors in Conestoga Township Shceslcv. Nancv Waite, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Dawn Reish, Kathy Huber, and when they met at the Doris Warfel, Linda Conestoga Elementary Stekervetz, and Margot School for a final tally they Martin had $357.52 for the Cancer Society The next monthly meeting will be the annual clean up of The Cancer Drive, under the Conestoga Township .the leadership of Mrs. Joan roads on May 2at 6:30. KEY TO PROFIT AGRI KING PERSONALIZED FEEDING PDDGI Testimonial: & SE Berks Co Monti ;omei Cy Arnold 739 Rosewood Drive Douglasville Pa 19518 Ph 215 385 624*^ Chester Co William Wmdle RDI Atglen Pa 19310 Plr 215 593 6143 Hortheast Berks Co. Roger Heller Ro#l Robesoma Pa Ph 215 693 6160 Belleville Area Louis S. Peachy, Sr. RD#l, #5B-C Reedsville, Pa 17084 Ph 717 667-3291 Drivers for the Cancer FOLTOI air could not get through it. I thought this haylage would stink and the cows wouldn’t like it. I’m in the bottom three doors of that silo now and the cows eat it like candy. I feel it pays to take good care of my young stock - grow my heifers and yet not get them too fat My heifers are freshening at 2 years old and some are milking as high as 70 pounds milk. My cows get mostly corn silage (about 40 pounds per cow), 12 pounds haylage, 5 pounds hay, and gram is fed according to production. The gram ration is made up of corn, a little oats, and the protein, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins, and trace minerals necessary according to my roughage tests. I think samples should be run every 4- 6 weeks to get a good job done ” South Cenlr; lames L Yoder Regional Manager R R 1 Box 81 Chambersburg Pa 17201 Call Collect 717 264 9321 Adams Co. Area Menno N Rissler KR4 Gettysburg. Pa 17325 Ph 717 528 4849 Bedford Co . Pa Area (Kenneth |Sonny| Yoder RD#2 F V 150 Bedford Pa 15522 Ph 814 623 6856 il Penn; Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 26,1975 Members of the Penn Willow 4-H who participated in the recent Cancer Fund drive in Conestoga township are (from left) Angela Furlow, Robin Campbell and Linda Huber. The youths show some of the pamphlets which were distributed. Photo taken by Ronald Walton, teen leader. Cumberland Co . Pa. Area Marlin E Ebersole RD#5 Carlisle Pa 17013 Ph 717-776 7324 Franklin Co Pa Area Eldon Martin RDd5 Waynesboro Pa 17268 Ph 717 762 3576 Mark H Yoder 2004 Philadelphia Ave Chambersburg Pa 17201 Ph 717 263 1808 Western Washington Co. Area Charlie Campbell Newville Pa Ph 717-776 7573 Growing Degree Day This is the first in a series of weekly crop and weather reports to be Issued daring the 1975 crop season. A late spring, including the cool and dry weather last week, has delayed crop development and progress of farm activities in the Commonwealth. Although activities last week generally included plowing, seeding of oats and fruit tree pruning in the South - the lateness of the season in the central and northern counties limited plowing and seeding of oats along with general activities such as grape trimming and tieing and machinery preparation. However, the cool spring has extended the season for making maple syrup. Throughout the state soil moisture is rated mostly adequate to somewhat short, which is dryer at this time than in recent years. Spring plowing is about one-fourth complete with 16 percent done in the north, one-third in central counties; and nearly one-half in the south. Last year for the state it was nearing one-third complete at this time. The oats and tobacco crops are about one-fifth in and tobacco barely started. These also are behind recent years. Oats are under 10 percent planted in the north, nearly one-fifth in central and over two-thirds planted in southern counties. The reported condition of the hay crop at fair to good reflects the cool late spring. There were a few reports of poor condition, unusual for this time of year. Fruits have come through the winter in good condition. However, only a little bud swelling has occured in the south with none in central or northern areas. ERTH-RITE SOU CONDITIONER MAXICROP LIQUID PLANT FEEDING FEED-RITE Vitamin & Mineral for livestock and poultry ZOOK & RANCH, INC. RDl.Gap.Pa. 17527 Phone 717-442-4171 17
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