gliiiillidf adi TRY A CLASSIFIED AD Trucks 1972 Chevy % ton pick up, very good condition, extra tires. 717-872-5553 after 4:00 Pets Rainbow K’ls for Sale - Small toy , small miniature Poodles, 6 weeks old, black, silver and apricot. 1-302-737-6526 Feed & Seed “For Sale - Ear Corn at farm. Phone: 201-329-2765 after 5 p.m.” For Sale - Rye - for seeding & grazing or straw. First farm north of New Holland on Railroad Avenue. Situations Wanted Would like to rent dairy farm that could handle approx. 40 cows in any type or setup. Presently in fanning. Call J. Wilmer Conrad. 717-464-2670 or write RD2 Willow Street,, Pa. 17584 Experienced Agri-Business Salesman desires Job in Lancaster County or Eastern Penna. State job requirements and salary. Reply to Box 10, RDI, Elverson, Penna. 19520. Man wants to rent farm on share basis 20 years ex perience in fanning. Present record over 16,000 herd average with 110 cows on test. Phone 717-442-8148 Services Offered Custom Silo Filling, 3-row narrow or 2-row wide. Phone 717-898-7895 Real Estate Services Offered Will do custom silo filling with self propelled Har vester. Phone 717-284-4806 or 717-284-2202 Carpenter work. Will build house, pole barns, cow barns, chicken houses. Will do all kinds od concrete work. Write Samuel S. Lapp, Christiana, Pa. Box 388, 17509. Call driver 717-529- 2992, 215-384-2415 Custom Silo Filling. Preston Lefevre. Phone 717-786-3747 Cow clippers repaired, Blades sharpened. Don’t wait till Fall. Don Lohr, RD6, Lancaster 717-872-5503 Help Wonted Calf person, experienced, many benefits, good working condition. Phone 215-827-7180 After 5 Phone 215-827-7892 Dairy farmer, house with heat and electric supplied $llO per week. Oxford area. Write Box 2668, c-o Lan caster Farming Newspaper, P.O. Box 266, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Assistant herdsman - large registered Holstein herd and modern equipment. Essential to be clean and careful. House, extra benefits with salary. Up stream Farm, RD2, Easton. Phone 215-252-6665 Help Wanted - Permanent work - Paid Vacations • Paid Holidays - Uniforms furnished - Paid Hospitalization - Paid retirement plan Applicants must have drivers license and be capable of driving trucks and payloaders. Must be 18 years of age or older. Apply At FARMERS FERTILIZER WORKS, INC. 385 W. Bainbridge St. Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022 Real Estate Phone 394-3047 or 626-2191 Help Wanted Reliable person needed for DHIA Supervisor in Leola area. Full Time position with good benefits. Call 717-394- 6851 or 717-898-7356 CHEF Couple to take complete charge of kitchen in ex clusive boarding school cooking, baking and pur chasing. Splendid quarters furnished, excellent salary. Three (3) months vacation, other fringe benefits. Position available Sep tember 9, 1974. In reply list training, experiences and references. Reply to: Box No. 476 Malvern, Penna. 19355 Person with recent farm experience to work on a dairy farm. Must have references. Call 215-627-7433 ABILITY TO EARN $5O NITELY demonstrating toys and gifts. No experience, No investment, No paperwork, No collecting. No delivering, NO GIMMICK’S! GENEROUS GAS ALLOWANCE. You can earn 25 percent from the first dollar. Call 717-665-4435. Write TOY LADIES PARTY PLAN, Johnstown, Pa. 15904 Miscelloneous CHICKEN houses insulated with sprayable urethane foam. All types of con struction. For tree estimate call Conestoga Chemicals & Plastics, Inc. 397-3724. After 5:00 P.M. caU 872-2233. For Sale - Trees - AH Sizes from 2” to 10 ft. Black Walnuts, Maples, Peach, Cherry, Rose of Sharon; few hedge plants, Virginia Creeper, load of trash. Write Box 266 D, c-o Lancaster Fanning, Lititz, Pa. 17543 WOOD SHAVINGS. Ideal for work-ways and bedding., $15.00 per ton picked up or' bulk load at $150.00. Less expensive than straw or tanbark. Contact Bob Geist at Leola Supply Co. Inc. Ph. 717-656-6811. Real Estate Farm For Sale - Consisting of 96 acres more or less, 2 large houses, new bam and shed, Spring of water, lots of road frontage, beautiful location near Red Lion Penna. Phone 717-244-1444 166 A. general farm located near Ebensburg, Pa., Cambria Co. Approx. 90 A. tillable, balance pasture & Wanted to Rent - Steer and woodland. House, barn, hog farm in Southeastern outbuildings. Phone 814-472- Pennsylvania. Would con -7049 or write S. J. Evans, sider a dairy farm. Phone RD2, Box 50, Ebensburg, Pa. 717-665-6379 RESORT-RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL-INDUSTRIAL Acreage at Public Auction. 216 acre Dairy farm offered partial. 10 acres or more and-or whole. Modem buildings, Harvestores, concrete feed lots, 62x98 clear span building, large pond, good hunting, frontage U.S. 522. August 17,1:00 P.M. Terms 10 percent day of Sale, 5 yr. Sale agreement available. Phone 717-987-3135 or write Hell-Mar Dairy M. H. Garlock St. Rt. North McConnellsburg, Pa. 17233 for sale bill and plot plan. Miscellaneous Remington “455” Power- Mate stud driver kit. Ex cellent Condition. $150.00 Phone 717-437-3212 J. C. Ehrlich Co., Inc. Termite, Pest, Rodent and Smoke control. Lawn and Shrubbery spraying. Free Estimates. 