32 —Lancast ster Farming, :urday, MUaA Moil Box Market For Sale - 5 yr. old Standbred buggy horse, traffic safe, mams horse. Jonas R. Zimmerman, R D. 2, East Earl, Pa., 215-445-5526. For Sale - Fresh Guernsey cow, $290.00 with calf; 2 bred sows, due soon, $150.00 each. John M. Sauder, R.D.I, East Earl, Pa., near C. E. Sauder’s Mill. For Sale - IHC wide front end bolster and mounting, spindles missing, fits M tractor. R.I. Frey, 201454- 4963. For Sale - Electric flat wagon on rubber, $4OO ; 6’ roller harrow; J.D. spring harrow; J.D. Category 2 plow; wagon with steel wheels; 3 bar side delivery rake. 717-053-5814. For Sale - Clean Wheat straw. 717-626-8181. AGRISERUM. Increases protein, minerals, health in crops. Improves soil structure, fertility, by multiplication of ear thworms and bacteria for drought resistance. See my block ad in this issue. Eli Stoltzfus, 69 Strasburg Pike, Lancaster, Pa. 17602. For Sale - Home Grown Clover Seed. 215484-4145. For Sale - Belt pulley unit for Int. 6 crawler, $35.00. Joe H. Zimmerman, R.D.I, Leola, Pa. along Rt. 772 near Carpenter’s Church. For Sale - A.C. Series 100 unit planters (2) with ter tilizer and insecticide at tachments to be sold at David Good’s sale March 5. 717-656-8020. For Sale - Three 50 lb. Surge milkers; 42 Surge stall cocks. 717-687-7845. Help Wanted - Experienced man needed on dairy farm, Christian, house furnished. Call 215-269-3442. Free to good home - Registered AKC St. Bernard female. 2 years old. Nicely mannered & quiet. Phone 215-445-5120. For Sale - Fertilizer at tachments for John Deere No. 246 corn planter. Call 717-393-0931. For Sale - 400 Anthony Pullets. 20 weeks old on March 7th. Will sell any amount. Phone 717-733-8116. For Sale - Alfalfa hay, first, second and third cuttings, some mixed hay, at the farm, phone 717-665-6059 Wanted - Job on stock or gram farm, must have house, available April 1, phone 717-349-2544 Wanted - Used Patz or Bert barn cleaner, right hand delivery, complete unit or good used chain, phone 717- 665-3862 For Sale - Surge SP-11 milker pump $5O; Stainless steel wash tubs, $5O; stainless steel strainer, $2O; phone 717-367-3242 Fo- Sale - Brown Swiss bull calf, 3 mo. old, to raise for stock or beef, from Registered stock; Timothy hay, no ram, by bale, private parties. 215-346-7410 March 1, 1975 Sat Mail Box Market For Sale - Straw, phone 717- 665-3137 For Sale - 8 ft. Int. disc harrow. 3 pt. hookup. Good condition. $235. Danville, Call 1-717-275-2367. For Sale -12 can milk cooler, Also, 6 can front open cooler. Good condition. $l5O for both Call 717-656-9548. For Sale - 19 amp. double Triune; Also, registered and grade Holstein lieifers and calves. 717-656-6962. Custom Work Offered - Custom chisel plowing and custom work with a Vibra Shank. 717-626-6168 or 717- 6264060. Free - To a good home. Smart, gentle and alert one yr.-old dog. Mixed Golden Retriever and Irish Setter with strong will to please and a good nose. Housebroken and basic training com pleted. Spayed, has all shots and immunization. Available because owner moving from home to apartment. Call Elizabethtown 367-5496 or Lancaster 569-9944. Wanted - Dry fertilizer boxes for 4-row A.C. no-till corn planter. 301-879-3341. For Sale - Corn silage and Alfalfa haylage. J. Wilmer Eby, R.D.I, Washington Boro, Pa. 717-872-5719. For Sale - Int. No. 9 6 ft. cut grass mower on steel; Int. 3- bottom plow; Bean Royal 20 CPM sprayer pump. Phone 215-767-6048. For Sale - 3 DeLaval milkers; Double washtubs; Top line dumping station with pump and dryer; New 34’ Little Giant electric: 208 New Idea spreader; Feed and silage carts. 717-626- 8610. For Sale - 2 cyl. Wisconsin engine with starter generator, clutch and reduction gear to be sold at David Good’s sale March 5. For Sale - Purebred Border Collie puppies, black and while, male, now 5 weeks old. Phone 215-LO 6-2035. Free - Silo concrete stave 10 x 40; For Sale - 15 tons ear corn, $68.00 per ton; Bid for - Removal of large bank barn. O. H. Schwanger, Box 95, R.D.4, Elizabethtown, Pa. 717-367-4635. Wanted - Ton of corn with supplement, ground and bagged or deliver one ton to mill for grinding. Will pick up. Also five stanchions. 215- 383-5280. Wanted - Used gear box for New Idea No. 15 PTO Manure spreader. 