—Lancaster Farmini 28 In 3rd century India, people who wanted to understand the language of animals were told to eat dragon’s liver. More Quality More Strength More Economy Silos Bunk Feeders Silo Unloaders [Liquid Manure Tanks TERRE HILL SILO CO., INC. Terre Hill, Pa. 17581 Phone 215-445-6736 Quality & Service Since 1927 !. Saturday, March 1, 1975 On the Hill By Rep. Kent Sheltaamer, Chairman Home Agri culture Committee Among the bills I have introduced in the present session of the Legislature, there are two that I feel are especially significant, in that they represent an effort to prevent further unnecessary depletion of our valuable farm acreage. In recent years, housing developments have virtually surrounded most of our workable farms. This suburban growth has caused the Commonwealth to mandate sewage services to these areas, and our municipalities and town ships have to lay thousands of feet of sewer and water lines to comply with the laws. Obviously, in many cases, the lines will be placed parallel to farms near the developments. If the municipality or authority were to impose an assessment on the farm owner, he would suffer an unfair financial hardship, simply because of the large amount of front footage he owns. My bill would exempt any farm which has been in agricultural use for three years prior to the laying of the water and sewer lines. The bill, House Bill 217, also provides that if and when the owner or sub sequent owner of the land avails himself of the ser vices, he becomes liable in the same manner as other property owners were assessed at the time the installation was made. The proposal is now in the bands of the House Agriculture Committee, which I head, and I expect that it will be sent out to the House floor for a vote at an early date. Another bill which I feel is COURTHOUSE SQUARES EXCESSIVE WORRY IS LIKE SPENDING TIME IN A ROCKING CHAIR-YOU HAVE PLENTY TO DO, BUT YOU AREN'T goin' anywhere, ERTH-RITE SOIL CONDITIONER MAXICROP LIQUID PLANT FEEDING FEED-RITE Vitamin & Mineral for livestock and poultry ZOOK & RANCH. INC. RDl,Gap, Pa. 17527 Phone 717-442-4171 “BY REP. KENT SHELHAMER®®* Chairman, Agriculture Committee Pennsylvania House of Representatives important to the agricultural industry in House Bill 219, which I introduced early in February. This bill would prohibit the taking of most agricultural lands for high way purposes or for the disposal of solid waste material, by the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, or any of its political sub divisions or agencies or authorities unless it is determined that there is no feasible and prudent alternative to the use of such land. The bill proposes the formation of a committee made up of a member of the State Planning Board, the Dean of College of Agriculture of Pennsylvania State University, the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of Environmental Resources, and an active fanner appointed by the Governor. Heretofore, we all are aware that the con demnation of farm lands to construct super highways was done in a rather ar bitrary manner, and we have seen thousands of rich, fertile acres of productive soil become ribbons of concrete. Certainly, we must continue to build and im prove our highway networks, but my bill will spur the highway planners to find alternate routes nearby without despoiling the agricultural land. H 8219 is also in the House Agricultural Committee, and my co-sponsors and I are of the opinion it has an ex cellent chance of becoming law, as more of our colleagues in the urban, non farm districts are being made aware of man’s dependence on the agricultural industo'. Both bills, I believe, use the common-sense approach to meaningful legislation for the farmer, and I will be reporting on several others in subsequent columns. Toughest Barn Cleaner Vbu Can Buy Rugged Chain And Transmission Make It More Dependable See Your Local Badger Dealer CARL L. SHIRK ISAAC W. HURST LLOYD E. KREIDER R.D.#5 Lebanon, Pa. Ph. 274-1436 TRY A CLASSIFIED AD BEEF SALES MONDAY 2:30 P.M. THURSDAY 12:00 NOON Sale Order - Fat Bulls, Steers, Stockers, Beef Cows and Veal Calves. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. Phone 717-354-4341 Daily Market Report Phone 717-354-7288 Abe Diffenbacb, Manager Field Representatives • Bob Kling 717-354-5023 Luke Eberly 215-267-6608 Save the leaves Even the PT-7 (Hesston’s smallest wmdrower) features the gentle conditioning action that saves the nutrient laden tips and leaves of your hay crop And that's not all The PT-7 is designed with an L-shaped mam frame that tows from the center of balance to eliminate side draft and actually pOsh the independent header This design allows both radial and vertical flotation to follow ground contours and permit a closer, cleaner cut If you're look ing for big performance features in a compact pull-type, see us now MILLER'S REPAIR 1 Mile North of Bird-in-Hand 8 Miles East of Lancaster RDI, Bird-in-Hand, Pa Gibbons Road SHOW-EASE STALL GRUM j[ l R “ j S CE FARM 523 Willow *Rd Mechanics Grove Lancaster, Pa rii**' Ph. 299-2536 ™' m ' 73lg R.DJ2 East Earl, Pa. Ph. [2151 445-5767 If you have fat cattle or need feeders . . . THINK NEW HOLLAND SEE US FOR OUR EVERYDAY LOW PRICES Your Authorized Dealer Badger Barn Cleaners are built to pro vide more years of dependable, trouble free service. Cham has forged, hardened links with heavy flat bar connectors No hooks to straighten, come unhooked, or snag Heavy duty transmission with V belt drive features a one-piece cast frame and rugged drive gear built to last a lifetime Husky box beam elevator is leak proof and a full 12-mches deep Whether you’re thinking of replacing chain or installing a completely new system, see your Badger dealer HESSTON Ph. 656-7013 or 656-7926 RD.#l Cochranville, Pa. Ph |2ls| 932-2934
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