—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 5, 1975 60 Fat Content Reduced in Livestock U.S. livestock farmers, especially pork producers, have brought about a sharp decline in the fat content of meat and meat products, according to Dr. Lowell L. Wilson of The Pennsylvania State University. Professor of animal science at Penn State, Dr. Wilson spoke to delegates attending the 11th Meat Industry Research Conference held recently at the University of Chicago. Wilson cited observations by Dr. John H. Ziegler of Penn State in which the backfat thickness of hogs exhibited at Pennsylvania carcass shows had decreased over 38 percent in the past 17 years. Dr. Ziegler is associate professor of meat science at Penn State. The area of the loin-eye, the muscle contained in the pork chop, has increased GROW BIG HEIFERS FAST WITH PURINA CALF GROWENA Purina Calf Growena® is specially-formulated to help you grow dairy herd replacements fast, breed them early and freshen them between 22 and 24 months. Calf Growena helps you feed heifers at low cost from 3 through 6 months, yet gives them the protein and energy that fast growth demands. Calf Growena is forti fied with vitamins and minerals growing calves need. Purina Calf Growena is part of the Purina calf growing team to help build sound calf growth fast—and at low cost. To grow heifers fast, feed Punria Nursing Chow® or Nurse-Gro to 4 or 5 weeks and Calf Startena® through 2 months. Then, because growing calves still need a high level of protein and energy, feed Calf Growena through six months of age. Start your heifers growing fast and producing early with Purina Calf Growena. You can buy it in the 50-lb. bag at the store with the Checkerboard sign. High Bits. PHONE; 354-0301 GORDONVILLE Stoddard Faim & Garden, Inc. PHONE 717-529-6212 UNION, PA Wenger's Feed Mill Inc. McCracken’s Feed Mill, Inc. 2 NEW CHARLOTTE ST.. MANHEIM PHONE: 717-665-2186 Ira B. Landis John J. Hess, 11, hie. PHONE: 665-3248 BOX 276, MANHEIM RD3 West Willow Fanners Assn., hie. about 26 percent. Moreover, the percentage of the hog carcass in the more desirable and high priced cuts, hams and loins, has increased about 30 percent. Wilson suggested that most of the decreased fat content of hogs has been due to intensive selection of breeding stock for less fat, increased growth rate, and improved rate of gain per pound of feed. Opportunities exist to reduce further the fat in hogs, he affirmed. However, progress in decreasing fat content may be slower, since livestock breeders and farmers must avoid up setting other important production traits such as lean meat firmness, reproductive ability, and soundness of feet and legs. In beef cattle, Dr. Wilson John B. Kurtz PHONE- 354-9251 R. 0.3, EPHRATA PHONE: 367-1195 RHEEMS PHONE- 442-4632 PARADISE PHONE 464-3431 WEST WILLOW predicted that within the next 10 to 20 years the con sumer would demand a beef product much lower in fat content than presently produced. With the wide variety in breeds of beef cattle, he suggested that a carcass with almost any given fat percentage could be produced. He indicated, however, that several antagonistic factors exist between desirable carcass types and farm production costs determined by traits of beef cattle. Most important of these is the size of the cows which have to be maintained to produce a very lean ce cass. Equally important are calving difficulties resulting from the use of very large bulls with ex treme amounts of muscling. Quality beef can be produced from a high forage, low-grain ration, he stated from research results at many experiment stations. However, cost of production will continue to be greater under these feeding systems than they have been under the moderately high-grain system of the past. This results partly from the high rate of increase of all inputs into any farming enterprise. Then too, cattle have to be fed longer to produce quality carcasses from all-forage rations. And there are other cost factors such as initial establishment of additional high-quality pastures. “The cattle industry is using about 2.1 pounds of grain to produce one pound W^4 WHITE WASHING with DAIRY WHITE - DRIES WHITE - DOES NOT RUB OFF EASILY - NO WET FLOORS - IS COMPATIBLE WITH DISINFECTANT - WASHES OFF WINDOWS AND PIPELINES EASILY. Also BARN CLEANING SERVICE Available With Compressed Air With increase in business I have put on another spray rig We will take on work within 100 mile radius of Lancaster MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Spraying Since 1961 Witmer. Pa. 717-392-7227 If no answer call Willard Beitzel 717-733-6357 Barn spraying our business, not a sideline. of beef, and this trend should continue for many years. We must realize that over 1 billion acres of U.S. land that cannot be used to produce grains are used to grow grass for these cattle. In this way farmers produce the highly nutritious beef available to American consumers,” he stated. In raising sheep, he claimed that continued improvement can be made by selection within breeds for leaner, meatier car casses, increased growth rates, and number of lambs weaned per ewe. In addition, there are many different breeds that, if used in crossbreeding programs, can result in continued advances in efficiency. Also attending from Penn State was Dr. John D. Sink, professor of meat science. Dr. Sink' is president of the American Meat Science Association, one of the co sponsors of the Meat In dustry Research Con ference. The other sponsor was the American Meat Institute. The Penn State scientists are associated with the Agricultural Experiment Station at University Park. The year 1975 marks the Centennial for these research divisions of the land-grant universities. Cost* Up Foods that are most likely to increase your food costs in clude: cream, ice cream, cream cheese, and specialty cheeeses; ready-prepared dishes; choice cuts of meats, cookies, cakes, pies, ready-made or ready-to-bake buns; snack foods; soft drinks Sewing Entries for ,the Penn sylvania State Grange’s annual sewing contest arc beginning to roll in, with indications the total may exceed 2,300 by the April 30 deadline, according to Mrs. Leroy Hoover, of Roaring Spring, director of women’s activities for the organization. Last years’ contest at tracted a record 2,324 en tries, Mrs. Hoover said. Among the early entries are several from young people in the 10-17 age group and in a new class for this year’s contest - men’s sport coat and pants, or suit. The age limit for young YOUR PIONEER SALESMAN IS READY WITH SUPERIOR SEED AND SERVICE • Hybrid Corn - high yielding single and special crosses. • Alfalfa Seed - for any rotation or plowdown. • Forage Mixes A mix for every need (pasture, hay, haylage, greenchop or green manure plowdown). • Hybrid Sorghum - grain, forage, and sorghum - sudangrass hybrids. Don't Delay. See Your Pioneer Salesman To-Day! Allal(a ® Registered trademark of Pioneer Hi Bred International Inc Des Moines lowa USA Contest people has been lowered from 12 to 10 years for the 1975 contest, Mrs. Hoover said. The contest is open to Grange members, and to non-members who arc sponsored by a Grange member. Prizes will be awarded at the local, county or Pomona, and state levels. Winners in the state competition will be Judged in the National Grange contest in June. Top prize for the national winner will be a one-week Canibean cruise for two persons. Oatmeal On an average oatmeal con tains 7-8% fat
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