34 —Lancatl tir Farming. Saturday. Marci AMMttii Help Wanted UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY Large international company doing business in United Stales and Canada plus 16 countries in Central and South America is in need of district sales managers, distributors, as well as part bme or full time sales representatives in Pennsylvania Do not answer unless you have recent agricultural background, are honest, ambitious and want to go ahead with a fast-growing company and earn the top dollar Should you qualify, interview will be arranged. Apply at once to the Na-Churs Plant Food Company, 421 Leader Street, Box 500, Marion, Ohio <3302. At tention; Roy Shertzer. Man for field crop produc tion wanted for Large Farm in Franklin County. Specializing in com, wheat, & hay. Must be willing to operate equipment while supervising one or more other workers. If you have successfully grown over 700 acres of com per year and are willing to do more, Write Box No. 266 G, c-o Lancaster Farming, P.O. Box 266, Lititz, Pa., 17543, giving a confidential resume of ex perience in training. Above average results will produce above average salary and benefits. Help Wanted - Single man wanted on modern dairy farm. Must be able to use pipeline milker & drive tractor. Phone 215-346-7884. Help Wanted - Experienced man on dairy farm and house provided, phone 215- 589-2294. A DESEREISLAND WHERE THERE IS VERY LITTLE RAIN OR OTHER WATER UHE STREAMS NiD SPRINGS, AND WHERE THERE IS VERT LmtE POOR FOR ANIMALS. LIFE IS HARP IN THE DESERT BUT MANY PLANTE AND ANIMALS HAVE LEARNED TV LIVE THERE. SOME OE THE PLANTS COMMONLY FOUND IN THE DESERT INCLUDE SAGEBRUSH. SMALL JOSHUA TREES, ANP many Kinds of cactus. -V animals thatfiwsrsuccESs- FULLY INHABIT DRY DESERT LANDS INCLUDE U2ARDS, JACKRAB&rtS, COYOTES, WILDCATS, AND MANY KINPB OP3/RPS MANY OF rue ANIMALS SLBBP PdftNG TUB HoTPAiANP ux>kL FOR. FOOP DURING THE COOL- NIGHT CUSTOM DRYING AND BUYING GRAIN CONESTOGA VAUEY GRAIN Phone 717-354-9258 h 1, J 975 Situations Wanted Man, wife and son looking for job in fanning. Man ana wife have experience in dairy, poultry, hogs and beef. Must have housing and fair wage. Son will also work in spare time. Will furnish Very good references. Please call 1-717-234-5728 Lawn and Garden For Sale - Used John Deere Lawn and Garden Tractor Model 110-10 H.P. w-mower, manuel lift. Ph: 717-367-1856 For Sale - Used John Deere Lawn & Garden Tractor Model 112 Hydraulic w mower. Ph: 717-367-1856 Help Wanted Opening for individual who is acquainted with dairy far mers within 25 mile radius of their residence. One Sualified to sell and manage irect Agri-Business Feed Supplement sales. Company established 25 years. Salary, commission, hospital ization, year end bonus. Write Box 2668, c-o Lancaster Farming Newspaper, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Equipment Salesman to sell Massey Ferguson and Case New and Used Tractors. Also need a mechanic, must be Ist class with Case and Massey Ferguson Tractor ex perience. All benefits to employees are available. Call for an appointment 215- 456-8525 ask for Bob Heitz man. SALES, FEED Area feed manufacturer, on the farm distributor, needs experienced territory sales representative for Carolinas - Georgia. Predominant Dairy Area, some layers, swine, horses. Base salary and commission. Send complete resume' of education, family, work. C. B. Aiken, Jr., Carolina Milling Company, P.O. Box 346, Laurens, S.C. Wanted - Person to operate farm with approx. 200 acres on a profit share basis. House available, also bam equipped for dairy cattle. Contact Paul E. Wyrick, RD7, Carlisle, PA 17013 Dairy farmer, experience required, house with heat and electric supplied in Oxford area. Write Box 266 C, co. Lancaster Farming Newspaper, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Feed & Seed For Sale - Home raised Clover Seed. Call 354-9436 Wanted to Buy - Feed Wheat, Barley, or Rye. Phone 442- 4632 daytime. PHONE 394-3047 or 626-2191 Feed & Seed For Sale - Bright wheat straw, by the ton or by the bale. William L. Myers, Whorton, Md. 301-778-2559 after 6:30 P.M. Silage Wanted. Any amount. Will haul. Hettinger Farms Rl, Mohnton, Penna. 19540 Phone: 215-856-7473 For Sale - Alfalfa and Mixed Hay $55.00 per ton at bam near Rawlinsville, Pa. 717- 284-4609 1000 bales of bright, clean Oats straw for sale. Call 1- 717-244-0662 Buying and Selling Shelled Cora. Phone 717-442-8153. Services Offered INSULATION. LOAFING SHEDS - DAIRY BARNS SPRAYED ON URETHANE FOAM. Ideal for eliminating condensation. Perfect for irregular surfaces. For free estimate call Conestoga Chemicals & Plastics, Inc. 397-3724. After 5:00 p.m., call 872-2233. 20 year old male college agricultural student desires summer farm work, preferably full-time. 717-392- 1531. Miscellaneous Ceramic tile, seconds ideal for cow stable, trough and milk house walls. ESCH FLOOR COVERINGS V* mile North of Bird-in-Hand, on Beechdale Road Rubber Stamps Made to Order Ink Pads Available. Richard D. Mylin RD2 Lancaster, Pa. 17603 Ph: 717-872-2855 MOVING WEST? We have the trucks and experience to haul and move your equipment. RAYMOND B. LEAMAN & SONS 717-464-2^Bo FARM JUGGERS & RETAILERS: Private Label Ice Cream Tailored to Individual Needs. PERSONALIZED SERVICE SINCE 1928 ELIZABETHTOWN CREAMERY, INC. 519 South Market Street Elizabethtown, PA 17022 Phone: (717) 367-1389 Private label ice cream & I.C. mix our specialty! Miscellaneous Close Out Specials Men’s, Ladies’. Children’s Dress ana Work Rubbers, 4 buckle, zip, pullovers, Tingley, fur cuff. Also sneakers. All sizes. $1.35 to $3.35 Boys’, Men’s Shoes and Rubber Footwear, Ball Bands, Uniroyals. $1.95 to $8.35 Status horse hide work shoes, Goodyear Welt, all sizes. Our best seller. $11.95 iiaincoats and Umbrellas At Root’s Auction 12 Noon to 9 p.m. Tuesdays At Green Dragon Market all day Fridays. Ask for Wholesale Prices A. K.BEILER For Sale - Sawdust, trailer loads, 1,500 cu. ft. $BO.OO, 20 mile radius delivery charge - $25.00, over 20 miles add delivery charge $l.OO per loaded mile. Phone 717-867- 2212, Walter H. Weaber & Sons, Rte. 241, Mt. Wilson, Pa. 17042 WOOD SHAVINGS. Ideal for work-ways and bedding. $20.00 per ton picked up or bulk load at $175.00. Less expensive than straw or tanbark. Contact Bob Geist at Leola Supply Co. Inc. Ph. 717-656-6814. Wanted - Small quantity shellbark hickory nuts. Karl Scott, RDI, Cortland, N.Y. 13045 Cash For Pups I need Purebred and cute mixed litter lots,? to 10 week old. Clean and healthy. Contact “Jo Jo the Dogman” at Root’s Farmers Market, RDI Manheim, Pa. Every Tuesday 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. No Phone Calls. Trucks For Sale .-1968-C 950 Ford Truck tractor 534 cu. in., V-6, 1020 rubber, good condition $1950. Heritage Int, Inc., Ephrata, Pa., 717-733-2283 For Sale - ’64 Chevy, % ton stake body truck with dual wheels; 100 h.p. Cat diesel power unit in excellent shape; mobile feed unit with blower on Dodge truck, Henry B. Baldwin, RDI, Brogue, Pa. 17300, 717-927- 6341 NEW FORD SPREADER TRUCK, new Willmar and boom type spreaders and a few used ones in stock. C.U. Stoltzfus Mfg. Inc. Box 296 F, Morgantown, Pa. 19543 215- 286-5146 Automobiles For Sale - 67 Chrysler, 4 dr. Sedar $395.00. 1968 Chrysler 300, 4 dr. Sedan $595.00 Phone 717-367-1856 Miscelloneous J. C. Ehrlich Co., Inc. Termite, Pest, Rodent and Smoke control. Lawn and Shrubbery spraying. Free Estimates. 1278 Loop Road, Lancaster, Pa. Phone 717- 397-3722 Will set poles also dig holes for perk test or fence posts. 9” -16” and 20” auger sizes. Call 717-949-3658 after 6:00 P.M. Wanted to Buy - Puppies, 6 to 9 weeks old, in litter lots Pure breeds and half breeds. Cash money paid. Will pickup every Friday.. For resale in my pet shop. Write to Charles Hackett, 3743 N. sth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19140 or call before 8 p.m. 215-229-0449. Give breed-age color when writing. Abo' some kind of direction. Thank you. Lancaster Farming Photos for Sale If you'd like prints of any Lancaster Farming photographs, we'll be happy to make them for you. To order, just complete the form below and mail or bring it to: Photo Department, Lancaster Farming, 22 E. Mam St. Lite. PA 17543 The photo I want appeared in the Lancaster Farming dated. begins I would like to order the following prints. Number of Prints Size Bxlo (Please add 6% Pa Sales Tax) Please send remittance with order Allow 10 days for delivery. Naim Street_i Tow Livestock For Sole Chester White service boars, same breeding as 74 National Barrow Show Fourth place overall Chester Carcass. Herb Schick, RD2, Kutztown, Pa. Phone 215-285- 6519 “Buy your sows a spotted boar” We have Purebred Spotted Boars, service age, TTie kind that will settle sows and stay sound. Windom Spot Farm, 717-872-7560 For Sale - Purebred Yorkshire open Gilts out of Penna. State Show Cham pion Sow, excellent quality. Contact Bill Harrison, 717- 359-7460 For Sale - Holstein springing Heifers; Registered Holstein bull. William L. Myers, Whorton, Md. 301-778-2559 after 6:30 P.M. SIMMENTAL BRED Purebred Polled Hereford Cows. Safe in Calf. ABS Sires: Soliel, Amor, Taquin and Polar. J. B. Gaylord, RD2, Monmouth Junction, NJ08852. Phone: 201-329-2765 after 5 p.m. For Sale - Acclimated Feeder Steers, Angus, Hereford, Charolais, Holstein. 1 or 100, weigh 600 to 900 lbs. 717-626-4359 For Sale - Chester White and Poland China Service age Boars and Gilts. James Parlett, Airville, Pa. Ph: 862-3610 Purebred Duroc Boars, Service Age, 3 excellent bloodlines with fast rate of gain. Registration is available. Phone 717-733-6694 Yorkshire and Duroc Service Boars. Delivery available. - LEON L. ARNOLD Lebanon, Pa. 17042 Phone: 717-273-5880 It was on page. Cost of each $1.50 2.00 2.SU TOTAL ORDER ~ and the caption
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers