NEW EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE NOW 100 Hydro Tractor 1066 D Tractor 1 • 574 G. demonstrator SPECIAL 400 Cyclo Air Planters, 4 & 6 row with or without Cou-till 450 350 530 430 990 and 710 automatic plows and 370 disk harrows Int. Spreader $1275 Int. Baler $3550 Int. Mower Conditioner $3300 COMING 715 Diesel Combine with 13' platform and 4 row corn head -USED SPECIAL OF THE WEEK -4020 JOHN DEERE TRACTOR WITH POWER SHIFT. fOur Aim is to Serve You Better. J ESBITABE INTERNATIONAL INC. L 1054 SOUTH STATE STREET EPHRATA, PA 17522 PHONE 717-733-2283 Lancaster County’s Only International Full Line Dealer. "We started on the AGRI-KING feeding program in March 1973 with a rolling herd average of 14,668 lbs. milk and 544 lbs. fat. We felt that our production was as good as possible, but we had a lot of problems. We had three cows in 1972 that produced over 20,000 lbs. milk and our net bills averaged over $10.70 per head. The first year we were on AGRI-KING our net bills dropped to $8.69 per head. Even with in creased inflation, in 1974 our net bills averaged only $6.39 per head counting everything from dialators to veterinarian calls. George F. DeLong Regional Manager PO Box 683 Lititz Pa 17543 Call Collect 717 626 0115 Eastern Lancaster Melvin Herr RR2 New Holland Pa 17557 Ph 717 354 5977 North Western Lai Earl B. Cinder RD2 Manheim Pa 17545 Phone 717-665-3,126, Southern Lancaster Co. Henry DeLong, Jr. RD2 Peach Bottom Pa 17563 Ph 717-548-2580 Hie AGRI-KING Program Won’t Work UNLESS you, the dairyman, work it. Ford Motor Company's Tractor and Implement Operations • North America recently awarded a tractor power train to Garden Spot High School for use in their vocational-agriculture department. Present at the ceremonies were (left to right): Allen Matz, New Holland, Ford dealer; Donald A. MARBET FARMS Southwestern Lancaster Ben Greenawalt RD2 Conestoga Pa 17516 Ph 717 872 5686 Lebanon Co Marvin Meyer RD2 Box 157 Annville Pa 17003 Ph 717 867 1445 Lehigh Co Area J- H Moore; 1 ’,,. 12l3‘7orba Drive Whitehall Pa 18052 Ph 215 432 5987 KEY TO PROFIT AGRI KING, PERSONALIZED FEEDING PROGUMS Your Neighbor ANNVILLE, PA Testimonial Montgomei Cy Arnold 739 Rosewood Drive Oouglasville Pd 19518 Ph 215 385 624 Chester. Cq William Wmdle RDI Atglen Pa 19310 Ph 215 593 6143 Northeast Berks Co Roger Heller RD#l Robesoma Pa Ph 215 693 5160 ILTON, ILL. In Feb. 1975 our rolling herd average on 73 cows was 17,484 lbs. milk and 614 lbs. fat. This is the first we’ve ever been over 600 lbs. fat. in 1974 we had 11 cows to produce over 20,000 lbs. milk in 305 days and Grace had 27,920 lbs. milk and 867 lbs. fat. We have 12 less cows and have the highest base we’ve ever had in the dairy business. We used to throw a lot of milk away because of mastitis and freshening problems, but now we throw away very little. We have averaged over 50 lbs. of milk (on milking cows) for the past 13 months.” & SE Berks Co Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 1,1975 — Sheaffer, High School Principal; John Watts, Ford marketing representative for the Eastern U.S.; Dr. Robert Herr, vocational-agriculture department chairman; Robert S. Woods and Clifford J. Day, vo ag instructors. South Central Penn; James L Yoder Regional Manager R R 1 Box 81 Chambersburg Pa 17201 Call Collect 717 264 9321 Bedford Co . Pa Area [Kenneth |Sonny] Yoder RD#2 F V 150 Bedford Pa 15522 Ph 814 623 6856 Cumberland Co.. Pa. Area Marlin E v Ebersole , ■ , RD#5 " ' Carlisle Pa 17013 Ph 717-776-7324 Franklin Co Pa Area Eldon Martin RD)YS Waynesboro Pa 17268 Pfi 717 762 3576 Franklin Co Pa Area Mark H Yoder 2004 Philadelphia Ave Chambersburg Pa 17201 Ph 717 263 1808 ' ‘v Washington Co. Md Earl H Moyer RD#5 Box 277 Hagerstown Md 21740 Ph 301 739 5199 11 Area
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