Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. 8. MMA Moil Box Market For Sale -18 ft. double en dless belt, like new, used very little; Also 2 roll doors with track and rollers, 8 ft. high by 9 ft. long. 717-354-5360 For Sale - Farmall Cub tractor with mower and cultivator, good condition; Also 2 row Hershey Tran splanter, like new. Call 717- 354-0476 Wanted - Smidley Hog Feeders, must be in good condition. 717-786-2839 Genuine CHIX COTTON TOBACCO MUSIM Now In Stock. Also supplies for your tobacco beds - Seeds, Mothballs, Michigan Peat. Bales of Wood excelsior, etc W. L. ZIMMERMAN 8 SONS Ph. 717-768-8291 INTERCOURSE, PA. Just Received Shipment of 4 & 6 ROW CORNPLANTERS Get r our order in earl' 400 CTCIO PUNTER In 1974 Three of the first Four Top Yield Corn planters in PA Were 400 CYCLO PLANTERS from C.B. HOOBER. Call Dick Bamberger EARLY BIRD TWINE SALE SUPPIY IN STOCK FEBRUARY SPECIAL SAVE s2 '°° PER BALE Mail Box Market For Sale - Purebred Spotted Boars, service age, the kind that settle sows and stay sound. Also 3 Purebred Gilts. Windom Spot Farm, 717-872- 7560 For Sale - 7 yr. old horse mule, stands 16:1, black with light points, sound, $4OO, Chester S. Stoltzfus, RDI, Box 300, Ronks, Pa. 17572, 1 mi. S.W. of Paradise on Paradise Lane. For Sale - Registered Holstein heifer, Jan. ’74, Sire: Citation R Maple, 717- 993-2272. For Sale - J.D. grain binder with tounge truck gear runs in oil; 4 Bar Int. Rake; 2 sets Bridgen work harness, Clemens L. Nissley, RD2, Box 61, LeraysviUe, Pa. 18829. Services Rendered - Quilt tops sewn together, bring your material; also, small holes, tears invisibly mended, Mrs. Levi L. Beiler, RD3, Box 83, Loop Rd., Quarryville, Pa. 17566. Wanted - New Holland 469 Haybine, reasonably priced. To be used for expermental purposes. 717-548-2877. to be assured of all at- tea UN ATI baler I twine! I-Ni!"" ■»uT“ISS7S.i \ • ...... V • Buy your International baler twine now. • Take advantage of sub stantial pre-season savings. C. B. INTERCOURSE, PENNA. PHONE 394-3047 or 626-2191 Mail Box .Market For Sale - Breeding Age Bull bom Oct. 3,1973, Sire - Ideal Fury Reflector EX Gold Medal, Dam - syBm 365 d 21.950 M 4.2 percent 901 F, Price - $6OO. Contact Fair Hill Farms, Chestertown, Md. 301-778-2372. For Sale - Registered Holstein heifer Kilisdale Whittier El Fac daughter, due Feb. 17. 717-272-0034. For Sale - 20 bred gilts, farrowing soon; 2 registered Duroc boars, Roman Beiler, 717-442-8104. For Sale - Int. 656 diesel utility tractor (hydro.), excellent condition, 717-687- 7033. For Sale - One 500 to 600 lb. tender lean fed bull. Contact Christ B. Click, 182 East Brook Rd., Smoketown, Pa. 17576. For Sale - Straw for Sale. $4O, Call 717-626-7451. For Sale - J.D. 60, $l3OO. 215- 777-5045. For Sale - John Deere KBA 32 Disc Harrow, wheel carrier, good condition. 717- 949-3077 •=-ra»g=r HI RADIO CONTROLLED TRUCKS FOR BETTER SERVICE HOOBIR & SON |n CHECK OUR PRICES AND SERVICE PROGRAM BEFORE YOU BUY. 500 Gal. DeLaval w-Umcon & Pot 500 Gal. Wilson 425 Gal. Universal 420 Gal. Esco 425 Gal. Esco ACT NOW ON 400 Gal John Wood NEW LISTER 20 H.P. ST 2 DIESELS (2> si IS _ m m aa Milk Cooler MORE HORSEPOWER j) 1 M 9 yy Milk Cooler -12 Can Side Door FOR LESS MONEY I Milk Cooler - 12 Can - Front Open ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ WE DO A COMPLETE JOB. SALES - SERVICE - REPAIRS ON RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION DIESELS & ALL BULK TANK SYSTEMS. 24 HOUR SERVICE FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION CONTACT Grdtz M. Suit M»: 768-8555 After 5:00 PM FREE Subscribers to Lancaster Farming will receive one advertisement Free each month in our Mail Box. Market. Subscribers using the Mail Box Market will be governed by the following rules; Limit your advertisement to 25 words; All ad vertisements must be in our hands by Thursday noon or same will be held over for next week’s paper; No business advertisements accepted. For Sale - Reg. R & W. Hoi. Bull, Bom 7-11-74, Sire: King Pineless Rich Gift-Red, Dam: Performer with over 17,000 M. Phone 717-259-7070. For Sale - 40 feeder pigs; Alive or dressed beef; Geese and ducks; one rabbit and ponies. Call Harry S. Kirk, 215-932-8613 Mail Box Market For Sale - Allis Chalmers Gleaner F Combine, 14 ft. grain head, air conditioned, straw chopper, auto, header hight control, 1 year old. Phone 609-299-3910 or 609-935- 4060. For Sale - KBA 24 Disc in good condition. Benuel K. King, South of Strasburg on May Post Office Road, left at Ist crossroad onto Lantz Road, Ist farm to left. For Sale - John Deere and Bolens Garden Tractors with mowers. Aaron P. Miller, Bird-In-Hand, Pa. Wanted to Buy - Used Farm Machinery, litter carrier, riding plows, Int. and Oliver, ensilage cutters, com bin ders and loaders, steel wheel wagons or any good horse machinery. Phone Tom Wheary 717-687-6553 or write 2321 Leaman Road, Lan caster, Penna. 17602. For Sale - Farmall Super A tractor with 5 ft. 3 blade underneath grass cutter, single bottom plow, dozer blade, sickle bar, all in good condition. Call after 6 p.m. 717-469-0589 For Sale - Timothy & Clover hay (crimped). 717-692-3934 FEATURING: ★ PHILCO ★ Exclusive COLD GUARD REFRIGERATOR PHONE 768*8231 For Sale -14 feeder pigs 45 lbs. average, 717-354-8207. For Sale-Spring Wagon with new paint, $3OO. Phone 717- 626-0152 For Sale - Quarters or sides of 1 steer, cut, wrapped and frozen to your specifications. Call 717-872-4238 For Sale - John Deere 24T baler, no thrower; also 425 gallon Girton Bulk Tank, both in excellent condition. Phone 717-367-7605 Wanted to Buy - Bunk beds with brundle or 2 sets of bunk beds. 215-856-7655 Wanted - Corn shelter with auger or elevator to reach bin wagon. Edwin Ranck, Christiana RDI, Pa. 17509 215-593-6488 For Sale - Amish buggy in good condition. John K. Stoltzfus, RD2, Narvon, Mast Road. For Sale - Home grown Clover seed $58.00 per bu. Can be seen at or picked up at Allen Newswanger, New Holland RDI, Tel. 717-354- 5696. Grown by Ammon H. Martin, Fleetwood RD2, Pa. Phone 215-683-3969 USED TANKS 1975- Mail Box Markot 25
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