Opening Nov. 6,1974 Commonwealth National Bank Come share the good old dags at our new Park City Office. A free three day weekend for two —lodging, meals, spending money—in Colonial Williamsburg, Va. will go to the winner of our contest. Just come to the lobby and guess the number of ~ - doharsonour Evergreen raoncyjree, symbol Second prize: Colonial Grandmother clock Account. Closest estimate wins. “'Pennsylvania Rifle,” Fourth Prize: Beautiful pewter tea service. Banking hours: A return to the 59-hour work week The Park City office will be for all your banking business from 9:30 AM to B PM Moi through Fridays, and from 9:30 AM to 4 PM Saturdays CELEBRATION AND OFFERS APPLY THROUGH NOVEMBER 23.1974 GRAND PRIZE: Come back to Colonial America.. .on us. Every visitor will receive a realistic copy of the original Declaration of Independence, reproduced on parchment-like paper. Commonwealth A National Bank 807 Sears Mall, Park City • William F. Hoke, Jr., Mgr, Happy to help you throughout south central Pennsylvania Celebrate the Spirit of 76 All deposits insured to $20,000 by FDIC You may make your guess at the new bank any banking day from November 6 through the 23rd, There’s nothing to buy, and you need not be a Commonwealth customer. Park City Office Sears Mall An inflation shaving premium for new accounts ' Any time from November 6 through November 23, open a new checking or savings account for $5O or more at our new office, or add $ 100 to an existing Commonwealth savings account. You will receive a $5.00 gift certificate redeemable at any Park City store or restaurant. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Nov. 2,1974—37 Cora Prices Corn prices seem to be changing about as fast as the thermometer these days based upon the weather and the national export program. However, it seems certain that com is one of the most expensive feed ingredients at this time. In most years of the past, com has been one of the most economical grain feeds. This shows how agricultural conditions change and the need for farmers to keep informed on many situations. The recent freeze on the late-planted com might mean this com should be made into silage; I don’t know of a better use of it. In developing grain rations at this time, producers are urged to consider some of the mixed feeds as a source of feed nutrients rather than com. In most years of the past, com has been the most economical feed and proteins have been the most expensive. Now the reverse is true and producers may have to alter their feeding programs. Reduced grain feeding and greater forage feeding might be one answer for dairymen. Meet the newest member of the Friendly Family at Lancaster Ford. Larry was raised on a farm neat Atglen and was graduated from Octorara High School in 1962. Upon graduation, he began working for a Ford Tractor dealer near Downingtown. His first job was changing •tractor tires. Larry became a mechanic and later moved into sales. He has had a total of 12 years experience working with Ford tractors and equipment. He comes to us well qualified to help you with all your tractor and equipment needs. Larry’s philosophy is simply that if 2 people have an honest and friendly relationship, everything else will work out. Larry is married and the father of 3 children. He is looking forward to a long and successful selling career with Lancaster Ford and is most anxious to meet YOU. So why not stop in today at the Home of the Friendly People at 1655 Rohrerstown Road, have a free cup of coffee and meet Larry. You will be glad you did. SS Lancaster BP Ford Tractor. Inc. THE MEW HOME OF THE FRIENDLY PEOPLE 1655 Rohrerstown Road Lancaster Pa Phone (717) 569-7063 Take Flory Mill Exit off 283 and
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers