□nrr ■SILO DNLOADER all type* of silagtl with lour sizes - 12 to 16 16' to 20. 20 to 24 and the BIG ones - 24 to 30 in diameter! See your PATZ Dealer today.' CALL 717-272-0871 MARVIN J. HORST Dairy Equipment and Amana Appliances R.DJI (tonal LEBANON, PA Located on Route 897 between SchatHtislown and Lebanon, over 30 years in business at same place. Will your feed efficiency measure up to Mol-Mix? ,rL*§ -a lr 'j I 1! 'm To any cattleman, whether he's a feedlot operator or a cow-calf man, feed efficiency is the name of the game. >* , “s But mere supplementation may not be the whole answer. If you choose an inferior brand, you may just be wasting your money. Mol-Mix liquid feed supplement contains extra "performance oriented” ingredients that many others don’t have. Things like: phosphoric acid, ammonium polyphosphate, corn dis tillers solubles, and condensed fermented corn extractives. A feed supplement, as with any manufactured product, is no better than the quality of its construction. You get what you pay for. Mol-Mix is made with the best ingredients available. £ i—*2 &£ IM fa *JZ -S s S 3 I l^-f 1$ £ L|3 X—-* * TL It's just an out and out fact that Mol-Mix will make more net profits for you. Some have reported as much as $5.00 return for every dollar invested in Mol-Mix. Stop in at your Mol-Mix dealer and find out how. He may just have a nice surprise for you. |p| w ||| QUALITY MAKE A QUALITY Mol-Mix. liquid supplements JOHN Z. MARTIN V ***** yf ' Earl Weir, left, and Jefferson Yoder were honored with production awards at last Thursday night’s annual meeting of the Chester County Dairy Herd Improvement New Holland RDI Phone 717-354-5848 /-S •F Mount Joy Cooperative Elections Boy Alger, Palmyra, was elected president of the Mount Joy Farmers Cooperative at that group’s annual meeting recently at Hostetler’s Banquet Hall in Mount Joy. Other officers elected were: Lewis Bixler, Marietta Rl, vice-president; James Eshelman, Mount Joy R 2. secretary; Albert Fry, HOLLAND STACKLINER AUTOMATIC BALE WAMI I. H. Brubaker 350 Strasburg Pike Lancaster 397-5179 Association. Yoder’s herd averaged 688 pounds of fat, while Weir’s cows produced an average 17,684 pounds of milk. If you like the idea of bales, but don't like the idea of lifting -- or looking for hired help - this machine is a dream-come-true. The “1034" does it all - picks up, loads, hauls, stacks, re trieves -• even unloads a bale at a time from either side of the table. See how you can handle 104 bales easier and more efficiently! CALL US FOR PROMPT, EXPERT SERVICE! A.B.C. Groff, Inc. 110 S. Railroad Ave New Holland 354-4191 Manheim R 2, assistant secretary; Henry Garber, Elizabethtown Rl. treasurer; and Preston Newcomer, Mount Joy Rl, assistant treasurer. During the meeting, the coop members set the date for next year’s annual meeting for January 22,1976, at Hostetters. Roy A. Brubaker 700WoodcrestAve Lititz, Pa 626-7766 C. E. Wiley & Son, Inc. 101 S Lime St Quarryville 786-2895 Lancaster Farming, Saturday. hao. lb. Chester DHIA iContimiid from ft& 1) tho 600-pound mark in the previous year. The DHIA annual sum mary showed an average of 10,192 cows in the county between October 1,1973 and September 30, 1974. They averaged 12,747 pounds of milk at 3.9 percent fat, for an average fat production of 496 pounds per cow. Total value of the product produced by Chester County cows in that period was $1169. The cost of the grain to feed the cows averaged $249, hay was $5B, other forage added, $146, and pasture costs were an ad ditional $l2 for a total feed cost of $465. The value of the product above feed cost was therefore $694. The bylaws amendments were made so that Jthe association could have both a secretary and a treasurer. The offices had previously been combined, with the BUY WHOLESALE FORM A BUYERS GROUP. PURCHASE YOUR FARM NEEDS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Make Savings Like This: Hi-Score Hybrids Over 90 Percent Germination Single Cross MF Regular Price $39.90 Members of Buyers Group Buy As Low As $29.5 Q Ferret Rat Poison 24 - 1 lb Regular Price $28.00 per case Members of Buyers Group Buy As Low As $22.50 per case We are now manufacturing Hi-Score Liquid Fertilizer Solutions Save money on your fer tilizer purchases l FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL OR WRITE; R.D.2, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Phone: 717-626-2457 or 717-626-8909 CONTACT US FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING DEALERSHIPS For all your concrete Serving the building industry in Lancaster County with a complete line of quality concrete products. Ri 01 NEW HOLLAND, PENNSYLVANIA / 717 354-4511 duties handled by Paul and Dorothy King. The Kings, however, informed the board that they no longer wanted the Job. Mrs. June Hevner, an extension office em ployee, was named to take over the treasurer's duties. In accepting the position, Mrs. Hevner complimented the Kings on an excellent job of bookkeeping. The newly elected directors, all of whom were named to a three-year term, were Joel Brown, Oxford Rl, Paul H. Eby, Cochranvllle, and Harold J. Ranck, Cochranvllle R 2. CLEAN TOASTER Shaking an clcctnc toaster to remove crumbs may damage the small heating wires A better way is to simply clean the crumb tray with a sudsy sponge Always be sure the toaster is disconnected before cleaning After washing the outside surface, follow by polishing with a clean dry cloth needs HOLLAND STONE 17
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