—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. 15, 1975 48 Pa. Agriculture On January 1, 1975, Pennsylvania farmers had an Inventory of 1,960,000 cattle and calves on 51,000 farms-up 7 percent from 1.832.000 head a year earlier, according to the Crop Reporting Service. In ventory value at 15,292,000 compares with 87.328,000 a year ago, the increased inventory having been more than offset by lower value per head. The milk cow inventory on 25,500 dairy farms was 686.000 head, up 1 percent For high efficiency at low cost feed your cows Checkerboard Dairy You can take advantage of present high milk prices by getting your cows to produce at their bred-m ability at a low cost. Checkerboard Dairy is the milking ration for the dairyman who wants a highly efficient, yet a low-cost ration for his herd. Checkerboard Dairy has a balance of vitamins, minerals and protein cows need for top performance. And it's a complete milking ration, high in molasses for added palatabihty and pelleted for easy handling and feeding. Put your herd on Checkerboard Dairy. See us today and let Checkerboard Dairy help your cows produce all the milk that’s bred into them and let you take advantage of today’s good milk prices. Nigh Bras. PHONE: 354-0301 GOROONVILLE David L. Stoddard PHONE: 717-529-6212 R.D.I, OXFORD, PA Wenger’s Feed Mill Inc. McCracken’s Feed Mill, Inc. 2 NEW CHARLOTTE ST., MANHEIM PHONE: 717-665-2186 Ira B. Landis John). Hess, 11, Inc. PHONE 665-3248 BOX 276, MANHEIM RD3 West Willow Farmers Assn., Inc. from a year ago. Milk replacement heifers 500 pounds and over at 236,000 were up 10 percent. The inventory of beef cows was 176,000-up 18 percent and beef cow replacement heifers, 500 pounds and over at 49,000 were up 29 percent. Other heifers, 500 pounds and over numbered 77,000, unchanged from a year earlier, while steers 500 pounds and over at 260,000 were off 2 percent. Bulls, 500 pounds and over at 59,000 were up 28 percent him B. Kurtz PHONE; 354-9251 R.D.3, EPHRATA PHONE; 367-1195 RHEEMS PHONE: 442 4632 PARADISE PHONE; 464-3431 WEST WILLOW Summary and heifers, steers and bulls under 500 pounds', at 417,000 increased 16 percent. The 1974 Pennsylvania calf crop was 780,000-down 1 percent from the 1973 crop of 790,000. December 1974 slaughter of meat animals in Penn sylvania was up for all species from a year ago except hogs, according to the Crop Reporting Service. Cattle slaughter increased 17 percent, calf slaughter 34 percent, and sheep and lamb slaughter 1 percent. Hog sl aughter 7 percent. Nationally, production of red meat was 2 percent less than November, but 7 per cent more than a year earlier. Beef production increased 8 percent over December 1973, veal production was up 113 percent, pork production up 3 percent, but lamb and mutton production was down 6 percent. The January 15 Index of Prices Received by Penn sylvania farmers was down 1 percent from mid-December according to the Crop Reporting Service. Lower prices for food and feed grains, hay, fruit, vegetables and most meat animals more than offset higher prices for lambs, milk cows, turkeys and eggs. The index was 12 percent below a year earlier. Naionally, the Index of Prices Received by farmers .decreased \¥i percent. Contributing most to the decrease since mid- December were lower prices for wheat, soybeans, com, eggs and flaxseed. Higher prices for lettuce, tomatoes and broilers were partially offsetting. The index was 12 percent below a year earlier. MR. DAIRYMAN; The dairy farmer in California, due.to his breeding and management and his feeding program, has come up with a very high productive herd over the last 8 years. These rolling herd averages are 54 pounds and up which is nothing un common, they were forced to look into better milking systems that would do the job with a minimum of udder irritations such as; 1— Low Vacuum of 10Vz" to 11 W' 2 Not flooding at the teat end 3 No back flushing of the teat canal A —Proper pulsations per minute 5 Milking all four quarters out together 6 Alternating twin-pulsation for front & rear quarters /A. milkers- SHENK'S FARM SERVICE (1) Surge Pipeline 41 cows (1) Surge Parlor Milking Equipment i (1) DeLaval Pipeline’' t - (4) Sta-Rite Milking Units I RD4.LmTZ.PA PHONE 626-4355 (2) Surge Alamo 30’s Vacuum Pump ” Several DeLaval Vacuum Pumps * When piecing together a pattern, you may have some problems. But if you take advantage of all the in formation on and in the pattern envelope, you should have less trouble getting the fit and style you want. That’s a reminder from Mrs. Ruth Ann Wilson, Extension clothing and textiles specialist at The Penn sylvania State University. For a general feeling of how the design will look, study the fashion sketch on the front of the envelope. Notice the placement of seams, gathers and darts. Technical sketches of the back, and sometimes the front, of the garment are also on the pattern envelope. UJOW Sewing Information These silhouettes show the with the garment sketches garment without any and descriptions, then make "fashion sketch” distortions, comparisons to garments A garment description oir with similar measurements, the envelope will give ad- This will help you estimate ditional information which the flare in a skirt or pants may not be clear from the and the amount of fit allowed sketches, such as position of through the waist and hips, the waistline and amount of When considering gar fit in the garment. And it ments to be made from knits, describes whether pant legs the “fabric suggestion” are straight, flared or fitted, information is especially Measurements of a gar- important. It can help you ment’s width and its lower determine the weight and edge is on the back of the crispness of fabric which is pattern envelope. Finished necessary to give a desired back length, measured from effect, base of the neck to hemline. Then once you’ve studied also is geven on the en- the pattern information velope. But this does not carefully, either make the include hem allowance. garment as the designer Mrs. Wilson advises you to intended or redesign it to suit study this information along yourself. 84% of all cows in the state of California are milked with Bou-Mafic Milkers. 7 Inflations which prevent the lines from bulging and climbing 8— Visi-claw fpr visible milking - plus many mori features. Whether you are milking 15 cows or 1500 it will pay you to in\estigate what Bou-Matic can do for you and your herd. A Dari-Kool Bou-Matic Milking System along with good herd management has pro\ed a winning combination for thousands of dairymen. Ask any Dari-Kool Bou-Matic user. Is That True? Yes, It Is True! USED MILKING EQUIPMENT
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