717-872- 5620 For Sale - 21 Shoats, 40 to 50 lbs. 717-665-7809 1974 ■ SPORTSMAN 8 pass. (Like New) 1973 ■ CLUB CAB Pickup w/Cap 1970 - A-100 6 Cylinder Van PETTICOFFER DODGE, INC. Route 230 East, Next to Shopping Center Elizabethtown, Pa PHONE 394-3047 or 626-2191 Mail Box Market Wanted - Single tobacco ladders with rubber tire running gears. 717-285-4770. For Sale - 2 pr. fancy sorrel mules, 3 yrs. old, broke. Benuel S. Smucker, Jr., 2008 Horseshoe Rd., Lancaster, Pa., *2 mi. west of Conestoga Valley High School. For Sale - 6 yr. old general purpose work or driving horse; 24 McCormick disk harrow. Jacob S. Stoltzfus, 29368 Stumptown Rd., Ronks, Pa. For Sale - 3’ x 8’ hot bed sash; new 30” storm $20.00. Ben R. Beiler, R.D.I, Kirkwood, Pa. For Sale - Walnut trees. Stephen S. Esh, R.D.I. Myerstown, Pa. 17067, 1 mi. north of Myerstown, first farm left along 501. For Sale - 10 bushel home raised Clover seed $48.00 per bu. Elam Reiff, 1 mile North of Leacock, Rt. 772, Phone 717-656-6801 For Sale - John Deere lime spreader, good condition. 717-898-2509 For Sale - John Deere 4030 tractor, 550 hrs., like new by original owner. 717-733-7869 For Sale - Round 12 hole hog feeder, 40 bu. capacity. Simeon King, RDI, Kirk wood, Pa. Box 137 A For Sale - Sauder loader, high lift model S; (2) bred sows, 6 open gilts, Hamp shire, Duroc Cross, ready to breed. 717-665-5739 For Sale - Purebred Dorset Sheep Buck, I l '* years old. 717-464-3068 For Sale - Bulk tanks. 400 gallon Craft for $725 and 400 gallon Girton for $825. Call evenings 201-369-4784 Wanted to Buy - Small pony for young girl, guaranteed good home on the farm. 717- 426-3108 For Sale - Mini Robot calf nursmg machine, handles 15 to 20 calves, almost new. 814- 349-5093 or 349-5180 For Sale - Ear corn $70.00 per ton. 717-684-3960 Wanted - 8 ft. bed for ’66 Dodge pickup. 717-684-8330 SPECIAL NEW LEFTOVER 74 RIDING MOWERS & TRACTORS AT GREAT SAVINGS COLLINS MOTORS RDBI ELIZABETHTOWN, PA PHONE 367-1856 Mail Box Market For Sale - 1972 Crestwood mobile home, 12 x 66 fullv furnished, like new. Call after 5:30 P.M. 717-354-7310 For Sale - John Deere Model 810 3 B 14” trip plow $3OO. Call after 5 P.M. 717-626-0747 For Sale - Horse drawn wagon $375; New Idea rake and Tedder $160; Milk Porter Sputnik. Reuben F. Esh, Gordonville RDI at Newport Repair Shop. For Sale - 4 Holstein Angus Heifers. 717-653-5916 FREE - To a good home, Old English Sheep Dog. 4 years old. 717-733-3305 For Sale - Int. 28 Disc Harrow $l6O. John Deere sickle mower 8W $250. Phone 717-927-6251 FOR BETTER MANURE HANDLING Any way you figure it: T 7 ' * -; I\EW HOLLAND Spreaders and Grinder-Mixers are GREAT BUYS RIGHT NOW! USED EQUIPMENT Massey Ferguson Super 90 j„hn Deere 494 Planter w/Momtor Massey Ferguson 135 D w/Loader NH • Super 68 Hayliner Baler IH 300 Utility Hanson Sprayer I.H 354 G. |Perfect] IH 810 Drill Ford 850 3pt Hitch Smoker Elevator 24 and 30 ft Fox 546 Harvester 2 Row Wide Case 9 ft offset disk 650 Harvester w/Screen jh 9A Disk NH - 717 Harvester w/1 Row Head ih 401 - 12 ft Spring Harrow NH - 1469 Haybme NH 470 Spreader LAWN EQUIPMENT 7 H P Cadet Jacobson Mower .149 Cadet w/Mower 12 H P New Holland w/Mower and Snowthrower ih MESSICK FARM EQUIPMENT INC. 2750 N. Market _ Elizabethtown, Pa. Phone 367-1319 John Krelder Home 367-6039 Mail Box Market Mail Box Market Purebred Duroc Boars and Gilts. Daily gains and days to 220 pounds are available. Confinement raised. Carcass Champions at recent Keystone Expo and Eastern National Livestock Shows. Dutch Valley Farms, RDS, Manheim, Pa. 17545, Mark Nestleroth 717-665-6220. Near Cortland, NY 340 acres good 105 stanchion barn 2 large silos, 10 room home, also 2 bedroom apartment $135,000.00. Free stall barn for 74 DeLaval double 4 milking parlor, 257 acres, heifer barn, 4 silos - one is Harvestore 20 x 40, corn crib -150 2 modern homes, $210,000.00. CLARA PARKER BROKER Homer N.Y. 1 -607-749-3007 Eve. You’ll get either a Bowmar electronic eight digit calculator. an Admiral AM/FM digital clock radio. or a Black and Decker % inch variable speed drill, free, 'All— when you buy a new Sperry New Holland Spreader or grinder mixer between January 1,- March 15,1975 For Sale • Fire wood, any amount. 58 Witmer Rd., Lancaster, 1 st. road left. West of Smoketown across bridge on right. Wanted - PTO trailer or mtd. mower for WC Allis Chalmers. Call after 6 717- 872-5656 __ 3^’ ~ New Holland Model 790 Spreader International 3200 Compact Loader 1 ■•55
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers