sfr-L<nc*»t»V farming, Saturday. Feb. 8, 1975 2 DAY SALE OF DAIRY COWS, FEEDS, GRAINS, FARM MACHINERY & HOUSEHOLD GOODS THORS. FEB. 27 & SAT. MARCH 8,1975 1 mile east of Oley, along Rt. 662, Oley Twp., Berks Co FEB. 27:45 head mostly Hold dairy cows, 15 recently fresh, some close, bal. due summer & fall. 29 head yearling heifers, 1 Hoi & 1 cross bred stock bulls, cert in blood and TB, 80 lb. milkers when fresh, ave. herd test 3.8, checked for pregnancy. 3 bred sows farrowed by day of sale, 100 Cornish cross chickens. 40 cow DeLaval pipeline milker w-4 units, auto washer & controls, 425 Majonnier tank, tank washer, gas heater, gas hot water heater, Surge water con ditioner. 20 ton wheat straw, 10 ton oats straw, 20 ton mixed hay 40’xl2’ of haylage & com silage, 1000 bu. ear com, 600 bu. oats. Be on time - no small items. Milking equipment and feeds sold first. SALE AT 11:00 A.M. SAT., MARCH 8: FARM MACHINERY & HOUSEHOLD GOODS t AC 200 diesel tractor -1300 hrs., AC 180 diesel tractor - 2200 hrs., Int. 504 gas tractor -1600 hrs., w-fast hitch, Int. 2001 loader w-2 extra buckets, JD 3010 diesel syncro range tractor. MH 82 self-prop combine, NH Super 717 harvester - used 30 loads, NH 277 baler w hydra directional thrower, NH 469 haybine, MC flail chopper, Int. 100 mower - fast hitch, NH super 23 forage blower, Oliver 548 5-16” spring reset plow - like new, Int. 311 3 btm fast hitch plow, 2 JD 4 btm mtd plows, Int. 37 heavy duty transport disc, JD 10’ cultimulcher, Ontario 15 hole disc grain drill on rub., Int 455 4 row com planar, NI 310 1 row corn picker, NH 510 man spreader, NH 57 mtd side rake, NH 36’ elevator, JD 115 chuck wagon - like new, Grove & Little Giant gram wagons, 3 rubber tire wagons w-throw bale sides, rubber tire flat wagon, NH & Papec hammer mills, 2 Ford cults, Int. 12.5 kw PTO generator on rubber, 9’ snow blade, 3 pt Ford scraper, Gruber 16’ hay flat - original paint, 2 horse sleigh, 2 seat 1 horse wooden sleigh, 1 horse plow, 64 Ford Fairlane 500 auto, Forney elec welder, hyd cylinders, gas tank, 100 cedar posts, 2 rubber tire wheelbarrows, chain hoist, Agway window fan, forks, shovels and many more items used on a large farm. NOTE; This machinery was bought new, several pcs only used 1 to 2 yrs. If in need of dairy cattle or good machinery, plan to attend these sales. Bureaus, clothe trees, wardrobes, sofa bed, blanket chest, large home made cedar chest, wash stand, dinner bell, cabinet, metal bed, rockers, desk, tables, Maytag washer, Norge 4 burner range, B&W TV, crocks, jars, sheer, butcher bench & kettle, misc. dishes, kitchen utensils, etc. SOLD FOR GEORGE S. SCHLEGEL Sale at 10:00 A.M John D. & George D. Frey, Auct. Refreshments on premises, Not responsible for accidents HOUSEHOLD GOODS SOLD FIRST Prevent Seedling Many home gardeners will soon start their own plants from seed for use in their summer garden. These seeds and resulting seedlings must be grown indoors or in a cold frame for an extended period of time. During this lime the young plants arc susceptible to a disease called "damping-off” or "seedling blight." Damping-off is caused by fungi which attack the seed or seedlings cither before they come through the soil or after the seedling is up. According to University of Delaware extension plant pathologist, Dr. Robert B. Carroll, there are several fungi involved. They all cause a blight or rot of the lower stem and roots of the plants. Affected plants will often appear to have broken off at or near the soil line. Many different kinds of plants are susceptible to damping-off. Peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, im patiens and coleus are among those most frequently affected. The best method to control damping-off is through cultural practices that eliminate or -inhibit the