40 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Feb. 15, 1975 iADIES 1 HAVE YOU HEARD? > By Dons Thomas, Extension Home Economist Controlling Pergonal Flnancci- Inflation Makes It Difficult If you’ve gotten the feeling recently that the family finances were running you - instead of the other way around - you’re probably in very good company. Economic circumstances, often beyond individual control, have greatly in creased the number of families in financial dif ficulty. But, runaway family finances, including a sud denly too heavy debt load, can be brought under con trol. The American Bankers Association (ABA) recommends three steps in the process; - A realistic assessment and acknowledgement of the problem. - A hard look at the family budget and spending pat tern. - Person to person com munication with creditors. As with any problem, mmmm An old oil burner can steal 15-25% of your allotted fuel How to stop it; 'W An Agway energy-saver burner can hel conserve energy. Live more comfortably, Because an old burner that’s not completely worn-out can still be wasting energy Burning fuel without giving you the comfort it should And this year, you can't afford to waste a drop of oil In just a few hours, Agway can modernize your furnace with a thrifty new Model 40J burner - $18995 plus tax Price includes installation and a new master control to replace your old fashioned stack relay Convenient financing also available So call Agway ... today. THE ENERGY SAVERS AGWAY PETROLEUM SERVICE 1027 Dillerville Rd., Lane., Pa. Phone 397-4954 Installation and service by experts Financing is available c - acknowledgement of its existence and a look at possible causes must be the first step. A big factor today is inflation. There are many indications that inflation is rising faster than individual earning power. For some Americans, real disposable income may actually be declining each month. With less money to spend, and more of it going for such essentials as food and shelter, fewer dollars are available for other budget items, including repayment of previously extended loans. Under these conditions loan deliquencies (installments over 30 days late) normally begin to rise, and recent ABA statistics show that they rose sharply in 1974. Another very real factor in financial difficulties can be (and in some parts of the country has been during this period) unemployment. Whatever the cause, the second step in regaining control is to carefully con sider the family budget, p you too fAGWAY assets, and spending pat tern. If records of spending haven't been kept, now is the time to begin. A simple dlmcstorc ledger book, with vertical columns representing income and spending categories (food, clothing, rent, insurance, etc.), and horizontal lines representing pay periods, can show you at a glance your family’s yearly spending pattern. Perhaps you'll find that some nonessential categories, such as travel and en tertainment, could be temporarily cut back. The ledger may show you what is already a bone-bare budget. In that case the family assets must be considered. Do you have a vacation home that could be sold? Is your family auto perhaps bigger or more expensive than you really need? Could you make do with a less expensive apartment 7 If the best use has been made of available assets, but financial difficulties remain, the final step is to talk frankly with your creditors. Consumers can be, and often are, helped over i ough spots through deferred payment arrangements and-or ex tension of credit terms to bring down monthly payments. Creditors much prefer to work out an arrangement equitable to all, than to repossess a car or foreclose on a house. A frank ex planation of the situation will often be enough to reassure the Lender that you do intend to uphold the loan contract, and could result in a grace period as well as some sound financial counseling. Stainless Steel Offers Easy Maintenance Stainless steel is used everywhere: flatware, cook ware, furniture, sinks, small and large appliances and decorative accessories, to name a few. It is made by mixing chromium and steel. Additional ingredients may include nickel, molybdenum, JOHN DEERE SNOWMOBILE - SPECIAL Between now and March 31, 1975, you can buy a new John Deere Snowmobile with a reduced down-payment and no finance charges will be imposed until September 1, 1975 Offer ends March 31, 1975 COLLINS MOTORS RDtfl Elizabethtown Phone 357-1856 ADAMSTOWN EQUIPMENT INC. Mohnlon, RD2, Pa 19540 Inear Adamstown| Phone [215)484 4391 LAHOIS BROS. INC. 393-3906 Lancaster titanium, manganese and columbium. Stainless steel can be shiny to the point of mirror-Ilkc brightness or it can be a dull satin or brushcd-look surface. Many distinctive qualities make stainless steel ideal for its diverse houueh''' and Institutional uses. It is strong, resists chopping, denting, cracking, scrat ching and corroding. The material is durable; docs not