iSisilliiti ads i Form Equipment For Sale - Arts Wav SUo Mix wagon complete with scales, late model No. 700 A. Up stream Farm, Bushkill Drive, Easton, Pa. 215-252- MSS MANURE PITS 38 ft, 48 ft., and 60 ft. diameter. 12 ft. depth, cir cular precast concrete with gunite coated interior.' ZIMMERMAN INDS. INC. RDl.Ephrata, Pa. 17522 Phone: 717-733-6166 pnTZ ■mO UNLOADER all typos of silagel mth tow net -17 to 18', 18' to 20', 20' to 24' and (ke IIG onto 24' to 30* m dwiwtod - TERRE HILL SILOS Your Lancaster Co. Dealer LANDIS &ESBENSHADE Box 5 Kirkwood. Pa 17536 Phone 717-786-4158 'Service after the Sale 1 mrsrm MONTGOMERY EQUIPMENT ■HVENintY SALE CASE UNILOADERS Now thru Nov. 30,1974 1-1740 Diesel w-brakes - R.O.P.S. Canopy Bucket - wide tires (Demo.) New List Price 9700.00 Sale Price $6,500. 1-1737 Gas w-brakes R.O.P.S. Canopy wide tires - Bucket (new) (list price 8950.00 Sale Price $6,500.00 1-15308 Gas - R.O.P.S. Canopy & Bkt. (New) List Price 6250.00) Sale Price $4995.00 1-15308 Gas w-bucket low hours (Repo.) Sale price $4500.00 2-1816 Gas w-bucket & R.O.P.S. canopy (new) List price 4250.00 Sale price $3250.00 MONTGOMERY EQUIPMENT £L Immediate Financing Sales - Service - Rentals Form Equipment CSCFH, —- 1 INC. (! (HION f ARM r, MOMf JOHNOUIIC JUSTTRADED 435 N Com Head • Sold 707 14 ft. Gyramor Mower 16 A Flail Chopper 3020 J.D. Gas Tractor Dion Forage wagon - Sold USED EQUIPMENT J.D. 54 Manure Spreader Woods Ctr. Mtd. Mower Ferguson 2-Bt. Plow v Ford 3-16” 3 pt. Plow J.D. 4-16” 3 pt. Plow J.D. 82 9 ft. Snow Plow USED TRACTORS J.D. A Tractor J.D. 430 Tractor J.D. 3010 Gas-Tractor Ford 981 Tractor S.O.S. NAA Ford Tractor JOHN DEERE Brfllion-Gandy-Hesston Highway 282 CecQton,Md. 21913 Phone 301-275-3601 Aerial Ladders - 40, 45, 85 ft. reach mounted on trucks. Asking $l5OO to $2250, No reasonable offer refused. 1045 Skyworker bucket truck on 1964 Chevy $6,250.00. All equipment in good condition. 717-786-2061 New Idea 323 1-row Corn Picker Used Kools Hopper Blower Used ‘N. H. Manure Spreaders New Idea 212 Spreader ROY H. BUCK, INC. Ephrata 859-2441 Rle. 273 East of Rising Sun, Md. 301-658-5560 Form Equipment COMBINES-Jnhn Deere 7700 diesel, air, chopper 1973 . model used less than 200 hours, 15 foot, 643 com head like new, 6600 diesel ' hilly equipped. 4400, 105 with cab. Massey Ferguson 510 diesel with Cab, 300 with Cab. Gleaner CII with Cab, AIL International 315 ' Hydrastatic with Cab and 3 row head, 315 with Cab and 2 row bead, 503, 303. Minneapolis Moline 4296 with 4 row head, New Idea 701 Uni with com* bine 3 row 30” head, New Idea 701 with combine and 2 row. CORN HEADS - John Deere new 643, new 444,244,435, 434, 334, 234, 210, 205. Gleaner (new) G 440, used C 11440, CII 430, F 335, AH 330, E 240. Massey Ferguson 63, 33, 44, 422, 421,222. International 763 six row, 4 row for 503, 228, 227. New Idea (new) 3 row 30”, used 3 row 30”, 2 row. CORN PICKERS - (3 new) New Idea 2 row pull wide and narrow 12 role beds, (5 new) last year with 12 role beds like new, 10 used 2 row pull with 8 roll beds and some with shelters and 1 with grinder, 2 row mounted. Oliver 83 two row 30”, also 83 shelter at tachment, 73-two row. International 234, 2 MH. Allis Chalmers 2 row mounted. John Deere 237. TRACTORS - Farmalls (new) 1468, (new) 1066, (2) new 100 Hydrastatic, used 1066 with Cab, 966, 1206 four wheel drive, 856, 756,656, 806. 706. 560.350. John Deere 4430, 4620, 4520, 4320, 5020, (1972) 4020, (1968) 4020, (1970) 4020 gas, 3020, 4010. Case (new) 2470 four wheel drive, (new) 1070 with Cab, used 1200 four wheel drive, 930. Oliver (new) 2255, new 1655, 1850, 1800, 1650,1550.'A11is Chalmers (new) 200, (new) 185, ‘ used 210, XTI9O. Massey Ferguson 1100, 165. Minneapolis Moline 1355, GlOOO. HARVESTERS - New Idea 702 Uni diesel with 2 row, 702 with Cab with 3 row chopper. John Deere 38 with 2 row like new. John Deere 38 with 2 row 30” head, 34. Fox 546. In ternational 550, 50, 16. Whetmore Grinder Blowers. Allis Chalmers Potato Harvester. H Beet Harvester. Gehl 115 Grinder Mixer. HAYBINES - Owatonna 10 foot self-propelled windrower. New Massey Ferguson 9 foot. New Holland 469. John Deere 480. PLOWS -4, 5,6, 7, 8 X semi mounted and automatic reset. New Brillion 12 foot cultimulcher. Oliver 13 foot disc. Brady 4 row shredder. PAULSTITZEL 734 Windsor St. Hamburg, Pa. 1952,6 Phone 215-562-8377 if no answer call 215-562-7451 Fox self-propelled Forage Harvester w-2 row com head and 2 row Snapper Farmall M Tractor Farmhand Grinder-Cutter with Blower for Hi- Moisture Cora S COPE & WEAVER CO. New Providence 786-7351 Form Equipment Ferguson 20 Tractor Air Tank w-cotnpressor. 2 Bottom 12” & 14” Oliver Trailer Plows 3” irrigation pump mtd. w-2 cyl. Wise, engine 2 & 4 cyl. Wisconsin engines w-clutch reduction. Schultz Baler mounted Stalk Shredder. 10 to 200 gal. Power Sprayers Clay Comb. Mower-Crusher Sawed & Tapered Locust Posts. BEN FISHER 73 S. Rooks Road RonkißDl.Pa. For Sale - Good Youngs Fodder Shredder $2OO. Daniel E. Beiler, Christiana RDI, Along Rt. 896, Box 52 'FIELD QUEEN OMdHlif Hihiio CMvwHm FORAGE HARVESTER SPECIALISTS FACTORY DIRECT SALES-PARTS-SERVICE North East U.S. Largest Retail Forage Harvester Outlet. “The Best of the West Now in the East” CHECK OUR LATE MODEL TRADE INS: Fox 7 ft. direct cut head $2,000. worth new Fox Parts 1973 Fox 3000, PTO, 1000 RPM, Chopper, rebevel grinder, 3RN, Grass Pickup, new Fall of ’73. 1969 Oliver S.P. 840 (Fox Type) Det. 4-71, 2 R.W. Fox Com Hd., Grass Pickup, good condition. Fox 10 ft. direct-cut, Soodcond., Priced to ell. N.I. Uni-702 V 6 w chopper, GPU, 2 RW Snapper for high moisture com, 1260 hrs. excell., all crop plus high moisture ground ear com. Set up at a reasonable price. IH 50 P.T. w-2 RW $7OO. Fox Super D, 504 CID, V 8 Cummins, Choice of Heads. New Holland 1880 Hydrostatic Drive Diesel, 2 RW & WPU. IH 555 2RN & W.P.U. good cond. IH 55 Chopper 2-row & Windrow pickup, good cond. Fox SPF self propelled, 2 RW and WTU, priced right Fox Max 1 V 671 Det., 2 RW and WPU, very good condition. JD 214 W baler, like new Fox Super D, Det. 4-71, 3-30 Corn Head Model 263, WPU Model 476. 