disease-causing fungi. Start with “clean” soil or planting media-that is, soil that is Winter Winter in the Northern Hemisphere commonly occurs during December January, and February June July, and August are the winter months in the Southern Hemisphere PUBLIC SALE (HHy, FEB. 21, 1975 COMPLETE FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION To be held on the premises at RD2 Lebanon, Lebanon County, Penna Farm is located 2 miles north of Lebanon or 4 miles south of Fredericksburg off route US 22 along route 343. INTERNATIONAL 1066 TURBO DIESEL with wide front end (2 yrs. old). Ley land 384 diesel with appx. 2000 hrs. INTERNATIONAL 3200 Skid Steer Loader. 1972 Dodge D 300 V-812’ stake body truck with power steering. 1952 Ford F6OO truck with 11’ cattle racks - 44,000 original miles. Iht. 710 6 bottom 16” auto, reset plow; 10’ Pittsburgh wheel carrier disc harrow; 16’ Pittsburgh wheel carrier harrow; 15’Durham cultimulcher; 13’Bearcat cultipacker; Oliver 13x7 disc grain drill with grass seed attachment; and Hudson 6 ton tag-a-long trailer. INTERNATIONAL 58 6 row com planter with transport. International 650 harvester with recutter screen and 2 row wide row head; 2 row narrow row and pickup attachments for 650 harvester; New Holland 273 PTO baler with 54 bale thrower; New Holland 3 beater crop carrier with roof; Dion self unloading 3 beater wagon with roof; Cobey 3 beater self unloading wagon with roof; Cobey 2 beater unloading wagon; Dion blower; 50’ silo pipe; 2 wagons with hay sides; 3 McCurdy gravity bin boxes on running gears; Durham gravity bin on running gear; New Holland 479 9’ mower con ditioner; Int. 1300 pitmanless mower with 3 pt. hitch; 38’ Little Giant elevator with swivel chute; 24’ elevator; and Little Giant corn drag. New Idea 318 manure spreader (used 1 yr.); Cobey 200 manure spreader; 7’ 3 pt.-rear blade; acetylene outfit (complete); 3 bale twine; Agway 409 gram sorghum; Lincoln welder; shop air compressor and misc. tools. Appx. 50 Ton alfalfa hay. Sale order: Small items, farm equipment, and hay, Few small items, so be prompt. Harry H. Bachman - Auctioneer Lunch by Fredericksburg Church of the Brethren free of the disease-causing microbes. You cun do this by using pre-packaged soil mix. Or, if • you prefer a homemade mix that contains garden soil, pasteurize it before use. Soil can be pasteurized very easily in your oven, .says Carroll. To do so, place the soil evenly in glass or metal baking dishes so that the depth doesn’t exceed four inches. Cover tightly with aluminum foil. Place a meat or candy thermometer through the foil in the center of the soil. Set the oven to 180-200 degrees Fahrenheit, and heat the soil for 30 mm'Utes after the soil temperature reaches 180 degrees as registered on the thermometer. Allow the soil to cool and you have “clean” soil ready for use. Pasteurized soil won’t stay clean if you re-contaminate it by using pots or tools that are “dirty,” cautions the pathologist. These items should be dismfected by cleaning in hot water (160 degrees F.) for 30 minutes or in a household bleach solution (1 part bleach to 9 parts water) for 30 minutes. Always use a freshly-made bleach solution and clean items as thoroughly as possible before soaking. In addition to these sanitary measures, it is important to grow seeds and seedlings under conditions that discourage damping-off. Don’t sow seed too thickly or too deep. Seeds of some plants can be sown right on the surface and covered lightly with sphagnum moss. Water soil only lightly- ll:OOA.M. Conditions by: Curt Stoltz Kapp Smith or planting mix and ¥ • equipment. Make sure the IllllirV transplanting soil drains J well. Don’t over-water or excess moisture favors ovcr :; cr ‘ lli^n damping-off fungi-and place practices will encourage s n eedUs a « aU ° n UnUl Hu follow these steps. When seedlings arc up, s fl y s C^v°niflnts U that I °are they sjiould still be watered have early sparingly. And when they vigorous and healthy-ready arc ready to transplant, take t° perform well in yo care again to use clean soil newer or vegetable garden. PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE REAL ESTATE SATURDAY, FEB. 22,1975 2:00P.M. LOCATION 2 miles North of Schoeneck along Cocalico Rd T First farm on the left after Whispering Pines 85 acre dairy farm. 2Ms story frame home. Bank barn, free stall bam, attached free stall barn with bunk feeder. 24’x70’ silo with unloader. All buildings in excellent condition. 1 acre pond, and never-failing well. TRACT 2 10*2 acres 4 v j tillable & 6 acres wooded. Ideal for country home. TRACT 3 4 building lots. From 2.9 acres to 4.1 acres. All above property is located in West Cocalico Twp., Lancaster County. ... Property shown by appointment. This is only a partial description. For additional information on above 3 tracts, call (717) 626-4975, auctioneer. Terms by; WILMER J. & LEONA WEAVER (215) 267-2007 Randal V. Kline, Auct. PUBLIC SALE »HHMV, FEBRUARY 15.1915 10:00 A.M. Located in Perry County, 13 miles North of Carlisle, Penna on Route 74 then 1 mile East at Wentzel’s Feed Mill on North side of bridge, first farm past Mt Zion Church or turn South off Route 850 at Albright’s Sale Barn. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS ‘ & ANTIQUES SELLING 10:00 A.M. Wooden sausage stuffer, grain flail, 30 gal. copper kettle and other antiques and household items. FARM MACHINERY SELLING AT 12:00 NOON 3020 John Deere diesel tractor, 2 years old, 770 hours; John Deere 70 tractor, gas; Oliver Super 55 tractor, 3 point hitch, gas; John Deere No. 48 Loader with fork and bucket, used 1 year; Oliver loader with bucket to fit Super 55; New Holland No. 461 haybine; John Deere 14T baler with No. 1 bale thrower; Gehl blower, 30 ft. pipe, used 2 years; John Deere tank spreader No. 7,8, 1 year old; New Holland No. 327 spreader, A-l condition; John Deere No. 15 field chopper; John Deere No. 16 field chopper; John Deere hay fluffer; John Deere tractor plows, 3-16 in. bottom trip back, 2 years old; John Deere trail plows, 2-14 in.; A.C. harvester with 3 heads; New Idea com picker. No. 10; John Deere 227 mounted com picker; New Holland 7 ft. mower, P.T.0.; new Grove wide track wagon with hay sides; John Deere 14 ft. wagon with hay sides; 14 ft. M. F. wagon tight bottom and hay sides; 16 ft. David Bradley wagon with hay sides; Case wagon and gravity flow bin; Grove wide track forage wagon; Massey Harris No. 50 clipper combine; John Deere rolo bar rake; John Deere cultivators; John Deere tractor harrow, 3 section; John Deere 8 ft. disk harrow; John Deere No. 246 com planter, 3 point; Little Giant 32 ft. hay and grain elevator; hayfork, rope and pulleys; John Deere mow elevator; 10 in. David Bradley hammer mill; 3 pt. field sprayer; 8 roller field sprayer pump; Oliver hoe drill; Agway feed cart; aluminum extension ladder; 6 in. endless belt; metal hog trough, heat houser and umbrella for John Deere; Agway water trough; steel beam walking plow; 100 electric fence posts and wire; 2 electric fencers, weed choppers; 500 chick electric brooder; 2 electric motors; 2 wheel barrows; 12 x 38 tractor chains; new cattle sling; Can’t Kick heifer clamp; Sunbeam cow clippers; 40 lb. Surge milker pail; 3 cow bed extenders; usual farm tools. IF INCLEMENT WEATHER, HOUSEHOLD & SMALL ITEMS .SOLD UNDER COVER. - TERMS-CASH , LUNCH STAND FERN E. MATTHEWS MARGARET T. MATTHEWS R.D.I, LANDISBURG, PA PHONE: 717-789-3650 LYTER & SON Clerks LONG BROS. Auctioneers R.D.I, Port Royal, PA 17082 Phone: 717-527-4458
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