ij »f t-11'* ti r in) Local Gram Thurfiday, January 30 These prices arc made up of the average prices quoted by a number of participating local feed and grain con cerns. It should be noted, however, that not every dealer or broker handles each commodity. All prices are per bushel except ear corn which is per ton. The average local grain prices quoted Thursday, January 30, 1975, are as follows:. Bld+ Offered-f Ear Com New Old ; Shelled Corn 3.00 Oats 65.75 72.50 local Western Barley Wheat 1.65 1.90 2.27 2.39 2.65 Feed 2.79 Millers 3.31 +Bid is the price the dealer will buy from the farmer delivered to the mill. Offered is the price the dealer will sell for at his mill. When they carry o load like this, good vacation ... “SUPER MICRO”... Used in a nutritionally balanced dry cow ration, will make her load a lot easier to carry!!! Southeastern George F Delong Henry Delong, Jr Regional Manager RD2 Peach Bottom Pa 17563 PO Box 683 Lihtz Pa 17543 Ph 717 548 2580 Call Collect 717 626 0115 Ben Greenawalt M-i um u. rr RD2 Conestoga Pa 17516 RR2 New Holland Pa 17557 Ph 717 872 5686 Ph 717 354 5977 Eastern Lancaster Co Lebanon Co Marvin Meyer Earl B Gmder R °2 Box 157 RD2 Manheim Pa 17545 Annville p a 17003 Phone 717 665 3126 ptl 717 867 1445 North Western Lancasti New Holland Horse Moiidax. Januun 27 Heported receipts of 647 head of horses, mules and ponies. Market reported steady with last week. load of Kansas riding horses singles 210-350. load of Tennessee mules and work horses; mule pairs 1350-2250 and singles 450- 1075; work horses pairs 010- 1225 and singles 445-500. load of .Virginia riding horses 215-410. load of Tennessee riding horses 240-365. load of work and riding horses from North ('arolina ■ work singles 310-470 and riding singles 225-275. 3.29 local work horses 360-470; mules: singles 200-675 and pairs 1100-1975; driving horses 150-400; riding horses 140-235; better horses 250- 360; lightweight killers 16-18: heavyweight killers 19-22: geldings 5-25; mare ponies 15-35; colts 5-15 and larger ponies 45-70. 3.18 they need a iff Southern Southwestern Lancaster Co Oklahoma ' City January 30 Thursday Feeder (’attic Auction Estimated Receipts 4,700 Same Day I<ast Week 5,890 Fairly active, except thin fleshed heifer calves under 500 lb. slow; feeder steers over 600 lb. strong to 50c higher, 'instances 1.00 higher; all others generally steady with the week’s ad vance. Majority receipts mixed good and choice 400- 850 lb. steers and 400-700 lb. heifers including fairly large percentage of cattle arriving from wheat pastures. Fairly large attendance buyers. FEEDER STEERS: Choice, few prime 300-500 lb. 23.25-26.70, 500-600 lb. 24.50- 26.60; 600-700 lb. 25 00-27.80; 700-925 lb. 26.00-28.10; mixed good and choice 300-500 lb. 20.00-23.00; 500-815 lb. 23.00- 24.50; good 300-780 lb. 19.25- 22.50. lx>ad good 494 lb. Holstein steers 15.10; good 796-1054 lb. Holstein steers (« (» O'ii Sji i , vW§- Lehigh Co Area J H Moore 1213 Zorba Drive Whitehall Pa 18052 Ph 215 432 5987 Cy Arnold 739 Rosewood Drive Douglasville Pa 19518 Ph 215 385 6249 Western Lancaster Co A L Werlman 413 Locust St Columbia Pa 17513 ■Ph 717 684 8768 KEY TO PROFIT AGRI KING, ; PERSONALIZED FEEDING PROGRAMS br * 5 - • I 1 f ? £ , £ v - Minas i & SE Berks Co [omei 18.50-20.00. FEEDER HiiIFERS: Majority fleshy heifers over 450 lb. selling to slaughter interests. Choice, few prime 300-500 lb. 18.50-20.00 ; 500-725 lb. 20.00-22.00; mixed good and choice 300-550 lb. 16.75- 18.00; small lot 725 lb. at 18.80; few good 400-535 lb. 15.00-16.25. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Good 450-840 lb. heifers 22.50- 24.50; few small lots low good 485875 lb. 20.50-21.25. FOR THE WEEK: Compared to late last week, feeder steers and steer calves 1.00-2.00 higher with some sales on steers over 600 lb. 2.50 higher; feeder heifers and heifer calves 50c to 1.00 higher with majority fleshy heifers over 450 lb. selling to slaughter in terests; slaughter cows uneven, beef cows steady to 50c higher; canner and cutter steady to 50c lower; bulls under extreme pressure late and 1.00-2.00 lower. Salable receipts near 11,400 head compared to 16,555 last week and 15,352 S) rtf' (dry period) to fill the reserve tank so she can be a healthy-’ | high producer in the u v next lactation. \ Jk>. 1)). Chester Co William Wmdle RDI Atglen Pa 19310 Ph 215 593 6143 Northeasi Berks Co Roger Heller RDWI Robesoma Pa Ph 215 693 6160 South Central Penn l mes \ J oder Mark H Yoder Reg'OHal Manager 2004 Phlladelphia Ave kkibqxb l Chambersburg Pa 17201 Chambersburg Pa 1720! 717 iaos Cali Collect 717 264 9321 Ph /17 263 1808 New York Dressed Meats January 30 Daily distributive • less than carlot meat trade. Compared with Wed nesday; Prices continue weak for fresh meats of all classes with pork loins fully $3.00 this session and around $7.00 below week previous. Demand poor as purchasing power particularly in nor mally large channels o. outlet, holding very light. Clearance for the week appears a struggle at this point. Prime 600-900 lbs. 62.50- 64.00; Choice 600-700 62.00- 63.50; 70080061.5082.50; 800- 900 60.0081.50; Good 500800 59.5081.00. the same week a year ago. Cows comprised 23 percent cattle receipts, feeders 75 percent of the total. m, m. Bedford Co Pa Area iKennein lionnyi Yoder RD#2 FV 150 .Bedford Pa 15522 Ph 814 623 685 b Cumberland Co Pa Area Marlin E Ebersole RD#5 Carlisle Pa 17013 Ph 717 776 7324 Franklin Co Pa Area Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Fab. 1,1975 Steer Beef And as Heifer Beef Choice 500-700 lbs. 61.00- 62.50. Calf | Skin Off) Choice 150-350 lbs. 58.00- 04.00; Good 150-350 48.00- 54.00; Standard 150-350 44.00- 47.00. Veal i Skin Off) Choice 90-150 lbs. 81.00- 89.00; Good 60-90 72.00-76.00; Standard 60-120 60.00-85.00. I .a mb Choice & Prime 30-55 85.00- 87.00 ; 55-65 83.00-85.00. Choice Beef Cuts Hinds (Steer) 145-190 lbs. 75.00-77.00; Arm Chucks 90- 105 52.00-55.00; Ribs (7-Rib) 34-40 83.00-86.00; Loins (Trmd) 50-J0 90.00-95.00; Rounds (Steer) 70-95 73.00- 76.00; Full Plates 36.00-37.00; Hinds (Heifer) 120-170 75.00- 77.00. Pork Cuts (Fresh) Leins (Regular) 8-14 76.00- 79.00; 14-17 74.00-77.00; Picnics (Regular) 4-8 48.50- 51.50; Boston Butts 4-8 62.50- 65.50; Sparenbs 3 lbs. down 79.00-83.00; Hams (Skinned) 14-17 71.50-75.00; 17-20 69.50- 71.00. she rests it’s time Franklin Co Pa Area Eldon Martin RDOS Waynesboro* Pa 17268 Ph 717 762 3576 Washrni lion Co . Md Area Farl H Moyer RD#5 Box 277 Hagerstown Md 21740 Ph 301 739 5199 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers