Cattle Feb. 13 Weekly Cattle Review; Receipts 7000 Week Ago 6600 Year Ago 7800 Compared with last Tuesday, Slaughter Steers and Heifers steady to weak, instances SO lower on Heifers; Cows fully 1.00 higher, Bulls fully steady. Supply about 36 percent Slaughter Steers, mostly Good and Choice 950-1200 lbs. yield grade 2-4; 21 percent Heifers, moderate volume carrying various amounts of mud; 15 percent Cows and 23 percent Feeders. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 950-1250, lbs. yield grade 2-4 34.00-35.50, mostly 34.50-35.00; load Monday 1380 lbs. field grad£ mostly 5 33.50; Mixecf Good and fhofee 900-1200 lbs. yield grade 2-4 and few loads CHKce muddy 33.00-34.50; Good 30.00-33.00, few mostly Good 750-900 lbs. 28.00-30.00, couple loads mpst Good Holsteins 1200-1500 lbs. 30.00- 30.50; Standard 23.00-28.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 850-1000 lbs. yield grade 2-4 32.50-33.75, mostly 33.0Wf3.50, part load Choice and Prime 850 lbs. yield grade 4 muddy 32.50. Mixed Good and Choice 800-1000 lbs. 32.00- Good 29.00-32.00, few mostly Good 600-800 lbs. 25.00- COWS: Utility and Commerical 18.00-20.50, few EVERY FRIDAY FEEDER CATTLE ,12 NOON Lancaster Stockyards, Inc. FOR BETTER NET RETURNS \ SHIP TO THE DANVILLE LIVESTOCK MARKET Old Rt. 11 Danville, Pa. Phone (717) 275-2880 SALE EVERY MONDAY 2 P.M. OWNERS Charles C. Myers Melvin M. Lehman (717) 569-210& (717) 964-3621 Review 21.00- Cutter 15.00-18.00, Canncr 14.00-15.00. BULIS: Yield grade 1-2 1100-1600 lbs. 21.00-24.00, few yield grade 1 1400-1800 lbs. 24.50-25.00. VEAIJERS: Choice 34.00- 39.00. FEEDERS; Including around 1200 at Thursday Auction. Steer and Heifers weak to 1.00 lower. Heifers over 500 lbs. 2.00-3.00 lower. STEERS: Few Choice 400- 500 lbs. 24.00-26.25, Choice 500-800 lbs. 25.00-28.25, small lot 925 lbs. fleshy 28.50; mostly Good, few Choice 300- 400 lbs. 21.00-24.00; few 575- 700 lbs. 20.00-23.50; Good 450- 550 lbs. 18.25-22.50, Standatd and Good Holsteins 375-675 lbs. 16.00-17.00, small lot mostly Good 708 lbs. 19.25. HEIFERS: Few Choice 350-500 lbs. 22.00-23.25, 500- 625 lbs. 21.00-23.50. Mostly Good few Choice 275-400 lbs. 20.00- 400-700 lbs. 18.50- 21.50. New Holland Horse Monday, Feb. 10 Reported receipts of 366 head of horses, mules and ponies Market steady with last week. Ix)ad of Kansas riding horses 170-300; load of North Carolina workhorses pairs 925-1150 and singles 330-520; riding 210-240; load of New York driving horses 225-320; local work horses 325-500 Mules 175-650; driving horses 150-450; riding horses 150-225; better horses 240- 425; lightweight killers 16-18; heavyweight killers 19-22; Mare ponies 15-45; geldings 15-35; colts 5-18 and larger ponies 50-90. HOG PRICES Lancaster Market HOGS: Barrows and gilts mostly steady. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1 210-235 lb. 42.75-43.00; US 1-3 200-245 lb. 41.50-42.10; US 2-3 240-265 lb. 39.50-41.00, 265-280 lb. 36.00-39.00. Vintage Auction Saturday, Feb. 8 HOGS: 814 Compared to last week, barrows and gilts steady. US 1-2 195-225 lbs. 41.75-42.10; few to 42.50; 1-3 195-260 lbs. 40.75-41.60 few 2-3 240-270 lbs. 40.00-40.20; 2-4 285-355 lbs. 30.00-35.50; 2-4 170-180 lbs. 36.50-38.50 and sows US 1-3 280-505 lbs. 32.25- 33.60 and boars 27.25-29.00. Wednesday, Feb. 12 Due to Holiday no market was held. Lancaster Auction HOGS: Barrows and gilts 50 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1 210-235 lb. 42.0042.50; US 1-3 200-240 lb. 41.0041.35; US 2-3 240*260 lb. 40.5041.00. Peoria Auction HOGS: 3500. Barrows and gilts opening steady to strong. BARROWS AND GILTS; US 1-2 200-230 lb. 40.5040.75; US 1-3 200-240 lb. 40.0040.50. St. Louis Auction Feb. 13 HOGS: 6000. Barrows and gilts moderately active, opening 25-50 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: Near 100 hd US 1-2 220-230 lb. 40.75, US 1-3 200-240 lb. 40.00- 40.50, liberal volume 40.50. We would be happy to have you as a Customer... S. K. SHOTZBER6ER, INC. ( UVESTOCI^TRANSPORT^riON Gene Zwally, President Marvin Johns, Secy-Treasurer P.O. Box 925, Lancaster, Pa. 17604 Phone: 393-4641 (day or night) Indianapolis Auction Feb. 13 HOGS; 1000. Barrows and gilts slow, 25-50 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: Few US 1-2 200-240 lb. 40.50- 40.75, US 1-3 200-260 lb. 40.00- 40.50. Leb. Valley Auction Feb. 13 No market report available at press time. New Holland Auction Hogs 1380. Compared to last week barrows and gilts 1.00- higher. 