—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 29. 1975 6 Carlisle Carlisle, PA March 25,1975 CATTLE 333. Supply in cluded 180 head feeder cattle; bulk of which was sold by the head. Compared with last Tuesday’s market, slaughter steers grading Good $1.50 higher. Slaughter cows strong to $2 higher. Few Choice slaughter steers 37.25-39.75, Good 31.50-35.00, Standard 25.25-29.00, few Utility 22.75-25.50. Few Good slaughter heifers 24.85-30.00, few Standard 24.25-26.50, one Utility at 24.00. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 22.10-24.60, Cutters 20.50-22.25, Canners 19.50-20.75, Shells down to 15.50. Two Good slaughter bullocks 27.25 and 29.50, few Standard 23.50-27.25. Few Yield Grade No. 1 1530-2310 lbs. slaughter bulls 27.35- 30.50. Medium & Good 500- 775 lbs. feeder steers 20.75- 24.50; Medium & Good 330- 800 lbs. feeder bulls 21.75- 28.00. CALVES 163. Vealers grading Good $2 higher; Utility $1.50 to $3 lower. Few Choice vealers 51.50-58.00, Good 41.00-53.00, Standard 30.00- Utility 110-130 lbs. 20.00-29.00, 90-115 lbs. 15.00- 70-85 lbs. 12.00- 15.00. Farm calves, holstein bulls 90-125 lbs. 20.00-36.50. HOGS 470. Barrows & Gilts 50c to $1 higher. US No. 1-3 215-225 lbs. barrows & gilts 40.8541.10 No. 1-3 200-245 lbs. 40.10-41.00, No. 2-3 195-255 lbs. 39.0040.35, few No. 24 285-350 lbs. 31.50-37.75, No. 2- ANIMAL MEDIC, INC. TO 50% SAVE UP SAVE WITH THIS AD See your ANIMAL MEDIC routeman or order direct. . Minimum order *25.00. This ad must accompany all orders. Quan. Amount COMBIOTIC( Pfizer) OXYJECT (Diamond Shamrock) Each cc contains 50 mg Oxytetracyclme HCL Indicated in the treatment of Pneumonia and shipping fever complex, Bacterial En teritis (scours), Foot Rot, Diphtheria, Leptospirosis, acute Metritis and Traumatic Injury in beef cattle, beef calves, non-lactatmg dairy cattle and dairy calves SPECIAL Buy 1 -200 cc Vial at the Reg price of $8 49 and get 1 -200 cc Vial FREE “SUPERIOR DRY” DRY COW MASTITIS TREATMENT (Food Filters) - Each 25cc “single dose” syringe cqp; v tains 100,000 units Procaine Penicillin G, SOPt'mgr* s- Neomycin Sulfate and 50 mg Chlorobutaßt** a preservative) SPECIAL Buy 12 -25 cc syrmgealft {he Reg price ‘ of $lO 94 and get 12 -25 cc syringes FREE DARIFUR (Norwich) Each 15cc dose contains a highly effective mastitis treatment for lactatmg or dry cows 48 hour milk withdrawal SPECIAL Buy 1 -120 cc Vial at the Reg price of $5 50 and get 1 -120 cc Vial FREE SPECrAL Buy 12 -15 cc Squeejets at the Reg price of $lO 83 and get 12 -15 cc Squeejets FREE Sale ends April 30, 1975 TERMS Cash or check with order This ad must accompany all orders Quantities limited Minimum order $25 00 All orders will be forwarded prepaid via UPS Check here if you would like your name placed on our mailing list ' > Quantities limited Minimum order $25 00 Livestock 4 140-170 lbs. 33.00-37.00. US No. 1-3 205-530 lbs. sows 30.50- few No. 2-3 400- 535 lbs. 30.00-32.00. Boars 25.00- light weights 28.50- FEEDER PIGS 228. US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. feeder pigs 13.00- per head, No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 26.00-35.00, No. 1-3 50-80 lbs. 29.00-36.00 per head, two lots 45 and 75 lbs. 53.00 and 81.00 ctw., Utility 25-55 lbs. 20.00-26.00 per head. SHEEP 72. Bulk of spring slaughter lambs for Easter trade. Choice 30-45 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 66.00- 89.00, 45-55 lbs. 40.00-51.50, Choice 90-110 lbs. wooled slaughter lamxs 42.0043.00, one lot Good 68 lbs. 39.00, one Utility 55 lbs. 19.00. Slaughter ewes 7.00-11.00. New Holland Dairy Wednesday, March 26 Reported receipts of 157 cows and 4 bulls. Market reported lower than last week. Load of Pa. cows fresh 375- 695; load of Franklin County cows fresh 410-570; load of Maryland cows springers 225-565; load of Wisconsin cows fresh 600-680 and Pa. cows fresh 500-615. Herd dispersal of 32 head in all stages of production 275-525. Locally consigned cows 300-780; springing heifers 425-500; and bulls 165-360. P.O. Box 575 Manchester, PA 17345 Tel. (717) 266-5611 ***** SAVE OP TO 50% PerlOOcc Per 250 cc SPECIAL $2.99 SPECIAL $6.95 NAME STREET OR RD CITY Check here if you would like a copy of our new catalog which will soon be released New York Dressed Meats March 27. 