—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Feb. IS. 1975 14 Hans Herr Chapter f Continued from fag* 1) work in drawing up the constitution," Kerr ex plained. "Since that time they have gone ahead with many projects also.” The Chapter has been involved in many activities both for themselves and for WANT ID SAVE UP TO 50% ON HIGH QUALITY, GUARANTEED ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS? Send your name and address if you would like to receive our free monthly mailing. Tail to: ANIMAL MEDIC, INC. P.O. Box 575 Manchester, Penna. 17345 Cit 10. of Lvst. Type Lvst I ! \ 9 ' • ♦ Jamesway* Volumatic® II silage distributor-unloader gives you fast feeding and less climbing. YOU CAN COUNT ON US AGRI-EQUIP. R D 2 Farmersville Ephrata Pa 717-354 4271 M. E. SNAVELY 455 South Cedar Street Lititz Pa 717-626-8144 M. S. YEARSLEY & SONS 110114 East Market Street West Chester Pa 215 696-2990 HENRY S. LAPP RDI Cams Gap Penna 17527 717-442 8134 community service. At Christmas time the mem bers visited a nursing home delivering homemade cookies to the patients and have also been preparing ground for inflation gardens. The members of the Hans Herr Chapter have also sold citrus fruit and in the spring Stop In Today for Free Catalog. ERB & HENRY EQUIP., INC. 22 26 Henry Avenue New Berlmville Pa 215-367-2169 will be selling bedding plants to the public. Along with their work, the organization has par ticipated in field trips and have sponsored picnics and athletic events. Many of the members are currently Involved in building green houses at the school site and landscaping the area around the vo-tech facility. Being vo-tech students, many of the young people are on co-op work programs which enables them to work either during the morning or afternoon at establishments in their field of study. Currently 5 members of the chapter hold their Red Rose FFA degree. Vo-tech students in FFA have somewhat of a difficulty obtaining the county degree however, since their program is actually for only two years. Therefore in their second year they must ob tain their chapter degree as well as their county degree. Hans Herr FFA is the 12th group to be issued a charter in Lancaster County, with the name coming from one of the first prominent settlers of the Lancaster area. The Chapter is the second to be organized by James Kerr, as he also sparked the initiation of an FFA group at the Brownstown Vo-tech school were he also teaches horticulture. \r \Jfa \m& 11% i*ev- * ' / CARL L. SHIRK 5 Colebrook Road Lebanon, Pa 717-274-1436 DEPENDABLE MOTOR CO. East Mam Street Honey Brook Pa 215-273-3131 GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE Robert Fulton Highway Quarryville. Pa 717-786-7318 LANDIS BROTHERS 1305 Manhefm Pike P 0 Box 484 Lancaster Pa 717-393-3906 Appointed Harold R, Steele, 48, has been appointed District Sales Coordinator for American Breeders Service, a division of W. R. Grace & Co., according to an an nouncement by Harvey E. Rowbotham, General Sales Manager. Steele will join with Howard Lbomis, District Sales Manager, in developing the A.I. potential in western Pennsylvania, Maryland and part of New York State for the Wisconsin based organization. A native of Martinsburg, Pennsylvania, Steele brings to ABS a lifetime of ex perience in the dairy in dustry. He served as an ABS Genetic Engineer for the past 17 years, as well as having his own dairy farm near Roaring Spring, Pennsylvania, for the past 21 years. Active in Holstein breed affairs, Steele has served on the Pennsylvania State Holstein Membership Committee for three years. He is past president of the Blair County Holstein Club and is presently a member of the Morrison’s Cove Dairy John Deere’s supersmooth 16-hp Lawn and Garden Tractor A single lever is used to move the 300 Tractor forward or backward, to select the proper speed, and to assist braking LANDIS BROS. WC. Lancaster, PA 717-393-3906 Steele TRY A CLASSIFIED See us today for a 300 Tractor ADAMSTOWN EQUIPMENT INC. Mohnton,RD2, PA 19540 [near Adamstown] 215-484-4391 Show, Inc. studying for her Masters Steele and his wife, degree at Pitt, majoring in Margaret, have two Genetics. Steele and his wife children - Russell, a dairy will reside at Martinsburg, farmer; and Sherry, Pennsylvania 16662. Dual-action hydraulic controls provide fingertip control over front-, center-, and rear-mounted equipment A great variety of attachments are available M. S. YEARSLEY & SONS A.B.C. GROFF, INC. West Chester, PA 696-2990 COLLINS MOTORS RD#l, Elizabethtown, PA Phone 367-1856 A sleek new hood encloses the engine to reduce sound for a really quiet ride And the engine is cushioned to teduce vibration for smooth power \jIOHN DEERE J New Holland. PA 717-354-4191 GOODMAN’S AUTO SERVICE Honey Brook, PA [2ls] 273-2356
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