—Lancaster Fanning. Saturday. Fab. 1, 1975 4 Poultry Market Reports WEEKLY NEW YORK EGG MARKET Monday, January 27 to Friday, January 31 Mon. Tues. Wed. Thura. WHITE Ex. Large 65 85 65 65 65 Large 65 65 65 65 65 Mediums 61 61 61 61 61 Pullets 55 55 55 55 55 Peewees 40 40 40 40 40 BROWN Large Mediums Unquoted Pullets Unquoted Peewees Unquoted Off Grade Large 57 57 57 57 57 Checks 32 32 32 32 32 Tone Easier. Copyright 1975 Urner Barry Publications NEST RUN EGGS Prices are from Egg Clearinghouse, Inc., (ECI) Durham, N.H. and reflect trading prices for gradeable nest run eggs (GNR) on ECI, a nationwide trading center for producers, packers and marketers. GNR eggs are classified by weight in 30-dozen cases, and traded in lots of either 300 or 750 cases. Prices are FOB buyers dock, and are computed Tuesday and Thursday of each week. This week’s prices for each classification were: Classification Extra Large Class 1 - Large Class 3 • Medium Class 4 - Small Breaking Stock Checks York Livestock Thomasville, Fenna. January 29,1975 CATTLE 101. Compared sustain top production with the BABCOCK B-300 Keeping production up ... costs down... is the profit key in poultry operations. And more and more records on commercial flocks of Babcock B-300’s . . . “The Businessman’s Bird” . show sustained production of top quality eggs . . often with an additional 20 to 30 eggs per bird housed over other strains Come in . . look at the records and the B-300 “The Businessman’s Bird”. BABCOCK FARMS Telephone |7l7| 626 8257 Telephone 1717) 626 8561 71 71 71 71 New Weight Per Case Tuesday 51 lbs. 0 48 lbs. 55 42 lbs. 52 39 lbs. 44 48 lbs. 41 48 lbs. 34 with last Wednesday’s market, slaughter steers grading Standard $1 to $2 lower. Few Choice 1050-1175 lbs. slaughter steers 32.50- 34.50, Good 28.25-33.60, Standard 26.00-30.00. One Choice 970 lbs. slaughter heifer at 31.00, couple Standard 25.75 and 27.25, few Utility 16.00-21.50. Few Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 19.35- 21.35, few Cutters 18.25-19.10, few Canners 14.75-17.00. Couple Standard slaughter bullocks 22.35 and 23.85. One yield grade No. 1 1700 lbs. slaughter bull at 26.00; couple yield grade No. 2 1250 and 1860 lbs. 22.25 and 23.10. Common & Medium 400-800 lbs. feeder steers 16.00-20.00; few Medium 400-570 lbs. feeder heifers 17.00-18.00; few Good 635-700 lbs. feeder bulls 21.50-24.50, few Com mon & Medium 450-550 lbs. 15.00-17.00. CALVES 66. Vealers grading Utility $7 to $8 higher. Few Choice vealers 57.00-59.00, few Good 40.00- 50.00, Standard 32.00-40.00, Utility 90-110 lbs. 26.00-32.00, 75-85 lbs. 25.00-27.00. Lancaster Farming P.O. Box 266 - Lititz, Pa. 17543 Office: 22 E. Main St, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Record-Express Office Bldg. Phone: Lancaster 717-394-3047 or Lititz 717-626-2191 Richard E. Wanner. Editor Melissa Piper, Associate Editor Subscription price $2 per year. Established November 4,1955 Published every Saturday by Lancaster Farming Lititz, Pa Second Class Postage paid at Lititz. Pa 17543 Members of Newspaper Farm Editors Assn., Pa. Newspaper Publishers Association, and - National Newspaper Association. X; •y Eastern Pa. &N.J. Live Poultry Report Wednesday, Jan. 21 Prices are lower on Light Type Hens. Offerings light and generally short of running time despite oc casional plant not operating. Demand for finished product poor. Offerings of Heavy Type Hens adequate for fair demand. Prices paid at farm: Light type hens 4-6, mostly 5-5% in Pa.; Mostly 5-6 in N.J. Heavy type hens TFEWR. Fri. Delmarva Brofler-Fryer Market Wednesday, Jan. 29 Ready to cook movement mixed, ranging light to occasionally fairly good. Slaughter schedules con tinue to decline with oc casional plants not operating today. Today’s less than trucklot asking prices ranged 1 to 2 cents lower on both Plant and US Grade A. Advanced interest slow