’—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Jan. 4, 1975 Local Livestock Market, Auction News Lancaster Market Monday, December 3t Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 744 205 500 210 Last Monday 582 173 718 84 Last Year 579 127 406 136 Monday’s Auction 631 226 727 2SO Last Mon.'s Auc. 594 174 671 89 CATTLE: Compared to last Monday slaughter steers 50-75 lower, instances 1.50 lower on Good; cows steady to SO lower, instances 1.00 lower on Utility; bullocks mostly steady, few 900-975 lb. 1.00 lower; bulls 50-1.00 higher. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 1125- 1375 lb. 38.75-39.25; Choice 950-1250 lb. 37.75-39.35, couple 40.00-41.00; high Good and low Choice 35.00-37.75; Good 32.50-36.00; Standard 29.75-32^0. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 850-950 lb. 33.25-36.00; Good 28.75-33.00. COWS: "Utility and high dressing Cutter 20.75-22.35, few 22.50-23.10; Cutter 18.75- 21.75; Canner and low Cutter 17.00-19.00. BULLOCKS: Choice 1000- 1250 lb. 34.00-37.50, couple 37.85-38.75; Choice 900-975 lb. 30.75-32.25; Good 1000-1250 lb. 28.5033.00. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1100-1650 lb. 29.50-31.75, couple 32.00; yield grade 2 1000-1350 lb. 26.00-29.00. FEEDER STEERS; Couple loads Choice 830-965 lb. 323033.25. VEAL CALVES: Good to Prime vealers 2.00-5.00 lower, Utility and Standard 1.00-2.00 lower. VEALERS: Prime 55.50- 65.00; Choice 45.00-53.00; Good 31.5038.50; Standard 28.5032.50; Utility' 90-120 lb. HAY MARKETS New HoHond December 30.1974 80 loads of hay and 28 loads of straw. Alfalfa 52.00-79.00; with few 83.00-91.00; timothy 44.0043.00; mixed hay 45.00- 62.00; few loads 60.00-80.00; clover 46.00-59.00; straw 39.0048.00 with few 25.00- 35.00; ear com few 66.50- 75.00 and com fodder, few loads 33.00-36.00. Paul Z. Martin Wednesday, Jan. 1 16 loads of hay & straw sold as follows: Alfalfa 46.50-70; Clover 46.50-57; Timothy 46-62; Mixed Hay 4S-70: Straw 40. Regional Hay Prices For Southeastern & So. Central Pennsyh ama i All hay No 2 and better, prices paid by dealers at the farm, price per ton i Hay’ & Straw mostly steady Alfalfa 60 00-70.00 Mixed hay 40 0045.00. few to 55.00. Timothy hay 35 00-45 00, Straw 35 00-38 00 Mulch 20 00-35 00 Vintage Auction Tuesday, December 31 Cattle Calve* Sheep Today 542 504 0 Last Tuesday Holiday Last Year 786 647 12 CATTLE: No comparable trend, no market last week. Slaughter fairly active with an increased showing of Choice and Prime slaughter steers on offer; cows slow with a few buyers out of the market SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 1100- 1325 lb. 39.75-41.00, few 1415- 1465 lb. 38.00-40.00; Choice 950-1300 lb. 37.75-40.50, few 40.60-40.75; high Good and low Choice 36.35-38.00; Good 32.25-37.25; Standard 1000- 1350 lb. 28.00-33.00; Utility and Standard 850-950 lb. 22.50-26.00. COWS: Utility and high dressing Cutter 20.50-21.75, few 22.00-22.75; Cutter 18.75- 21.00; Canner and low Cutter 17.00-18.50. BULLOCKS: Choice 950- 1300 lb. 32.00-34.50; Good 26.0032.00. BULLS; Yield grade 1 1000-1650 lb. 29.75-32.00, couple 1600-1660 lb. 33.75- 35.00, and couple 37-75-38.25; yield grade 2 1000-1350 lb. 26.00-29.50. VEAL CALVES: Vealers fairly active, supply mainly Utility and Standard 85-120 lb., with bulk going to slaughter. VEALERS: Choice 42.00- 52.00; couple Prime 55.00- 62.00; Good 38.00-44.00; 18.00-22.00, 65-85 lb. 15.00- 18.00. SHEEP: Wooled lambs 1.00-2.00 lower. WOOLED LAMBS: Choice 85-106 lb. 40.00-42.00, one lot Choice 75 lb. new crop lambs 45.00; Good 50-85 lb. 35.00- 39.00. Green Dragon December 27,1974 Prices Per Ton: 75 loads hay & 40 loads straw Alfalfa 51.00-73.00, few loads 81.00-88.00; Timothy 44.00-58.00, load at 74.00; Mixed hay 43.00-69.00,2 loads 81.00 & 89.00; Clover, load at 49.00; Grass bay, 2 loads 45.00 & 49.00; Straw 39.00- 46.00, load at 50.00; Cora, 3 loads 68.50-74.50; Corn Fodder, 3 loads 29.50-30.00. LEBANON VALLEY LIVESTOCK MARKET. INC. 1 mile east of Fredericksburg