1717* A 9. T 3 • O i» . A 1 Lancaster Farming, Saturda rr A ers KeceiveSafety D*rrel Stoltzfus, chairman and sixth grade students In of the Twin VaUey Future the district. Posters drawn Fanners of America, safety by the students were on the committee, has announced subject of farm, home, or the winners of the Safety bicycle safety. First place Poster Contest sponsored by winners in each school will the chapter, In cooperation receive |5.00, second place with the principals and art $3.00, and third place $2.00. teachers at the four Winners are the Twin elementary schools In the Valley Elementary Center Twin VaUey District. The are: Bruce Stoltzfjus, first; contest was open to aU fifth Kim Shantz, second; and PUBLIC AUCTION OF FARM IMPLEMENTS WEDNESDAY, FEDRUARY 19,1975 Location: 700 East Linden St., Richland, PA 2 miles South of Myerstown, along Route 501, turn East 2 miles to Richland. 2 miles East of Myerstown on Route 422 turn South 2 miles to Richland. To be given away FREE at close of Sale, a CENTURY HEATER. All adults who register for a sale number by 10:00 A. M. are eligible to register to win Century Heater. Winner must be present to win. MASSEY FERGUSON 175 DIESEL With 200 Loader Massey Ferguson 178 Diesel Massey Ferguson 175 Diesel Oliver 1850 Diesel Farmall Super M. Allis Chalmers WD4S. Allis Chalmers CA with 2-row cultivator and 2 bottom 14 inch plow Allis Chalmer B John Deere B with Cultivator. Farmall A with cultivator and 1 bottom plow. Case 14 with 2 row cultivator. Fayette 18 000 pound triple Axel Industrial trailer. Harvesters, Forage Wagons and Blowers Massey Ferguson 260 Harvester with 2 row corn head and 6 foot hay pickup. Gehl C 6 600 Harvester with 2 row corn head. In ternabonal 350 Harvester with 1-row head. International 16FH Harvester with 1-row corn head, International Model 2MH Cornpicker Gehl BU 710 Forage Wagon, New Holland Forage Wagon. Kool P T 0 trough blower. Allis Chalmers trough blower belt driven In ternabonal trough blower PT O or belt driven HAY EQUIPMENT Massey Ferguson Model 3 Baler with thrower. Case 330 T Baler with thrower. Ford 504 1 Baler with thrower. New Holland 68 Baler In ternabonal 46 Baler. New Holland 280 Baler. Massey Ferguson No 21 Bale thrower, Massey Ferguson 72 side mount mower. Massey Ferguson 52 pull type mower. New Idea 256 3 point mower Allis Chalmers 7-foot mower. Case 7-foot mower, Oliver Crimper. Cun mngham Crimper, John Deere 3 point Model 350 rake. New Idea Side Rake, David Bradley Side Rake. 3 Grove Bale Bodies with Grove 707 Running Gear like new, 14-foot Grave Bale Wagon on 7-ton Running Gear, David Bradley 16 foot Flatbed Wagon, John Deere 26 foot Elevator. Smoker 24-foot Elevator, Gehl 115 mixer grinder with 540 PTO shaft Plows, Disc Harrows, Spring Harrows Massey Ferguson No 88 5-bottom 16-inch Semi mount Spring Trip Plow, Massey Ferguson No 82 4 bottom 14-inch 3 point spring trip plow, John Deere semi-mount F345H Hydraulic Reset 5-bottom 16- mch plow. Allis Chalmers 3-bottom 14 inch Spring Trip Mounted Plow. 2 Walking Plows, John Deere 9-toot Disc Harrow, John Deere 7 foot Disc Harrow. Massey Ferguson 25. 3-pomt Disc Harrow. John Deere KBA 12-foot Disc Harrow on transport Massey Harris 7 foot offset pull type Disc Harrow. David Bradley 10 foot Spring Harrow. Chattanooga 10-foot Spring Harrow, 2 other Spring Harrows. 10-foot Culhpacker. Roller Harrow SPREADERS AND LOADERS Massey Ferguson 18-web Spreader. Hawkbilt 145 bushel tank Spreader, Hawkbilt 185 bushel tank Spreader, John Deere 33-web Spreader, Case No 125 Web Spreader. 2 Farmhand Web Spreaders with Tandem axles. New Holland 516 PT 0 Spreader 205 bushel. Dunham Quick Attach Loader with Hydraulic Dump. Sauder Loader. Allis Chalmers Loader Combines, Flail Choppers, Corn Planters Grain Drills International 205 Combine with 10-foot Gram Table and 2-row corn head. Case 600 Combine with 10-foot Gram Table and 3-row narrow rowCornhead. Gehl FC72 Flail Chopper, 2 Massey Hams No 60 Flail Choppers, International Flail Chopper. International 241 4-row Corn Planter, Allis Chalmers 2-row Mounted Corn Planter, 2 Oliver 2-row Mounted Corn Planter, Ontario Gram Drill, Ontario Gram Drill with 16x7 run New Idea Corn Shelter for 2-row Mounted Picker Snow Co - Gram Cleaner. New Vebler Model 730 E Self-propelled Electric Feed Cart 30 bu. cap. Badger Gram Crimper with 55 h p Electric Motor. Zim merman Grinder Mixer with Lett Mill. Case Stalk Buster. 2 1-horse sleds with seats, 2 horse Float Wagons. Lawn and Garden Equipment 2 New MFB Recoil Lawn Tractors, MF No 7 Lawn Tractor Recoil, 2 MF No 7 Lawn Tractors with Hydrostatic Drive and Electric Start International Cub Cadet 147 Lawn Tractor, Allis Chalmers M 8532 Riding Mowers. Poloron 8 h p Riding Mower. Sears 5 h p Riding Mower, Certified 24-inch Riding Mower. 4 Rotary Lawn Mowers, New Massey Ferguson 300 Snowmobile. Used Bolens 440 Snowmobile. Cougar 6 h p Cham Saw. McCullough No 35- Cham Saw. Locust Posts, 10-inch Bench Saw with 2 h p Motor. Iron Water Trough. Lot of Used Lumber of all sizes from old 40 x 80 Bam and 20 x 32 Corn Shed including heavy floor planks and heavy timber, and numerous other items Sale Time 10:00 A.M. Sale by Lebanon Valley Implement Co., Inc. 700 East Linden St, Richland, PA 717-866-2544 Conducted by: JOHN E. and PAUL E. MARTIN, Auctioneers 717-733-3511 717-733-3305 ZIMMERMAN, Clerk LUNCH AVAILABLE AT 10:00 A.M. Roger Harris, third. Honey Brook winners are: first, Lisa Jones; Second, Timmy Carr; and third, Rose Ann Emery. John Coulson captured first; Sara Elliott, second; and Donna Hoff man, third at Caernarvon. Creating the winning posters from Robeson were Caroline Tuman, first; Connie Mc- Mullen, second; and Kim Kearney, third. Parrel stated that the ' purpose of the_ Contest is to help make students more aware of safety In their daily lives. Winning posters will be displayed in the various elementary buildings, at the Practical Arts Exposition this spring, and throughout the community this summer. Tenth grade FFA mem bers served as judges for the Thought For Food Brown 1 '2 pounds beef (cut in 1-inch pieces) m cooking fat and pour off drippings Add 1 can (16 oz) tomatoes, 3 medium onions, quartered, 1 medium rutabaga, cut in wedges 1 tablespoon salt, teaspoon pepper. 1 teaspoon sugar, '2 teaspoon thyme Cover tightly and cook slowly for 1 '2 hours Add 1 package (9 oz ) frozen green beans and cook 30 minutes stirring beans Remove meat and vegetables and place in serv ing dish Combine *4 cup flour and 1 2 cup water, thicken cooking liquid for gravy and serve with meat and vegetables Serves 6 PUBLIC SALE FRIDAY, FEB. 21,1975 COMPLETE FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION To be held on (he premises at RD2 Lebanon, Lebanon County, Penna. Farm is located 2 miles north of Lebanon or 4 miles south of Fredericksburg off route US 22 along route 343. INTERNATIONAL 1066 TURBO DIESEL with wide front end (2 yrs. old). Leyiand 384 diesel with appx. 2000 hrs. INTERNATIONAL 3200 Skid Steer Loader. 1972 Dodge D 300 V-8 12’ stake body truck with power steering. 1952 Ford F6OO truck with 11’ cattle racks - 44,000 original miles. Int. 710 6 bottom 16” auto, reset plow; 10’ Pittsburgh wheel carrier disc harrow; 16’ Pittsburgh wheel carrier harrow; 15’ Durham cultimulcher; 13’ Bearcat cultipacker; Oliver 13x7 disc grain drill with grass seed attachment; and Hudson 6 ton tag-a-long trailer. INTERNATIONAL 58 6 row corn planter with transport. International 650 harvester with recutter screen and 2 row wide row head; 2 row narrow row and pickup attachments for 650 harvester; New Holland 273 PTO baler with 54 bale thrower; New Holland 3 beater crop carrier with roof; Dion self unloading 3 beater wagon with roof; Cobey 3 beater self unloading wagon with roof; Cobey 2 beater unloading wagon; Dion blower; 50’ silo pipe; 2 wagons with hay sides; 3 McCurdy gravity bin boxes on running gears; Durham gravity bin on running gear; New Holland 479 9’ mower con ditioner; Int. 1300 pitmanless mower with 3 pt. hitch; 38’ Little Giant elevator with swivel chute; 24’ elevator; and Little Giant com drag. New Idea 318 manure spreader (used 1 yr.); Cobey 200 manure spreader; T 3 pt. rear blade; acetylene outfit (complete); 3 bale twine; Agway 409 grain sorghum; Lincoln welder; shop air compressor and misc. tools. Appx. 50 Ton alfalfa hay. Sale order: Small items, farm equipment, and hay. Few small items, so be prompt. Harry H. Bachman - Auctioneer Lunch by Fredericksburg Church of the Brethren contest. The safety contest would like to thank everyone who has helped to make the contest a success. SEW WHAT? THIS WKXK S PATTERN S nv auonct t**c In Iw» Sin Ranges Pant Dress A smooth number, this pant dress if comes in two lengths, knee length and mini No 3133, sizes 8 to 18 size 12 (bust 34), mini length, 2*/$ yd of 44 in fabric No 3403, same pant dress in sizes 12 f /j to 22 Vj Size 14'f 2 fbujf 37), fcnee length, 3Vi yd of 44 in fabric Crochet these shoe potholders with matching rack Very simple to make with Pattern No 272 Send 50* to r each dress pattern, 30i for each needlework pattern (add 75* for each dress pattern, TO* for eoch needlework pofJern for moiling and handling) to AUDREY LANE iU ftEAU, Morns Hatns, New Jersey 07950 ll:OOA.M. Conditions by: Curt Stoltz Kapp Smith l J f /■, I , m 3131 Mi *"'* pA Y] 34 03 | I UmJJW 1 Shoe Potholders REAL ESTATE AUCTION 599 ACRES Spread Eagle Farms, Inc. Bankrupt SATURDAY, MARCH 8,1975 AT ll:OOA.M. At Airport Rl. 25, West of GRATZ, Pa.; 35 mi. N.E. of Harrisburg; 18 mi. S.E. of Sunbury; 16 mi. W. of 1-81. Exit 34. BANKRUPTCY SALE By order of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pa. Cause No, 72-307. Parcel No. 1, 61 A. FARM; Parcel No. 2, 55 A. WOODLAND Vz mi. East of Elizabethville; Parcel No. 3,128 A FARM; Parcel No. 4,35 A WOODLAND 2 miles N.W. of Berrysburg; Parcel No. 5,68 A FARM, 1 mile N.E. of Grata; Parcel No. 6,10 A. WOODLAND 1 mile S.E. of Grata; Parcel No. 7, 53 A. FARM, West of Spring Glen; Parcel No. 8,97 A. FARM, 3 mi. N.E. of Grata; Parcel No. 9,88 A. FARM adjoins Parcel No. 8. TERMS: 10 percent down at time of sale in Cash, Certified Check, or Check approved in advance by Trustee, balance in 30 days, further terms and con ditions to be announced the day of sale. FINANCING may be available to qualified buyers who register their name and address with Trustee before the day of sale. CALL: 717-622-0256. SALE' SUBJECT TO CONFIRMATION. Con firmation will be held in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, 4th Floor American Bank Building, Reading, Pa. on the 10th day of March, ! 1975 or such time and place thereafter as the Court shall fix. DARWIN S. HARTER, Trustee for Spread Eagle Farms, Inc. Bankrupt FOR BROCHURE WRITE TO. Geo. N. Oeibert, Auctioneer Klingerstown, Pa. 17941 or call |717|425-3313 Adelman & Lavine, Esqs. Attorneys for Trustee 1900 Two Penn Center Plaza Philadelphia, Pa. 19102 TOP FARM MACHINERY AUCTION SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22,1975 at 11:00 A.M. For Elmer Lippincott, Garrison Rd., Vh mi. N.W. of Harmony, N.J. |RI. 519], BV2 mi. N.E. of Easton, Pa. MACHINERY - CROPS - HOLSTEIN HEIFERS TRACTORS -1968 J.D. 4020 DL, 1965 J.D. 4020 DL w cab. Both have power shift, both fully equipped, both are like new! Farmall Super M, Farmall M, Cater pillar D-4 bulldozer. JOHN DEERE EQUIPMENT - 2-F345 5 btm 16” semi mtd plows w-auto hyd reset, 494 - 4 row com planter sprayer and boxes, 224 hay baler w-kicker, 640 hay rake, 12 ft. hyd disc, 12 ft. hyd cultimulcher, 2-115 chuck wagons, 16A flail chopper, 60 ft. tube elevator, 4 row cultivator, 3 section harrow. NEW IDEA - hay Cut Ditioner, 305 2 row mtd corn picker, hyd front end loader fits M, 205 flail manure spreader. OTHER MAKES - Fox IND. field chopper w-com hd, Fox hopper blower, Farmrite 300 gal. field sprayer, Papec portable feed grinder, IHCI6 hole grain drill, 2- kicker hay wagons, N.H. 36 ft. elevator w-motor, big mow conveyor, Windpower 20 KW PTO generator, 10KW generator w-frame fits M, Forney 180 A welder, Silo Matic 20 ft. silo unloader, Silo Matic 20 ft. auger, Cornell 60 cow bam cleaner, feed carts, duz - all blade fits J.D., V plow, 2-tires and rim 16 x 34, hand com shelter, 2 fuel pumps w-550 gal. tanks, oil pumps, 5 HP motor. Jeep motor, PF scale, 17 bates twine, 6 cans Lasso, 3 atrex, fence posts, wire, hyd cylinders, ket tles, ladders, pipe, hay feeder, milk cans and many other farm and shop items! CROPS - About 5000 bates alfalfa hay, 65 to 70 ton ear com. CATTLE - 20 holstem heifers from yearlings to Springers. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: The above equipment is in extra A-l top condition, always being kept under cover and having the best of care. It is a rare opportunity to be able to purchase this like new equipment! Owner and auctioneers not responsible for accidents! Lunch available. TERMS - Cash or Good Check Sate Day 1 REMEMBER! Blizzard date - Mon., Feb. 24, 1975. Owner ELMER LIPPINCOTT Harmony, N.J. (201) 859-3148 Feb. 15.1975 Sale conducted by: COL FRED R. DANIEL, Auctioneers, Inc. Neshanic Sta., NJ. 08853 (201) 369-4784 57
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