28 —Uinc««tor Farming. Saturday, Nov. 2, 1974 dassifiedads Mail Box Market For Sale - Eggomatic eu candler and grader, mood No. SR3OS-1-R. Complete with 4 automatic packers. Stainless steel. Appearance like new. Reasonable offer. Contact Hess Brothers Farm. Inc., Ephrata, Pa. 717-733-7531 For Sale - Rye, cleaned, phone 717-665-3927 For Sale -19 Feeder pigs 30 to 40 lbs. 717*925-6881 For Sale - Milk transfer system, good condition. John M. Stoltzfus, Narvon, Pa. RD2, 17555, 2 miles North East. White Horse on Blank Road For Sale - Registered Shropshire Sheep. Rams, lambs and ewes. Large flock from which to choose. Warn Menhennett, Cochran ville. Phone 215-593-5726 Wanted - Indian Relics, arrow heads, axes, stone tools, information on site, locations and collectors. School House Farm, RIM, Elkton, Md. 21921 Call Collect 301-398-2348 Will pay $lOO.OO for any unusual blue, decorated . T .... ... antique jug, interested in * Jubilee with other jugs also. Call Lan- ’ 7l 7m „condltlon caster 3W-9207 after 5 p,m. Phone 717-656-7013 Moil Box Market Breeding age Chinchillas for sale. Standard $25.00, Beige $50.00. 717*284*2127 Photographer-National advertising, weddings, brochures. Newswanger’s Studio, 1028 Penn Grant Road, Lancaster, Phone 464- 2211 or 334-4219 For Sale - Woolen material for braiding and hooking rugs. Also out grown boy’s clothing size 14 and 16. 717- 626-8180 For Rent - Ist floor apart ment, 6 rooms and bath, security deposit and references. Hcutwood, 717- 284-4538 Interested in saving guel and get more H.P. and less friction? Use Conklin Products in gas and fuel, diesel and furnace oil. Eli B. Stoltzfus, Rt. 1 Strasburg, Pa. 17579, May Post Office Rd. Landrace and Duroc Boars and Gilts, 100 lbs. and up. Bred Gilts, purebred or crossbred on order. Harold Mummert, 6 miles southwest of York. 717-741-2170 Moil Box Market Purebred Yorkshire boars, bred gilts and open gilts, carcass championship bloodlines. Willow Glen Farm, RD2, Strasburg, Pa. 717-788-2562 Purebred Boars and Gilts. Daily gains and days to 220 lbs. are available. Con* finement raised. Herd sires are production tested. Dutch Valley -Farm. RDS, Manheim, Pa. 17545, Mark Nestleroth 717-665-6220 Carpenter work. Will build houses, pole barns, cow barns, chicken houses. Will do all kinds of concrete work. Write Samuel S. Lapp, Christiana, Pa. Box 388, 17509. Call driver 717-529- 2992, 215-384-2415 For Sale - New 30 inch L.P. Gas Stove Tappan make $125.00. Wanted - small gas heater with automatic controls and air vent. I. B. Zimmerman, RD2, Ephrata, Pa. 17522 Hay and Grain feeders (6 sides) hand made of oak for sheep or other livestock. Charles E. Keen, RDI, Rich field, Pa. 17086. Phone 717- 694-3293 For Sale - Holstein cow. call 215-445-5475 Moil Box Morkot Wanted to Buy - Table type egg grader to make 5 or 6 grades. Jonathan S. Esh, Konks, RDI, Box 400, Pa. 17572 Custom wood splitting, your place or mine. Phone 215-445- 6175 For Sale - 8N Ford, 1952 model, $BOO. Phone 687-8108 after 6 p.m. For Sale • 300 gal. Jamesway milk tank, good condition with new compressor. Phone 717-626-5545 TOBACCO MUSLIN Be assured of having muslin this spring by placing your order now Genuine CHIX COTTON MUSLIN with eyelets in 2 and also 3 yard widths. Also nylon in 3 yd width W. L. ZIMMERMAN & SONS Ph. 717-768-8291 INTERCOURSE. PA. Moil Box Market Hoofs trimmed by a professional trimmed hoofs means better legs and stature. Have tools will travel. Write Pete Hubbell, RD3, Malone. N. Y. 12953 For Sale - Boy’s sport coats, For Sale -Billy Goat, 9or 10 pants, winter Jackets, months old. Phone 717-354- sweaters,sizesH.lfi, 18,and 7889 20, all like new. 717-394-1629 A BIG AND GOOD DISPERSAL COMING UP SATURDAY, NOV. 9 at 12 NOON. Just out of Cameron, N. Y., 20 miles from Troupsburg and 25 from Knoxville, Pa. and 10 from Bath, N. Y. 38 Good Interstate-Tested Holstein Cows and a large and very good line machinery, brand-new or like new!! 5 tractors: 3 AC (XT 190D-170D-Dl7), “H” w loader, Ford w-blade, NH “479” haybine, “770” chopper w-2-row com and pickup heads, short-hopper blower, barrel spreader. McC No. 47 kicker-baler. Lg. wheel rake. AC 15’ fold-up transport discs and 4-row “700” planter. 3 wagons (2 s.u. and kicker box). Starline silo unloader (16’ to 20’ adj.) Feeder and conveyor system. Milker-line system. 500 T. haylage. 100 T. hay. IT. IH truck. Much More!! Mr. & Mrs. Harold Wood, owners. For info or full list mailed you, contact Rumsey Sales, Bath, N.Y. (607-776-3478) Moil Box Market For Sale - Registered Holstein Bulls, service age, records for the Dams, from accredited herd. Call 717-788- 3591
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