14 r-Ui Karen Martin (right) received first place honors in the Conservation FFA speaking contest held on Monday evening, April 21. Melody Huber (left) placed second in the event. Both youths were representing the Grassland Environmental FFA Chapter from Garden Spot High School. 4* imil WHIT^ARMEQUIPMEN^ (P WHITE MOTOR Jill CORPORATION All Plow Parts 2 1. Moldboard RH or LH 2 Standard (Frog) RH or LH 3 Serrated Washer 4 Adjusting Stud RH 5. Adjusting Tube 6 Adjusting Stud LH 7 Brace RH or LH We also have in stock 3 pt. hitch bars and cover boards with brackets. WE OFFER A 5% CASH DISCOUNT COUPON ON All PARIS. STORE HOURS: Mon. thru fri. 7:30 to 6:00 Saturday 7:30 to 4:30 FARMERSVILLE Ephrata, RD2, PA 17522 717-354-4271 Usted Below in Stock EQUIP., INC. (Continue from Pitt II Piper, Associate Editor for Lancaster Fanning. The annual 4-H Con servation round-up was also held on Monday evening and was in charge of Jay Irwin, Associate County Agent. Youths who were engaged in 4-H conservation projects throughout the year com peted in display exhibits. Dale Herr, representing the Solanco Soil and Water Conservation Club received first place honors for his exhibit depicting the use of contour farming practices. The youth resides at Willow Street R 2. U/ 'I — 1 8. Landside RH or LH 9. Heel RH or LH 10. Landside RH or LH 11. Shin RH or LH 12. Share RH or LH 13. Strap RH or LH 14. Plate 18" only Youths Dale Herr, Willow Street R 2, captured first place in the Con servation 4-H exhibit contest held on Dan Mylin, also representing the Solanco Conservation Club, placed second in the contest with his exhibit on pesticide control. Dan resides at New Providence R 2. The conservation awards night is held annually in cooperation with Lancaster Soil Conservation Service and the Extension Service. Henry Hackman, of the SCS office was in charge of the program. Tractor Pull Schedule Is Set At Buck Tractor pulling returns to the Buck this year at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 17, according to Elwood Funk, S' dent of Buck Tractor . In all, there will be 27 events at the Buck this year, stretching through the _ reason to October 11, the, date of the Buck Pull Off. Most of the pulls will be held on Saturday nights, and most will be sanctioned by the Pennsylvania Tractor Pullers Association. Funk said this year there will be three afternoon events featuring farm tractors. These will begin at 1:00 p.m. amd will be held on June 28, July 19, and August 23. National pulls, sanctioned by the National Tractor Pullers Association have been slated for June 20-21, and September 26-27. A national mim-tractor pull will be held on July 4-5, beginning at 7:00 p.m. each evening. Monday evening, April exhibit showed the use farming. SILAGE MASTER FROM JOHN DEERE Medium-duty 35: big-harvester features but priced for SPB average acreages WLJL 9 wWjnrTSTT® J Reverse knife sharpening is built in mamtams correct knife bevels Hardened vertical-edge self-sharpening stationary kmfe-for long life Cutting and blowing are separate-plenty of blow _ for filling long wagons Wagon tongue is in-line with tractor drawbar-reduces side-draft on hillsides and greasy ground Recutter screens are available Stop in soon for the rest of the story A.B.C. Groff, Inc. landis Bros - ,nc - New Holland 717 354 4191 Lancaster 717-393 3906 Pikevih Adomstown **—» >"C. SSTh S£ Oyster Dale (load | near Adamstownl Oley RD#2, PA 215 484 4391 215 987 6277 Neuhous'es, Inc. J®o r *l®y Glen Rock, Pa & Sons 717-235 1306 Westchester 215 696-2990 21. Dale's of contour
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