ntf Farming. Saturday, March 1, 1975 11 ~ " "" . classified aas 30—Lance FREE Subscribers to Lancaster Farming will receive one advertisement Free each month in our Mail Box Market Subscribers using the Mail Box Market will be governed by the following rules; ■ Limit your advertisement to 25 words; All ad vertisements must be in our hands by Thursday noon or same will be held over for next week’s paper; No business advertisements accepted. Wanted - 3 pt., 3-bottom, 16” trip beam Int. plow. 717-354- 5381. For Sale - Farmall Super MTA diesel, 3 pt. hitch, five P.T.0.; 9N Ford, excellent condition; Equipment for Farmall Cub plow and cultivators. 717-896-8735 after 5 p.m. Mail Box Market For Sale - 2 Channel Master Walkie Talkies, like new, channel 11, halt, and ear phone included, $25.00. 717- 354-0006, ask for Nelson. For Sale - 22 new Porcelain Hog Slats, 2’ x 3V with V’ spacings. 215-286-9579. For Sale - New Holland Super 77 Baler with Wisconsin motor, baler and motor in working condition, $125. Marlin Brosey, R.D.I, Box 259, Bainbndge, Pa. 717- 367-3195. For Sale - Int. No. 141 self propelled combine, 10’ head, good condition. Mark Heff ner, R.D.2, Box 569, Fleet wood, Pa. 19522, 215-944-9267. For Sale - 2 mare ponies, 1 broken to ride, other 20 mo. old, both have had good home. 1-215-582-8613. For Sale - Road drag, pull with horse or tractor; heavy 3” axle with solid rubber tires; 1955 Dodge pickup, good condition; electric stove; wringer washer. 362- 8827. Wanted - Large hog; self feeders, may be in need of repair; % tomato baskets. Call 215-445-6067. PHONE 394-3047 or 626-2191 Mail Box Market For Sale - A.K.C. Boston Terrier, male, 14 mo. old. black and white. He will make a lovely pet. 717-354- 5984. For Sale - Prolific Shrop shire rams, ewes and ewe lambs, select early and get choice breeding stock. Call Saturday or weekdays after 5 p.m. Paul Eberly, Klein feltersville, 717-949-3653. For Sale - 1969 Ford Ran chero V-8, power steering and brakes, air conditioned, excellent condition. $1,600.00 or near. 717-667-2903 after 3:30 p.m. For Sale - New Clay Manger Ranger electric feed cart. Will trade for hay or ear com. 717-942-6344. For Sale - J.D. 858 A side rake, $300.00; MC No. 2A hay conditioner, $100.00; AC hopper blower, belt-driven, $100.00; 400 bales bright Wheat straw, $35.00 per ton, can deliver. Richard W. Hoppes, Hamburg, Pa. 215- 562-4945. For Sale * Large quantity of windows, ideal for not house, average size 50” x 57”, 9 glass panes in each. 301-482- 6493. Mail Box Market For Sale - Several registered and grade Holstein cows and heifers, to freshen soon; Also, Registered 19 mo. old bull, home raised with health charts available. 717-786- 2957. For Sale - Aluminum 6,000 gal. liquid nitrogen tank, $3,750.00 delivered. 301-658- 5144. For Sale - J.D. 40 loader; 75’ Starline auger feeder; 25 new Starline free stalls; 2 new Starline stanchion dividers; 5,000 bu. Chem-' store com. Ray L. Miller, R.D.I, Seven Valleys, Pa. 717-229-2131. For Sale-Horse sleigh; Also, boards from old shed. 215- 678^704. For Sale - 430 utility J.D. tractor, 3 pt. hitch, power steering, live P.T.0., ex cellent condition, $1,850.00. 215-766-8531 For Sale - Ist cutting Timothy hay, cut early head, pre-bloom stage, no rain. Delivered 4-5 ton loads, $70.00 per ton. 215-589-2406 or write Lester F. Moyer, R.D.I, Womelsdorf, Pa. 19567. Moil Box Market For Sale - louden litter cairier with approx. 120’ track and 3-way track switch, in good coridition. 215-948-4256. For Sale - Unlco egg washer and grader in very good condition; Pontiac red planting potatoes; Pennscott Clover seed. 215-445-6427. For Sale -1 unloader for 14’ - 20’ silos; 1 fan completed with loader; 1 electric water heater. Amos Zook, on Sawmill Rd. Vi mi. from New Providence. For Sale - New 42” dia. solid maple pedestal-type dining table, hand-rubbed oil finish. 717-394-3607. For Sale - 3 pt. 3-16” cushion trip plow. Aaron N. Hoover, R.D.I, Leola, Pa. 17540, lane at Carpenter’s Church, Talmage. For Sale - 1971 Duster, ex cellent condition, 6 cylin ders, good gas milage, Phone 865-5022 after 4:30 p.m. Wanted to Buy - 3-bottom 16” Wanted - Cooler plate for egg automatic reset plow; Also, room . Dan Yoder, R.D.I, band saw for wood. Phone Thompsontown, Pa. 17094. 717-733-8434. Moil Box Market For Sale - Purebred black German Shepherd pups out of plenty of snap, 5 wks. old. Ammon F. Fisher, Bach mantown Rd., R.D.I, Ronks, Pa. 17572, 1 mi. south of Ronks. For Sale-N.I. combine, 13 ft. head, fits 702 Uni-system, good condition, cut less than 400 acres, $3,500.00. Mervin Showers, Bendersville, Pa. 17306, 717-677-7681 or 717-677- 7775. For Sale - New roller bearing spring wagon; young Guernsey heifer, will freshen soon. 717-354-8207. For Sale - Int. 140 tractor with cultivators. 717-367- 7683. For Sale - Antique Victorian style walnut wardrobe. Ronald Harrison, 717-359- 7460. Wanted - Used or new grass head for Model 16 Int. Forage Harvester. Norman W. Craley, R.D.I, Red Lion, Pa. 17356. 717-927-6673.
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