along Route 222 PHONE JONESTOWN 865-2881 Sa'e every Tuesday at 1 30 PM starting with feeder cattle and pigs Lancaster Auction No market report due to holiday*. New York Dressed Meats January 2,1975 Daily distributive • less than carlo! meat trade. Compared with Tuesday: Prices 50 - $l.OO lower for steer and heifer beef; small stock classes generally weak; pork and hams $2.00- 3.00 lower; picnics, butts and spareribs steady. Moderate to small supplies available and fully ample as demand for fresh meats very poor on post holiday session. Beef chucks and rough cuts undo- severe pressure and beef ribs lowest in more than three weds. Steer Beef Prime 600-900 lbs. $64.00- 65.00; Choice 600-700 62.00- 64.00, 700-800 52.0043.50, 800- 900 60.0041.50; Good 500-800 60.0041.50. Heifer Beef Choice 500-700 lbs. 61.50- 62.50. Calf (SkinOS) Choice 90-150 lbs. 84.00- 92.00; Good 6060 71.00-77.00; Standard 60-120 60.0065.00. Lamb: Choice & Prime 30-55 86.00- 87.00, 5545 84.0046.00. Choice Beef Cuts Hinds (steer) 145-190 lbs. 74.0076.00; Ann Chucks 90- 1(6 43.0045.00; Ribs (7-Rib) 34-40 85.00-93.00; Loins (Trmd) 50-70 89.00-93.00; Rounds (Steer) 70-95 77.00- 78.00; FuD Plates 33.0044.00; Hinds (Refer) 120-170 73.00- 75.00. Pork Cuts (Fresh) Loins (Regular) 8-14 80.00- 82.00, 14-17 79.00-82.00: Picnics (Regular) 4-8 49.00- 51.00; Boston Butts 4-8 68.00- 70.00; Spareribs 3 lbs. down 77.00-80.00; Hams (Skinned) 14-17 73.00-78.00, 17-20 70.00- 73.00. Baltimore USDA Report No market report available at press tune. Standard 22.0CP33.00; Utility 90-120 lb. 17.00-22.00; 55-85 lb. 14.50-18.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Around 75 head 100-115 lb. Holstein balls 21.00-22.00. TRY A AUCTIONS makes the difference in marketing livestock! New Holland makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY 9:00 AJM. Fat Hogs 2: SO P.M. Fat Steers, Bulls, Cows & Veal Horse SaIe—MONDAY at 10:00 A.M. Hay, Straw & Ear Corn MONDAY 11:00 A.M, and WEDNESDAY 12:00 Dairy Sale WEDNESDAY at 12:30 P.M. Fat Steers, Bulls. Cows & Veal THURSDAY at 12:00 Noon NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES INC. New Holland Penna Abram W Diffenbach Manager New Holland Auction Thursday, January': Cattle Calve* Sheep Today 766 505 11 Last Thursday 1142 595 6 Last Year 964 759 19 CATTLE : 766. Compared to last Thursday slaughter steers fully steady, instances 1.00 higher; cows 50-1.00 lower; Bullocks fully steady mi small supply; bulls steady to 1.00 higher. Supply in cluded 53 per cent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 950-1300 lb. 38.25- 41.25, few 41.5042.75; high Good and low Choice 37.00- 39.75; Good 33.75-38.00, few 1350-1625 lb. 31.00-33.50; Standard 28.00-32.00, Utility and low Standard 22.75-26.25. COWS: Utility and high dressing Cutter 20.50-22.00, few 22.25-23.00 with a couple 23.75-24.50; Cutter 20.00- 21.75, few 19.00-20.00; Canner and low Cutter 17.00-19.00. BULLOCKS: Choice 950- 1200 lb. 34.00-35.50, couple 36.00-37.00; Good 30.00-33.50. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1100-1700 lb. 28.50-31.50, few 31.85-32.75; yield grade 2 1000-1350 lb. 27.00-30.00. VEAL CALVES: 505. Vealers mostly 2.00 higher, instances 3.00 higher on Utility. VEALERS: Few Prime 60.00- Choice 48.00- 55.00; Good 36.00-45.00; Standard 24.00-35.00, Utility 90-120 lb. 20.00-24-00,65-85 lb. 18.00- SHEEP: 11. Insufficient volume for a market test, few Choice 85-105 lb. wooled lambs 45.00-49.50. Few Utility slaughter ewes 13.50- 17.00. Local Grain Thursday, January 2 These prices are made up of the average prices quoted by a number of participating local feed and grain con cerns. It should be noted however, that not every dealer or broker handles each commodity. All prices are per bushel expect ear com which is per ton. The average local grain prices quoted Thursday, January 2, 1975, are as follows; Bid-1- Offered+ Ear Com New 66.00 75.00 Old Shelled Corn 3.40 3.62 Phone 717 354-4341 Composite Report Cattle Calves This Week 2500 1225 