1278 Loop Road, Lancaster, Pa. Phone 717- 397-3722 Cash For Pups I need Purebred and extra cute mixed breeds in little lots, 7 to 10 week old. Must be clean and healthy. Contact “Jo Jo the Dogman” at Root’s Farmers Market, RDI Manheim, Pa. Every Tuesday 5 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. No Phone Calls. “The Art of Making Money Plenty” Benjamin Franklin’s 18th Century Statement in /words and pictures. Enjby solving Benjamin Franklin’s rules for prosperity. Send $3.00 for large colored print 12” x 16” to Revart, 239 Clent Rd., Greatneck, N. Y. 11021 WANTED TO BUY Puppies, 6 to 9 weeks old, in litter lots, Pure breeds and half breeds. Cash money paid. Will pickup every Friday. For resale in my pet shop. Write to Charles Hackett, 3743 N. sth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19140 or call before 8 P.M. 215-229- 0449. Give breed-age-color when writing. Also some kind of direction. Thank you. Ceramic tile, seconds ideal for cow stable, trough and milk house walls. ESCH FLOOR COVERINGS mile North of Bird-ln-Hand, on Beecbdale R°ad DEITERS Cantaloupes and Watermelons grown on the farm. Also other vegetables. 1 mile South of Manheim, turn at Auto Auction, along Junction Road. 717-665-2387 Real Estate Wanted; Tracts of land zoned for mobile home parks. 30-200 acres with good access to population centers. Public sewers and water prefered but not required. HOWARD GOSS Office Phone 761-6113 Home 737-2234 Lancaster Farming, Saturday. August IQ. 1974 Livestock For Sale For Sale - Bred Gilts. Phone 717-285-5353 For Sale - Registered Walking Horse, nicely mannered. Moore, Phone 717-569-0416 For Sale - Chester white Boars from our new lowa test station Boar. Will deliver. Herbert Schick, RD2, Kutztown, Pa. 215-285- 6519 Yorkshire and Duroc Boars ready for July Service. Duroc are from a certified litter. Bred Gilts due in July. LEON L. ARNOLD Lebanon, Pa. 17042 Ph: 717-273-5880 For Sale -10 Holstein Heifer Calves and yearlings sired Purebred Yorkshire boars, by Atlantic Bulls. Also bred bred gilts and open gilts, heifers and cows due in carcass championship August and September. 717- bloodlines. Willow Glen 872-5525 Farm, RD2, Strasburg, Pa. ———. 717-786-2562 For Sale - Registered Holstein Heifer a very nice _ „ , „ . daughter of Kilinsdale For Sale - Registered Whittier Elfac due in August. Holstems. If you need base Clarence Martin, Sinking milk, we have some fresh Spring 215-678-7813 cows and springing heifers, priced reasonably. Bupplynn Farms, York County, Call 717-428-1865 SWINE-CROSSBRED 40 bred gilts, due August- October. 3-way “Power” cross gilts matched with hybrid boars with per romance data. Get hybrid vigor working for you. Large growthy litters ready to handle confinement. Call us now or in the future for your gilt and boar needs. MINNIE LOU FARMS RD3, Danville, Pa. 17*21 (717-437-3212) SPF Origin Hybrids bred u meet demand of commercial producer. Excellent litter size and growth rate. Final cross is four-way cross which adds vigor and car cass quality. Jet Age Swine Breeders, Inc., Abram K. Fisher, Jr., Manager. 717- 768-8378 Stud Service - Sorrel Jack stands 15 hands also draft horses and mules for sale. Paul S. Waltermyer, RDI, Jonestown, Pa. 717-865-2234 Hampshire and Yorkshire Service Age Boars and Bred Gilts. Contact John Strawbridge, Stewartstown, Pa. 17363, Phone 301-996-2022 27 Cow Holstein Dairy Herd 16 registered. Majority Fall Freshening. Bred to top NEBA Sires. DHIA tested. Cobum, Pa. 814-349-8393 DUTCH VALLEY FARM Manheim RDS, Pa DUROC BOARS & GILTS FOR SALE Congratulations to Exhibitors at the 1974 FFA Market Hog Show. +Kerry Boyd, RDI, Ephrata Grand Champion, Champion Crossbred, Reserve Champion Duroc. +Richard Strauss, RDI, Ephrata Reserve Grand Champion, Champion Open Class. +Jay Huber, RDI, Lititz Champion Duroc +Robert Strauss, RDI, Ephrata Reserve Champion Crossbred +Russel Kline, Remholds Reserve Champion Open Class All of these hogs were bred by Dutch Valley Farm and purchased at the Lancaster County Swine Producers Club Pig Sale. Carl & Mark Nestleroth, owners Mike Grube, Herdsman Livestock For Sole Holstein bulls, service age. Herd average of 14,897 Milk and 549 Fat. 717-299-0050 For Sale - Breeding Age Duroc Boars. W. F. Ruoss, RD2, Ephrata, Pa, 717-859- 2264. 2 half-French purebred Charolais bulls 800 lbs. (Admiral 100 percent meat Sire lines); 50 feeder pigs now, 100 very soon; MsM Baler $250.00. Daniel Fisher 717-865-5864 For Sale - Draft horse, 16 hands, black gelding Per cheron type, 4 years. Used in harness but needs training $450. Phone 717-367-1907 Duroc Boars and Gilts. Daily gains and days to 220 lbs. are available. Confinement raised. Herd sires are production tested. Dutch Valley Farm, RDS, Manheim, Pa. 17545, Mark Nestleroth, 717-665-6220 For Sale * 1 Md CLOSE PA. HOLSTEIN HEIFERS A COWS Call us by Phone & reverse charges or write us and give your phone number. Free Transportation to see our Animals. J. B KELLER & BRO. Mount Joy, Pa. 17552 Phone Office 717-653-4851 Residence 717-653-4591 717-665-6220 27
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers