How To Shpp For Water Wells Whether you need a water, well for your new home or to' replace an existing well, the National Water Well Association (NWWA) has some “well shopping” suggestions for you. First, determine your home's water supply needs. A rule of thumb might be 70* 80 gallons per day per person for suburban living; 100-120 gallons per day for farm living. Your county agent, municipal engineer, well drilling contractor or pump dealer can help you deter mine your precise needs! Finding a competent drilling contractor is the next step. Besides the yellow pages and newspaper ads, an excellent place to get in formation is from the National Water Well Association. They will be happy to give you the name of one or more reputable contractors in your area; one who enjoys a good reputation, uses good ATTENTION FARMERS I am offering my year end tax planning service. This service is designed to minimize your tax bill for 1974, along with concern for possible effects in the year 1975. This service is equally beneficial in the year of low income or loss as in the year of high income. May I work with you? Please, call for an appointment. HAROLD H. GREIDER, BUSINESS CONSULTANT 326 Willow Street Pike Willow Street, Pa. Office Phone 464-2951 Home Phone 872-7779 JOHN KAUFFI THIS TIMELY FALL SPECIAL fllll V on an y oii chan 6 e ' you get 15 PERCENT OFF Oil Filter. UIILI On any engine tuneup • you get 15 PERCENT OFF tune up kit (Points, plugs, condenser, rotor. On any battery installation you get • 15 PERCENT OFF battery. You also get FREE Dynomometer Test. You also get No Truck Charge on pickup and delivery. All this plus the regular friendly service you always get at Hie home of the Friendly Folks. c | Tractors j Equipment equipment, high quality materials, and modern techniques. A good local contractor belongs to his state and national associations and learns through them the most modem methods. He understands and appreciates the need for better and safer wells, and has a technical knowledge of the efficient and proper use of ground water. Regardless of how you pick your contractor, here are a few basic guidelines which will help insure that you receive the best possible water supply for your money: (1) Check in advance on best possible water sources. (2) Insist on a written contract. Read the contract carefully, and if it is not clear, consult your attorney before you sign. (3) Insist on full coverage insurance. (4) Compare all itemized H and LEONA JOIN HMDS TO BRING YOU Lancaster Ford Tractor, Inc. Take Rory Mill Exit off 283 and go'/«mile toward East Petersburg. The New Home of the Friendly People 1655 ROHRERSTOWN ROAD LANCASTER, PA. PHONE (717) 569-7063 costa and material* rather than the “per foot” charge. (5) Determine what, if any, local, city or state permits for drilling a well are required and who secures the permits. (6) Locate the well properly from the standpoint of sanitation and con venience. (7) Insist on. both a cer tified log of the well and a statement of work per formance and materials used. For additional information on how to shop for a water well, ask for the free pam phlet “When You Need A Water Well.” Also, NWWA can provide you a listing of the reputable contractors in your area. Write to: National Water Well Association, Dept. L.F.R., 88 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215. Note To Hunters C. Wilmer Supplee, Chairman of the Chester County Agricultural Stabilization and Con servation Committee, thanks the sportsmen of the area for the splendid interest they have shown in the Public Access Program for 1974. As indicated on ttae brochure we have only 38 farms with approximately 7000 acres available for public hunting. The requests to date for brochures on this program have exceeded 2000. This has brought much concern to the County Committee. Mr. •Supplee states that there are two items he would like to bring to the attention of the Sportsmen at this time. Upon arrival at the farm it is possible that you, the hunter, may be refused permission LEONARD SCHOTT DURING THE MONTH OF NOV. As Mrs. Reber looked on, Dr. Norman Reber, center, accepted the 1974 Distinguished Service Award of the Pennsylvania Association of Farm Cooperatives from PAFC president to hunt due to safety reasons. This is in accord with program regulations. The only time this will take place is, if, when you arrive, he feels he has a sufficient number of sportsmen on the farm. There are four other counties in Pennsylvania which are operating a similar program. These counties are: Armstrong, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Nov. 2,1974 Dale Detweiler. Reber, a York County resident is editor of the Pennsylvania Farmer. The award ceremony took place last Wednesday during the annual PAFC meeting in Lancaster. Mercer, Adams, and Lycoming. Perhaps if you are planning to spend a day you could visit one of the other counties. This could help relieve the situation in Chester County. For further information on brochures for any of the five counties you can contact the Chester County ASCS Office, phone - 269-2234. Editor's Quote-Book The wise only possess ideas; the greatest part of mankind are possessed by them. —Samuel Taylor Coleridge 23
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