1975 Daily distributive - than carlot meat trade, Compared with Wed nesday: Prices closing unchanged with widespread price resistance prevelant on practically all fresh meats. It appears that moderate current receipts will be well cleared for the week; however, lamb chucks unddr pressure with several clean up deals on these reported under $60.00. Report from wholesale channels also indicate that carlot pur chases for next week’s arrival are very con servative in number. Steer Beef Prime 600-900 lbs. 61.00- 63.00; Choice 600-700 61.00- 62.50; 700-800 60.00-62.00; 800- 900 58.50-60.00; Good 500-800 56.50-57.50. Heifer Beef Choice 500-700 lbs. 59.50- 61.50. Calf (Skin Off) Choice 150-350 lbs. 57.00- 62.00; Good 150-350 47.00- 52.00; Standard 150-350 44.00- 47.00. Veal (Skin Off) Choice 90-150 lbs. 81.00- 87.00; Good 60-90 72.00-76.00; Standard 60-120 60.00-65.00. Lamb: Choice & Prime 30-55 92.00- 94.00; 55-65 91.00-93.00. Choice Beef Cuts Hinds (Steer) 145-190 lbs. 72.00-74.00; Arm Chucks 90- 105 50.00-52.00; Ribs' (7-nb) 34-40 83.00-88.00; Loins (Trmd) 50-70 90.00-95.00; y TOTAL STATE ZIP Omaha March 27 Weekly 51 Cattle Compared with previous week’s close: Slaughter steers and heifers 3.00-4.00 higher after a series of wildly fluctuating sessions. Cows 1.50-2.50 higher. Bulls strong to 1.00 higher. Slaughter steers ap proximately 45 percent, heifers 28 percent, cows 14 percent, and .feeders 9 percent. Four day receipts 13,900 as compared 14,200 previous week and 16,500 a year' ago. Fed cattle trade advanced sharply on Monday and Tuesday under stimulation of meager supplies and soaring carcass prices. A part of early ad vance wiped out at midweek but even so, the upturn was the greatest for a single week since early July 1975. Early marketings sharply curtailed by seller resistance to moving limited available supply of market ready cattle and to some extent by abruptly at midweek as supplies reached normal proportions and some slaughters geared buying operations to accomodate the non-slaughter holiday on Good Friday. less STEERS; Two loads choice and rpime 1097-1233 lbs. yield grade 3-4 41.50 at high time Tuesday. At midweek, three loads and part load same grade 1075- 1200 lbs. yield grade 3-4 41.00, several loads 1200-1250 lbs. 39.50-40.50. Choice 975-1275 lbs. yield grade 2-4 38.50- 40.00, closmg trade mainly Rounds (Steer) 70-95 70.00- 72.00; Full Plates 35.50-36.00; Hmds (Heifer) 120-170 71.00- 73.00. Pork Cuts (Fresh) Loins (Regular) 8-14 79.00- 82.00; 14-17 78.00-81.00; Picnics (Regular) 4-8 47.00- 49.00; Boston Butts 4-8 71.00- 74.00; Sparenbs 3 lbs. down 85.00-87.00; Hams (Skinned) 14-17 75.00-78 00; 17-20 72.00- 75.00. Plant Walfalfas ° CT OF CONIINUIHt.^ Wl 305 WL 311 WL 210 Resistant to Anthracnose and Bacterial Wilt High Yielding- Excellent Stand Persistent Rapid growing Dark color fine stems Excellent seedling vigor and stand establishment Developed by Waterman Loomis Co., specialized alfalfa breeders. BEACHLEY-HARDY SEED CO. Cattle ( 38.50-39.50. Load Choice and prime 1730 lbs. yield grade 30.00 Monday. Mixed good and choice 950-1250 lbs. 37.50- 39.00. Good 34.00-38.00. Standard and low-good 31.00- 34.00. Average cost slaughter steers first three days 38.20 average weight 1109 lbs. as compared 34.97 and 1114 lbs. previous week and 41.00 and 1165 lbs. a year ago. HEIFERS: Three loads choice and prime 958-1043 lbs. yield grade 34 39.50- 40.00 on Tuesday. Several loads same grade 975-1101 lbs. yield grade 34 38.50- 39.00 during 'week. Choice 850-1050 lbs. yield grade 24 37.00- at close. Mixed good and choice 800-975 lbs. 36.00- Good 32.00-36.00. Small lots standard and low good 29.00-31.00. COWS: Utility and com mercial 20.50-22.50, a few utility 23.00-24.00. Canner and cutter 16.50-21.00, mixed cutter and low-utility 21.25- 21.50. BULLS: Yield grade 1&2 1400-1800 lbs. 20.00-25.00, several yield grade 1 25.50- 27.00. Two loads good and choice 1150-1200 lb. bullocks yield grade 1&2 27.50-28.50. FORD TRACTORS 2000 Gas 2000 Diesel 3000 Diesel 4000 S U G 4000 S U D 5000 Diesel 5200 Diesel 7200 Diesel 9000 Diesel 3400 Diesel KELLER BROS. TRACTOR CO. Buffalo Springs Call (717) 949-6501 10 Miles North of Lititz “the seed for all reasons” AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL SEED DEALER Shiremanstown, PA 17091 New Holland Horse Monday, March 24 Reported receipts of 496 head of horses, mules and ponies. Market stronger than last week. Load of Tennessee riding horses 255-620; load of Virginia riding horses 285- 425; load of Ohio driving horses 185-250; load of Kansas riding horses 160-310 and load of Ohio riding horses 270-455. Load of work horses from Illinois singles 730-700 and pairs 1170-1700; also driving horses 320-530. Local work horses 385-875; mules 150-570; better horses 240-520; driving horses 160- 590; ndmg horses 150-225; lightweight killers 18-20; heavyweight killers 20-25; mare ponies 15-45; colts 5-20; geldings 15-35 and larger ponies 65-130. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! PHONE 626-2191 OR 394-3047 C L 40 Loader 9 N 8 N N A A 500 B*oo 3000 5000 6 v 5000 C ' 4500 TLB
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