rust, pit, stain or tarnish. It can be subjected to freezing tempertures and then heated to high temperatures safely. Another inherent characteristic is its easy cleanability. Stainless steel has no pores or cracks to retain dirt or germs, so it cleans readily with detergent or soap and water solution. Water spotting may be prevented by wiping and drying items with a soft cloth. For stubborn dirt, such as baked-on food residues, apply a special stainless steel cleaner or household SAV. now®*' 0 Monarch Ranges Coleman Center Box no R.D. 1 Ronks, Pa. lowat ings A. B. C. GROFF. INC. 354-4191 New Holland GOODMAN’S AUTO SERVICE Honey Brook, Pa - 1215J273 2356 M. S. YEARSLEY & SONS West Chester 696 2990 Farm Women Calendar Saturday. February IS Farm Women Scolcly 12 meeting ot 1:00 p.m. at the home of Mildred Kindig. Craft program planned. Farm Women Society 5 of Berks Co. will sponsor a Hoc-Down at the Stouchsburg Fire Hall from 8:00 - 11:00 p.m. Farm Women Society 18 meeting to entertain Society 4 at the Lancaster Farm and Home Center at 12:30 p.m. cleanser to a damp sponge or cloth. Then, rub gently in the , direction of the polish line or brushed grain. Rubbing in a circular motion may cause scratches. UNCLAIMED FREIGHT COMPANY and LIQUIDATION SALES THIS WEEK ONLY - WE HAVE 4 LARGE WAREHOUSES FULL OF MERCHANDISE OF EVERY TYPE - DUE TO SO MANY DEALERS REFUSING MERCHANDISE BECAUSE OF THEIR OVER STOCKING & BEING DOUBLE SHIPPED - BANKRUPTCY - AND GOING OUT OF BUSINESS - WE PURCHASED FROM MANUFACTURERS 4 FREIGHT COMPANIES - ALL MERCHANDISE LISTED BELOW 4 MOST ALL ITEMS IN .THE STORE WE WILL GIVE AN ADDITIONAL 10 “n OFF - STARTING THE WEEK OF FEB 7TH SORRY - BUT NO 10°° ON ITEMS WITH A STAR 12” POWER SAWS - Ordered by dealer for Christmas 15 - arrived late he refused we purchased Reg $179 95 OUR PRICE $95 00* 25 - DICTIONARIES - UNABRIDGED Reg $54 95 OUR PRICE $25 00 LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF STEREOS CLOSING PHILADELPHIA WAREHOUSE WE PURCHASED A TRAILER LOAD. THESE PRICES ARE UNDER WHOLESALE - FRIEGHT - NO CHARGE. 17 - QUAD SETS - AM/FM STEREO - 8 Track BSR Turntable 4 Speakers Reg $409*00 OUR PRICE $229 00. 38 - Same as above w/bigger speakers Garrard changer Reg $469 95 OUR PRICE $269.95. 11 - STEREO CONSOLES - AM/FM Stereo 8 track turntable Reg $369 95 OUR PRICE $179.95 40 - STEREO COMPONENTS - AM/FM Stereo Garrard changer 10 speaker air suspension system high wattage Reg $469 95 OUR PRICE $22995. 12 ONLY - 11 BAND RADIOS $49.95* Hundreds of other stereos to choose from ponents - Recording Units 6 - 25" COLOR CONSOLES - Full size to the floor Reg 1669 95 OUR PRICE $449.95* Thousands of Tapes Reg $4 89 OUR PRICE $2.00*. 18 - SEWING MACHINES - zig-zag - button holer etc Made up for chain store - refused we purchased at great savings Reg $lB9 95 OUR PRICE $79 95 w/case* 9-EARLY AMERICAN SOFA & CHAIR SETS - 100% Nylon were double shipped to the largest chain store in the country We pur chased Reg $629 95 OUR PRICE $265 00 EARLY AMERICAN SOFA & CHAIR Reg $549 95 OUR PRICE $265.00 Many more suites to choose from 150 - RECLINERS - left dealer refused from up state 50-70'’" OFF RETAIL. 21 - CHEST FREEZERS - 15 3 cu ft deluxe model reg $329 95 to $369 95 OUR PRICE $265 00. BUNK BED SETS Reg $289 95 OUR PRICE $149 95 BUNK BED SETS Reg $339 95 OUR PRICE $179 95 230 DINING ROOM SETS complete buy the piece you want refused from stale and local dealers we purchased will be sold at wholesale and under Pine Maple Oak Cherry Venerred 14 - FULL SIZE SEWING MACHINES - lightweight-not cast iron built in button holer - blind stitch with true stretch stitch built in Reg $309 95 OUR PRICE $109.95 w/porlable case 11 SEWING MACHINES - fully automatic light weight nationally advertised at $389 95 OUR PRICE $lB9 95 3 - POOL TABLES solid slate tops MICRO-WAVE OVENS 60 - GRANDMOTHER & GRANDFATHER CLOCKS 40-50% OFF* 51 - PINE ROCKERS - Reg $139 00 to 189 00 OUR PRICE $79.95* 40 - HIDE-A-BEDS Herculon Reg $289 95 OUR PRICE $169 95 DESKS - OFFICE & HOME TOO MANY ITEMS TO MENTION ALL COME IN AND SEE REMEMBER IF YOU DON’T SEE IT ASK FOR IT FULL WARRANTY FINANCING THRU BANK ACCEPTANCE COOPERATIONS CREDIT CARDS AND LAYAWAY MOST ITEMS WE DELIVER SOME WE DON’T COME IN WITH YOUR TRUCK AND WAGONS CORNER OF HEMPLAND ROAD & CENTERVILLE ROAD ' NEXT TO 84 LUMBER LANCASTER, PA HOURS; MONDAY-FRIDAY 10 A.M. to 9 P.M SATURDAY 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. PHONE: 397-6241 Monday, February 17 Farm Women Scoicty 31 meeting at 7:30 p.m. A talk on cosmetics will tic given by Merle Norman. Thursday, February 20 Farm Women Scolety IS meeting at 1:30 p.m. at the Union Church. Saturday. February 22 Farm Women Society 5 meeting at 1:30 p.m. Program will be a bring and brag auction. Farm Women Society 30 meeting for a progressive dinner. Read Lancaster Farming For Full Market Reports Reg $ll9 95 OUR PRICE Consoles Com
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