in developing as traders await further market develop ment. Thursday Live supplies continue fairly adequate at desirable weights. Undertone un settled. Lancaster Feeder Cattle Friday, January 24 Feeder Cattle 393 641 Today Last Week FEEDER CATTLE: Compared to last Friday feeder steers steady to 1.00 lower, with weights under 550 lb. mostly steady; bulls mostly steady. FEEDER STEERS: Couple lots Choice 800-935 lb. 30.60-31.10; mixed Good and Choice 650-900 lb. 26.85-28.50; Good 570-830 lb. 23.00-25.00; Good 440-540 lb. 22.25-26.10, one lot 500 lb. 26.50; Standard 530-670 lb. 19.25-21.75. FEEDER BULLS: Good 430-525 lb. 20.50-22.00. HOGS 47. Few Lots US No. 1-3 190-250 lbs. barrows & gilts 37.00-39.50. Few US No. 1-3 340-450 lbs. sows 31.50- 33.50. One Boar at 24.25. FEEDER PIGS 14. One lot US No. 1-3 55 lbs. feeder pigs 20.50 per head, few Utility 25- 35 lbs. 8.50-9.00 per head. SHEEP 0. No sales on offer. Philadelphia Eggs Wednesday, Jan. 29 Prices steady. Cartoning demand fair to occasionally good. Offerings ample on Larger sizes, adequate on mediums. Undertone un settled. Prices to retailers: Sales to volume buyers, consumer grades white eggs in cartons, delivered: store door A Extra Large 70-71%; A Large 69-70%; A Medium 61- 63%. Baltimore Eggs Wednesday, Jan. 29 Demand fair. Supplies fully adequate. Grade A Large 72-78, mostly 72-74; Grade A Medium 68-74, mostly 68-70. New Holland Dairy Auction Wednesday, January 29 Reported receipts of 105 cows, 3 heifers and 4 bulls. Market reported steady with last week. Load of New York State cows, fresh 440-600 and springers 505-595; load of Pa. cows, fresh 525-850 and springers 510-810; load of Franklin Co. cows, fresh 375- 600 and springers 560-630. Locally consigned cows 315-685; springing heifers 400510 and bulls 210-290. DO YOU NEED BALANCE IN YOUR FARMING OPERATION? BROILER BREEDER HATCHING EGG UNIT LONGENECKER’S HATCHERY, INC. Stanley Saylor, RDI, Elizabethtown, Pa says that Longenecker’s broiler breeder hatching egg program works well with his hog and steer operation Saylor's two-thirds slatted floor house is specially designed for efficient operation. EARL GERLACH - 717-367-1545 NEW ENGLAND WEEKLY SHELL EGG REPORT Tuesday, January 28,1975' Prices paid per dozen Grade “A” brown eggs in cartons delivered to retail stores: EX LARGE LARGE MEDIUM SMALL MASS+ 75-64 72-81 68-73 62-61 Mostly 76-77 73-75 69-71 £B5 NEW HAM P 72-79 70-77 69-73 50-67 Mostly 74-75 72-73 6869 52-53 MAINE 76-78 74-76 70-72 54-66 +lncludes Central & Western Sections Only. Baltimore USDA Report January 27, 1975 CATTLE 350. Slaughter steers $1 to $1.50 lower; not enough sales slaughter heifers for a market test. Cows strong to 50 cents higher; Bulls 50 cents to $1 higher. Supply 40 percent slaughter steers and heifers, 50 percent cows, balance bulls & few Feeder Cattle. STEERS: High Good & Choice yield grade 2-4 100- 1200 lbs. 35.00-37.00; package Choice yield grade 3-4 1200 lbs. at 39.25- Good yield grade 2-4 985-1200 lbs. 31.00- 33.50; Standard & Low Good 27.50-30.00, Standard 21.30- 26.75. HEIFERS: Few HIGH PRESSURE WASHING OF POULTRY HOUSES AND VEAL PENS BARRY L. HERR 1744 Pioneer Road, Lancaster, Pa Phone 717-464-2044 Consider a FOR ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. CONTACT FOR MORE INFORMATION Standard & Low Good 1140- 1250 lbs. 22.00-27.00. COWS: Utility 18.25-21.75, Cutters 16.25-18.25, Canner & low cutters 13.25-16.25. BULLS: Yield Grade No. 1 1100-2385 lbs. 25.50-28.50. BULLOCKS: Few Good 27.00-29.75. FEEDER CATTLE: Few Good steers 700-730 lbs. 24.10- 27.00. HOGS 600. Barrows & Gilts steady to 50 cehts higher. US No. 1-3 200-240 lbs. 40.00- 40.25, 100 head 40.35-40.50, No. 2-3 240-260 lbs. 39.75- 40.00, No. 2-4 260-280 lbs. 39.25-39.75. SOWS; 50 cents higher. US No. 1-3 300-600 lbs. 32.00-33.00. " -iv ms.
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