20—Lancaster Farmlnj. Saturday. Feb. 8. 1975 Area Youth Serves IContinutd from Pi|t l| (o their villages with equipment and initial medicine supplies to begin their work." The girls charge no fee (or medical attention but sell the 'equired drugs in order to make money to reinforce their own supplies." The village must supply the house or building for the medical technician although most of her supplies arc Ken Neff Salesman 2 -1974 Scout II Demonstrators V-8, auto 1 -1968 C-950 Ford Truck Tractor 1 -1974 International 1 ton chassis - new lett-over HERITAGE INTERNATIONAL INC. 1054 S. State Street Phone 733-2283 Lancaster County's Only International Full Line Dealer. given by the Church organization. As a volunteer, Linda did not hove any formal orientation and did not speak the native Spanish language when she first began her duties. "It took me about a year to leant Spanish well enough to communicate with the people." Undo explained that the clinic has been very well 400 International Air Planters with or without Cau-till attachment 450 & 710 Plows 16 & 18 inch 350 & 370 Disk Harrows - 10’3” 401 12’ Spring Tooth Harrow 100 Hydro Tractor 574 International Tractor TRUCK SPECIALS INTRODUCTORY SALE WEEK OF FEB. 17 accepted lincc Its inception in the early 70‘s. "Many of the people In the surrounding areas use our services and some walk 3-4 hrs. from the outlying districts also." Although many of the villages send girls to be trained some of the more backward people under the Influence of "quack doctors" will not conic to the clinics or send their girls to be educated. "In those types of villages we do not force our services on them since the doctors have too much rigid in fluence." Often, the medical team from the clinic visits the village centers to check on the work of the technicians. It was on one of these trips that Linda had an experience she will never forget. "We were going to a village that was out in the mountains, we flew by a small plane to one village and from there we were to be taken by mules on a 4 hour ride to the village we wanted to inspect.” “We were late getting started through the moun tains and we were forced to ride the mules on mountain roads during the dark. I was very frightened and was very happy to reach the village that night.” “It rained and was cloudy for the next day and our plane could not land at the first village to pick us up - we had to wait until the next day which made us somewhat apprehensive.” When asked how the conditions differed in Cen tral American country Linda commented in this manner. “The large cities are much like our US cities with large modem buildings and most of the comforts.” “The -'ch people live in ranch - /le type houses while the poorer people live in adobe houses with tile roofs.” Linda explained that most NEW INTERNATIONAL EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE NOW - 12'8” Ephrata, PA 17522 I In appreciation of her volunteer work, Linda’s friends at the Swamp United Church of Christ recently presented her with an inscribed silver tray. of the larger cities have months, movies and sports and even The main subsistence for the smaller villages have the villagers is agriculture stores from which to select with the main crop being items. coffee. The village people “American style food can be purchased in the large cities Linda explained “but in the small villages the people usually eat beans, corn, rice and tortillas.” Very little meat is eaten she explained and then it is only about once every one or two MR. FARMER: Hove you heard about the Red Rose Programmed Hog Feeding System? FEED PIGS FOR PROFIT FROM THE START Let us help you with our various services and products. - Feeders - Waterers and other production equipment - Complete selection of animal health aids and sanitation products - The proper use of Red Rose Starter Feeds and Supplements, for the most profitable conversion of your gram into pork. PIG PELLETS Buy 10 50-LB. bags of Pig Pre Starter pellets Buy 20 50-LB. bags of Pig Starter pellets Red Rose ANIMAL FEEDS RED ROSE FEED & FARM SUPPLY Div. of Carnation 27 N CHURCH ST Buck p, QUARRYVILLE, PA 2 84 4464 786-7361 raise their own crops but coffee is the main cash crop involved. An interesting note on the agricultural aspect was revealed when Linda remarked about the far mers’ crops. “When the crops fail or a FEBRUARY SPECIAL ONLY GET 1 BAG FREE GET 1 BAG FREE # natural disaster occurs such us the Honduran flood, the farmers must absorb their own losses os the govern ment offers no subsidies." In some of the cities, in dustry offers some em ployment however not enough to substantiate the whole country. The work always keeps Linda busy although she admitted that there is some free time for swimming and going to movies In the main cities. Linda has been a volunteer for the past year and a half and is planning on continuing her work with the Honduran people. Linda has been a member of Farm Women Society 3 and plays the piano as well as sews when she is home. She was also a member of the Jolly Caterers and the Lincoln 4-H Club. While not every young person can travel to other countries Linda has much moral support behind her as the young people’s group of her church appreciates the work she has done. A few weeks ago when she was home for a vacation, Linda received a silver plate from the group inscribed with a message that rein forced their pride and ap preciation of her work. For Prompt Courteous Service Give Your Local Independent Red Rose Dealer A Coll! BROWN & REA, INC. ATGLEN.PA 215-593-5149
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