2&—Lancjitter Farming, Saturday, Feb. 15, 1975 Garden Spot Young Farmer Members Receive Honors The Garden Spot Young Farmers Association held their annual banquet last Friday evening at the Blue Bail Fire Hall. The club honored a number of its members during the meeting. Nathan Stoltzfus, Gap R 2, was named the outstanding Garden Spot young farmer for the year, and he received the Carl M. Sauders Memorial Award. The dairy achievement award went to Clyde W. Martin, East Earl Rl. Martin’s herd averaged over 16,000 pounds of milk and 600 pounds of fat for the year. Also recognized were the top producers in three dif ferent corn yield com petitions. In the grain corn contest, Andrew Stoltzfus, Morgantown Rl, was the winner with 205.5 bushels to the acre. Clyde Martin, East Earl Rl, was second with 188 bushels, and Larry Weaver, New Holland Rl, was third with 182 bushels. In silage competition, Glenn C. Hershey, New Holland R 2, topped the field with 33.3 tons of silage per acre, yielding 15,984 pounds of TDN. Earl Weaver, New Holland Rl, came in second with 26.9 tons and 15,064 pounds of TDN, while Walter C. Mai tin. New Holland R 2, finished third with 27.9 tons and 13,950 pounds of TDN. feu’ll like what you see in the "new I, AJlkChalmcn. Because we ve designed new tractors with a lot more horsepower Two-wheel-drive horsepower up to 180 horses* Four-wheel-drive tractors that crank out 208 lough, dependable horses* And Allis-Chalmers has beefed up the iron, too With high-speed cultivators bigger discs, more rugged moldboard plows We made our hitches stronger designed in more trash clear ance And no-one has to tell you about GLEANER Combines with extra harvesting capacity and exclusive features So stop m at your Allis-Chalmers dealer Ask him to show you whafs new with Allis-Chalmers It II open your eyes 'Manufacturer s maximum observed PTO horsepower at rated en gme speed A ALLIS-CHALMERS BHM Farm Equipment, Inc. Annville, R D 1, PA 717 167 2211 Nissley Farm Service L. H. Brubaker Washinfton Bpro, PA nj&fsm 717 285 4844 - 717 397 5179 Roy H. Buck, Inc. Ephrala, R D 2 717 859 2441 Nathan Stoltzfus, left, and Clyde Martin received the two top awards last Friday evening at the Garden Spot Young Farmers annual banquet in Blue Ball. Stoltzfus won the Out For the first time this year, the group honored the experiments in their midst KBrorOWCf in fanning A. i. Noss t Son RDB2, Oley, PA 215 987 6257 GrumelG Farm Service Quarryville, PA 717 786 7318 standing Garden Spot Young Farmer award, while Martin won his prize for having the group's lop dairy herd average. by awarding prizes to those who had high yields with new com varieties, either new in 1974, or first marketed in that year. Glenn D. Hershey, Kinzers HI, took top prize in the new variety contest with a 173.1 bushel per acre yield. Clyde Martin, East Earl Rl, had the second best yield of 168.8 bushels, and Ken Skiles, Narvon R 2 was third with 167.1 bushels. Walter C. Martin, New Holland R 2, received a special service recognition award. The three special LOW COST WAREHOUSING Options: • Additional passdoors • Sliding doors • Additional overhead doors • 3' x 2' aluminum slide-by-windows • 3' x 3' aluminum slide-by-windows • 4' x 3' aluminum slide-by-windows • Insulation award winners and the top production winners all received a bushel of seed com along with their prize plaques. Also honored were five men and one woman for their contributions to the New Holland Young Farmers and area agriculture. Cer tificates of Appreciation TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! $ 4,970. 6” x 48’ x 12' Light Commercial 28’ INCLUDES 12' x 12’ Sliding Door were presented to: Harry Hoffman, New Holland Farmers National Bank; Dr. Luther Natter, assistant superintendent, Eastern Lancaster County School District; N. Alan Bair, associate tancaster County agent; John S. Yost, a New Holland R 2 dairy farmer who is leaving the area to go into mission work; Donald 3’ x 6' 8” Pass Door Available Sizes: Width: 28'6", 36', 44', 50', 60' Length: 16'increments Height: 12'4", 14'4", 16'4" Overhead door opening: 12' W X 10' H SUPPLY CENTER 1027 DILLERVILLE ROAD, LANCASTER, PA PHONE 717-397-4761 Robinson, Garden Spot vo-ag teacher and Young Fanner advisor, and Mrs. Donald Robinson, his wife. The 1975 Young Farmer directors are Earl Weaver, Norman Hershey, Robert Book, Eugene Eberly, Kenneth Hershey, John E. Campbell, Larry Weaver, Nelson Martin and Harold Wissler. / \ s » 7 0
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