Last Week 1763 772 Last Year 3146 1438 CATTLE: Slaughter Steers mostly steady, a few early sales $1 lower; cows .50 -11 lower; bullocks mostly steady; bulls steady to fi higher. Supply included an estimated 30 percent cows, 10 percent bulls with the balance mainly slaughter steers. „ SLAUGHTER STEERS; High choice and prime 1100- 1375 lb. $38.75441.00, few 1415-1465 lb. $38.00-40.00; choice 950-1300 lb. $37.75- $41.25, few $41.50-42.75; high good and low choice $36.35- $38.00, few late $38.50-39.50; good $32.50-37.50, few 1350- 1625 lb. $31.00-33.50; stan dard $28.00-33.00; utility and low standard $22.50-26.25. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Few 850-950 lbs. $33.25-36.00; good $28.75-$33.00. COWS: Utility and high dressing cutter $20.50422.00, few $22.25-23.00, couple 23.75- $24.50; cutter $19.50-21.75, few $18.75-19.50, tanner and low cutter $17.00-19.00. BULLOCKS: Choice 1000- 1250 lb. $33.50-37.50; good $37.85438.85; choice 900-975 lb. $30.75-32.25; good $26.00- 32.00. BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1000-1700 lb. $28.50-32.00, choice $32.0043.75, 3 head $35.00-38.25; yield grade 2 1000-1350 lb. $26.0040.00. FEEDER STEERS: Couple loads choice 1830-1930 lb. $32.5043.25. VEAL CALVES: Vealers closed the week mostly $2 higher, instances $3 higher on utility. VEALERS: Prime $55.00- 62.00, few $62.00-67.50. Choice $45-53.00; good $36.00-45.00; standard $24.00-35.00; utility 90-120 lb. $17.00-24.00, 65-85 lb. *15.00-20.00. RETURN TO FARM: Around 75 head 100-115 lb. Holstein bulls $21.00 to $22.00. Oats Local Western 1.68 1.95 2.25 Barley 2.50 2.76 Wheat Feed —• Millers 3.98 -I- Bid is the price the dealer will buy from the farmer delivered to the mill. Offered is the price the dealer will sell for at his mill. VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. PARADISE, PENNA. BULLS, STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 12 NOON HOG SALES Every Saturday At 9:00 A.M. Every Wednesday At 9:00 A.M. FOR MARKETING INFORMATION PHONE AREA CODE 717-442-4181 For 24 Hour Market Reporting Service. Call 717 7683117 Box 100 Paradise Ps 10 ndes East of Lancaster on Rt 30 Lebanon Valley Livestock Na market report dae to holidays. Greencastle Auction CATTLE 153. Compared with last Monday’s market, slaughter cows grading Utility steady to 75 cents higher. Individual Good slaughter steer at 33.75, few Standard 23.25-31.60, one Utility at 21.00. One Good slaughter heifer at 28.00, Standard, individual's 19.00 and 22.00. Utility and High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 20.50*22.85, individual at 24.75, Cutters 19.25-20.85, Canners 18.10-19.35, Shells down to 15.00. One Standard slaughter bullock at 25.25, Utility, individual’s 20.25 and 23.25. Few Yield Grade No. 1, 1435-1665 lbs. slaughter bulls 25.00-33.00. Medium and Good 400-800 lbs. feeder steers 24.25-27.75, Common and Medium 400-900 lbs. 18.75-24.00. Few Good 355-540 lbs. feeder bulls 26.00-32.75. CALVES 210. Vealers grading Utility unevenly steady. Individual Prime vealer at 58.50, one Choice at £LOO, few Good 47.00-57.00, ItW Standard 31.00-42.00, Utility 90-115 lbs. 19.00-22.00. few 110*130 lbs/ 22.00-29.00 Utility 70-90 lbs. 17.00-19.50. 55-70 lbs. 12.00-17.00. Farm calves: Holstein bulls 70-120 lbs. 19.00-24.00. HOGS 57. Few US No. 1-3 205-245 lbs. barrows and gilts 41.50- lot 191 lbs. at 38.75, individual No. 2-4 270 and 310 lbs. 34.25 and 37.75, few No. 2-4 155-170 lbs. 33.00- 35.00 Few US No. I*3 320-480 lbs. sows 31.50-36.25, few No. 2*3 550-605 lbs. 30,25-31.75. Two Boars at 26.25, light weight (lot) 205 lbs. at 34.75. FEEDER PIGS 20. US No. 1-5 25-40 lbs. feeder pigs 10.50- per head.' SHEEP 0, NO SALES ON OFFER. COMPUTE LIVESTOCK BUYING SERVICE Spedaidni in order buying of Stockers A Feeders FRANK DUSSINGER LIVESTOCK ORDER BUYER PHONE: 1717) 397-7539 huim uvesiocT Washington Boro, Pa. 17582 Office Phone 1717| 172-5491 John Bowman Ph0ne:17171653-5721
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