1-2 200-240 lbs. 42.2543.00; 1-3 200-250 lbs. 41.7542.25; 2-3 220-270 lbs. 39.5041.75; sows 1-3 300- 600 lbs. 30.00-37.00 and boars 27.00- New Holland Dairy Auction Wednesday. Feb. 12 Reported receipts of 148 cows, 16 heifers and 4 bulls. Market lowgr than last week. Two loads of Pa cows, fresh 425-510 and springers 450-650; 1 load of Franklin Co. cows fresh 520-680 and springers 470-685; Herd dispersal of 30 head from Fayette Co. in all stages of production 195450. Local cows 375-620; springing heifers 310-500 and bulls 145-200. Feeder Cattle Friday, February 7 Feeder Cattle 200 418 Today Last Week FEEDER CATTLE: In sufficient volume of any one class to test trends. Couple lots Choice 930-1005 lb. feeder steers 27,85-29.10, few mixed Good and Choice 600-885 lb. 25.75-27.75. Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Feb. 15.1975 Futures Trading I Closing bids as of Thursday, February 131 Chicago Chicago New York Cattle Hogs Maine Potatoes February 34,90 41.27 March April 36.55 39.85 3.27 46.35 May June 37.40 42.80 July August 37.20 42.75 September October 37.12 42.05 November December 37.30 41.90 Trend Cattle are Stronger, Hogs are Higher, Potatoes are Stronger, and Eggs are Lower. Markets Provided by Commodity Department Reynolds Securities, Inc. Chicago Grain Futures (Closing bids as of Thursday, February 13) March May July September October November December Trend Corn is Stronger, Wheat is Stronger, Soybeans are Stronger, and Soybean Meal is Stronger. Markets Provided by Commodity Department _ Reynolds Securities, Inc. Oklahoma City February 13 Thursday Feeder Cattle Auction Estimated Receipts 7,200 Same Day Last Week 3,601 Trade moderately active, feeder steers and heifers weak to 50c, instances 1.00 lower with the most decline on feeder steers. Majority heifers going to slaughter, 1.00-1.25 lower. Moderate amount of cattle receipts coming off of wheat pastures with bulk of supply mixed good and choice, and choice 450-800 lb. feeder steers, 400- 700 lb. feeder heifers. Good attendance buyers. FEEDER STEERS: Lot Choice 496 lb. 25.00 ; 500-600 lb. 24.50-26.00; lot 609 lb. 27.50, other 600-700 lb. mostly 25.25- ; 700-800 lb. 25.50- 27.00; 800-966 lb. 26.50-27.50. Few mixed good and choice 400-500 lb. 22.75-23.50 ; 500-600 lb. 23.00-24.25; 600-800 lb. 23.25- few 815-950 lb. 23.30-25 00. Good 500-700 lb. 18.00-22.25; other 520-956 lb. Holsteins 15.60-19.00. FEEDER HEIFERS: Few U. S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter Estimated Daily Li\ estock Slaughter Under Federal Inspection CATTLE HOGS SHEEP Week to Date 526,000 1,137,000 117.000 Same Period Last Week 515,000 1,099,000 122,000 Same Period Year 468,000 1,206.000 137,000 » I'. 1 '. -'t . 3.16 50.15 3.58 47.15 43.95 4.29 Soybean Corn Wheat Soybeans Meal 3.11 4.11*2 5.97*2 123.00 3.13V4 4.04 3 /4 6.07 128.00 2 i2»' Z 3.85*4 6.14 132.50 2.97 M: 3.92 ! '2 6.15 137.00 2.80 3 /« 4.00 I 'z Choice 400-500 lb. 19.50-20.00; 500-600 lb. 20.50-22.25; couple lots 630-676 lb. 20.40-21.20. Mixed good and choice 364- 500 lb. 17.00-19.10, lot 590 lb. at 18.25. Good 300-700 lb. 15 00-17.75. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Mixed standard and good 450-700 lb. 22.00-24.25. Few mostly standard 400-500 lb. 19.25-22.00. FOR THE WEEK- Compared to the close of last week, feeder steers and heifers weak to 1.50 lower with steers over 600 lb. as much as 2.00 off. Majority fleshy heifer receipts going to slaughtering establish ments. Slaughter cows finished steady to 25c lower Slaughter bulls remained steady thru the week. Salable receipts this week totaled near 17,800 head compared to 7,192 last week and 17,830 same period last year. Feeder cattle com prised near 81 per cent total cattle receipts, cows near 13 percent of cattle receipts 3 Chicago Frcuh KggH 49.25 46.00 54.00 140.20 5.98*2 144.50
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