Mini-Farm Meet (Continued from Page 1| responsible for drafting the organization’s by-laws. “The purpose of the cooperative,” Houser told the group, “is to provide economic, labor and education benefits for all members.” Houser said Penn-Natipnal RED and WHITE SALE SATURDAY, APRIL 5,12:30 P.M. Farm Show Building, Harrisburg, PA See Full Details Page 68 . „, 'X X * * r:. ■ ..-X* - ~ ' " -J *£&*>«' < * .V k- ■ ' <, MAURICE F. WELK OF QUARRYVILLE, RD2 HAS 18 COWS THAT FINISHED OVER 20,000 LBS. OF MILK THIS PAST YEAR Maurice says, “I like to feed green hay In my mind there is no better feed for high producing dairy cows I can put more and better hay in my mow by using Silo King because I can start baling an hour or two before the hay would otherwise be fit to bale By baling at 20 to 25 percent moisture I can preserve more of the leaves that contain Southeastern Penn; George F Delong Ben Greenawalt Regional Manager RD2 Conestoga Pa 17516 PO Box 683 Lititz Pa 17543 Ph 717 872 5686 Call Collect 717 626 0115 Eastern Lancaster Co Melvin Herr RR2 New Holland Pa 17557 Ph 717 354 5977 North Western Lancaster Cl Earl B Cinder RD2 Manheim Pa 17545 Phone 717 665 3126 Lehtth Co Area <?n.nhi»rn Lancaster Co. i?n Sta nnw Henry Delong, ir 2 | 3 z ° rb * Dr ve RD2 Peach Bottom Pa 17563 » Ph 717 548 2580 Ph 215 432 5987 membership dues had been set at $lO annually, and meetings were to be scheduled every other month. Ed Moshier, the first vice president, talked about cooperative food buying to give members the economic WELK - VIEW HOLSTEINS One of the top cows in Lancaster County in milk production and classification. She was Grand Champion in 3 local shows. Bon-Bon scored excellent 90 with an Southwestern Lancaster Lebanon Co Marvin Meyer RD2 Box 157 Annville Pa 17003 Ph 717 867 1445 benefits of bulk purchases. He Have some examples of the kinds of savings mem bers could realize (10-cents or more on a pound of sugar when bought in 100-lbs. bags, etc.). Moshier said that his committee would be trying to find out what members needed in sufficient quan tities to purchase in bulk Carol Morgan, Lancaster R 2, told the group about her investigation into buying bulk quantities of seeds for gardening. Mrs. Morgan also explained the questionnaire that all who attended were asked to fill out. The form was designed to determine the needs and capabilities of the members apd prospective members. Mrs. Morgan projected on a screen the questionnaire that she and her husband had completed as an example. It showed that the Morgans KEY TO PROFIT AGRI KING, : PERSONALIZED FEEDING PROGRAMS 5 yr. most of the protein Have you ever said ‘lf I only had one more hour of sunshine I could bale that field of hay’ 7 By using Silo King I can go ahead and bale it and cut my risk of weather loss by one full day I find that application of Silo King is simple with the use of a Gandy applicator mounted directly on the baler ” joinery & SE Berks Co Monti Cy Arnold iames L Yoder 739 Rosewood Drive Regional Manager Jouglasville Pa 19518 R R 1 Box 81 P 1) 215 385 Chambersburg Pa 17201 Call Collect 717 264 9321 Chester Co William Windle RDI Atglen Pa 19310 Ph 215 593 6143 Northeast Berks Co. Roger Heller RD#l Robesoma Pa Ph 215 693 6160 were professional artists and designers who'd had ex perience in organic gar dening, laying hens, tree seedlings and greenhouse operation. They were willing to participate in a labor exchange and equipment rental, and they were in terested in hearing from someone with knowledge of bees and hogs. They’re willing to share their barn, potters wheel and greenhouse for worthy projects. Treasurer Eugene ''Oe’gelihardt discussed his investigations into feed and grain purchases. Buying in bulk by bags saved from one to six percent of the total cost, Oegenhardt said. Park Wiker, explained how he hoped labor ex change and equipment rental schemes would work. The original steering ILTON, ILL WISSLER-RUN STAR MAN BON-BON 2 yr. 1 mo. 14,927 lbs. milk 589 lbs. Fat 320 dys. 15,736 lbs. milk 595 lbs. fat 306 dys. 1 mo. 15,694 lbs. milk 570 lbs. fat 286 dys. 0 mo. 19,673 lbs. milk 735 lbs. fat 316 dys. 3 yr. 1 mo. 4 yr. Due June 7. 1975 to Pawnee Farm Arlinda Chief excellent mammary. South Central Penn; Adams Co Area Menno N Rissler RR4 Gettysburg Pa 17325 Ph 717 528 4849 Bedford Co , Pa Area [Kenneth jSonny| Yoder RD#2 F V 150 Bedford Pa 15522 Ph 814 623 6856 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 29,1975 Baby Beef (Continued from Pagc 1| showing to other members. Even the “seasoned” youngsters on the show committee divided the county into four sections to make its easier for members to exchange labor and equipment.. This was to make it easier for exchange, Wiker. The next cooperative meeting has been set for Friday, May 23, at 8:00 p.m., again in the Coca Cola Plant. At that meeting, Arnold Lueck, associate Lancaster County agricultural agent, is expected to talk about ways in which the Penn State extension service can benefit mini-farmers. Cumberland Co. Pa Area Marlin E Ebersole RD#5 Carlisle Pa 17013 Ph 717 776 7324 Franldm Co Pa Area Eldon Martin RD*5 Waynesboro Pa 17268 Ph 717 762 3576 Franklin Co Pa Area Mark H Yoder 2004 Philadelphia Ave Chambersburg Pa 17201 Ph 717 263 1808 Washington Co . Md Area Earl H Moyer ROW Box 277 Hagerstown Md 21740 Ph 301 739 5199 circuit often ask Gary’s advice and respect his opinion. Along with his baby beef projects, Gary has been a representative to the 4-H County Council and has attended and participated in both the Achievement Day and State Days. Gary was a member of the Exchange Trip to Maine last year and was committee chairman for the 4-H Expo from his club. Last summer, Gary took part in a team demon stration pointing out the effects of using corn silage additives. Thd young farmer traveled to 4-H State Days at Penn State to present the award winning talk. Gary has served as the news reporter and the treasurer for the Baby Beef Club since his initial membership. A graduate of Hempfield High School, Gary also at tended the Mt. Joy Vo-tech school where he majored in masonry. He was a member of the VICA club at Mt. Joy and was active in many of its activities. Gary is also president of the Rohrerstown Mennonite Church youth group and belongs to the Rohrerstown Fire Company. The Brubaker’s farm about 230 acres with Gary doing much of the labor required. When asked what his duties as president of the large organization would be, Gary commented with a smile, “my job will be to make sure our Bab> 2 .* club runs smoothly.” “It is a large county club with almost 14 different areas that blend into one group.” The job is certainly an important one, but Gary seems confident he can do the work required. With the responsibility and knowledge the young man has shown during his 4-H career, he seems well suited for the position. Gary has one other plus which cer tainly may be a help, since his sister Cathy will be backing him up as secretary of the Baby Beef Club. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! TRULOCK Specialists in • Gram bins for drying and storage • Elevator legs • Transport augers • Utility augers • Gravity boxes • Wagon gears • Bulk tanks • Complete gram handling systems also A BUILDING FOR EVERY NEED (SUPERIOR) • Carports • Retail stores • Warehouses • Utility buildings • Any business facility that requires strong dependable protection FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT GUTSHALL'S SILO REPAIR R D #1 WOMELSDORF, PA 19567 13
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