1974 Field Queen Demo. 46 hrs. 210 H.P. Cat. Diesel, Cab, choice of heads, new warranty. Oliver 1610 Loader for 1550 or 1650 tractor International 300 Utilities ' 30 ft. Smoker Elevator 24 ft. Smoker Elevator (3) Oliver Plows, 2 and 3 bottom, pull trip bottom 1975’s Have Arrived IHC 13 x 17 Grain Drill FIELD QUEEN, LANCASTER 1260 Manheim Pike Lancaster, Pa. 17601 717-392-7795 Used Equipment Loi 1278 Loop Road Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Nov. 2,1974 Form Equipment Farm Equipment TRACTORS B w- AC Model Cultivators Farmall H Cultivators , , Case Model CC on steel wheels w-belt pulley j.U. LA w-all equipment J.D. 530 J.D. 55 Hopper Blower Dunham 8 ft. roller harrow I. Double gang 8 ft. pulverizer. J. 30 2-row potato digger Ontario 16 Disc Drill (2) J.D. 5 ft. 3 pt. rotary mowers 6 ft. M.F. 3 pt. rotary mower 5 ft. Brillion Pull Type 1 Rotary Mower (2) J.D. 727 13 ft. rotary mowers Brillion 80” Pull Type Rotary Mower Woods 80” 3 pt. rotary mower IH 32 blade Wheel Carrier Disc Harrow IH 28 Blade pull type disc carrier Harrow IH 10 ft. spring tooth harrow (3) J.D. 12 ft. spring tooth harrows J.D. 38 Forage Har vester and 1-row head (3) 1-row crop heads for J.D. Harvesters N.H. 611 1-row forage harvester IH loader for Farmall 240 Super C and C trartnrc M.F. loader for J.D. 320 and 420 Sauder loader for Ford Sends Loader for J.D. 420 and 430 (1) J.D. 237 2-row Mtd. Com Picker (2) Brady 80” Pulvizers MILLER’S SALES & SERVICE, INC. John Deere-Dunham- BushHog-Lely Stewartstown, Pa. Phone 717-993-2470 MACHINERY COMPANY Route 100, Eagle, Pa NEW EQUIPMENT IN STOCK Oliver 1755 Diesel Tractor (3) 5 & 6 Ton Wagons (1) 12 ft. 6” Bnllion Cultimulcher Ezee-Flo Fertilizer Spreader - 1000 lbs. 3 pt. hitch Kools Blower KB-60 (2) New Rotary Mowers 3 pt. and Pull Type USED EQUIPMENT (2) Fords 8N and 9N 2 used Wheel Horse tractors with mowers 5 new and used Roto Tillers Truck and Tractor Chains, all sizfes in stock 500 Bales of Baler Twine at $30.00 per Bale. Phone (215) 458-5326 New Ford Industrial Power units, any size, gasoline or Diesel with clutch reduction. Very compact. 1-60 H.P. with clutch reauction in stock. ZOOK’S FARM STORE 80x222,RD2 Honeybrook, Pa. 19344 Fall clearance sale on Barbed Wire and Cage Wire. Frey Bros., 717-786-2146 NEW EQUIPMENT Oliver 1365 Diesel Utl Tractor White 348 3 & 4 Bottom SAR Plows Oliver 546 4 Bottom SAR Semi Plow White 252 12'8 Disc Harrow USED EQUIPMENT Oliver 1600 Diesel Oliver 1650 Diesel Oliver 77 Gas Oliver 66 Gas Oliver 361 2 & 3 Bottom 3 pt Plows Oliver Superior 13 7 Gram Drill Oliver Cover Crop Disc USED LAWN EQUIP Bolens 1886 w/54 Mower 18 hp Bolens 900 8 h p w/38 Mower Bolens 1050 10 h p w/42 Mower Jacobsen 1200 12 h p w/42" Mower Blower FARMERSVHiE EQUIP., INC. RD2, Ephrata, Pa, 717-354-4271 Store Hours Daily 7 30 - 6 00 Sal 7 30-4 30 EAGLE 33
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