Vol. 18 No. 46 Ruby Cinder, left, Sharon Henley and Dennis Hostetter were the three FFA calf winners announced Thursday during the Lancaster County FFA Judging Contest FFA Girls Get 2 of 3 Calves It was ladies’ day at the FFA Judging Contest held Thursday during the Manheim Community Farm Show. Dairy breed associations presented three calves to FFA students at the event, and girls walked away with two of them. Ruby Ginder, Elizabethtown RD3, received the Holstein, and Sharon Henley, Cochranville RDI, got the Ayrshire. Saving face for the stronger sex was Dennis Hostetter, Bowmansville RDI, who received the Guernsey calf. Ruby, a sophomore at Manheim Central High School, is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Robert Ginder. Her Holstein calf was bred by Donald Hershey, Manheim RD2, and donated by the Lancaster County Holstein Association, Sharon Henley is a sophomore at Octorara Area High School in Chester County. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken nard Henley, Jr. Milton Brubaker, president of the Southeastern Ayrshire Breeders Club presented the calf, bred by Mrs. Edgar Scott, Villanova, to Sharon. The Guernsey calf winner is a sophomore at Garden Spot High School and is the son of Mr. and Farm Calendar Saturday, October b 8 p.m. - Fulton Hay Ride; meet, Clifford Holloway Jr. Farm near Wakefield. Sunday, October 7 National 4-H Week October 7 -13. Monday, October 8 8 p.m. - Joint meeting, DHIA Directors and Supervisors, Farm and Home Center. Fulton Grange meeting, In (Continued On Page 32) Mrs. Robert Hostetter, Denver RDI. His calf was bred by K. D. Linde, Kirkwood, and presented by Arthur Brenneman, Willow Street RDI. The calf presentations came at the close of the annual Lancaster County FFA Judging Contest. Close to 700 students from the nine county vo-ag departments participated in the contest. Because of the number of con testants, results will not be tabulated for several weeks. Super Judge Henry Gruber did it all on Wednesday at the Manheim Community Farm Show. Gcuber, hands on hips, is a buyer for A&B Packing Co., and a recognized Lancaster Farming, Saturday. October 6, 1973 r.a.nca»ter Farming- Photo held at the Manheim Community Farm Show. The calves were donated by local Holstein, Ayrshire and Guernsey breed associations. In all, there were eight classes of livestock to be judged with each student spending 15 minutes on each class. There were three dairy classes, two classes of steers and one each of market hogs, market lambs and laying hens. A spirited tug-’o-war contest capped the morning’s activities. It was won by the Manheim Central team, who outpulled the fighting Mountaineers of Ephrata At Manheim , New Holland . . . County Fair Season Ends Lancaster County’s 1974 fair season ended this week about the way it began three weeks ago, with warm temperatures and sunny skies. The Manheim and New Holland fairs capped a busy few weeks, which saw some of the youthful contestants turning up in winners circles from one end of the county to the other. Lancaster Co. Farm. Assoc. Slates Meeting Troy Barton, field coordinator for the American Agricultural Marketing Association, will be the guest speaker at the Lan caster County Farmers’ Association annual meeting. The meeting will be held at the Harvest Drive Restaurant on Route 340 just east of Intercourse at 7:00 on October 15. Barton works with all the AAMA marketing activities, concentrating his time on the broiler program. He is also responsible for a newly developed fowl sales program. Born and reared on a farm in Gordon County, Georgia, Barton is a University of Georgia graduate, where he earned a BS in the College of Agriculture in 1949. Tickets for the annual meeting are $4 a person. Reservations must be in by October 10, and can be made by contacting any board member or Nathan Stoltzfus at 442-4291. authority on meat animals. Starting early in the af ternoon, he judged the sheep, hog and beef shows, finishing up in the late evening. $2.00 Per Year Russel Kline and his super Holstein dominated the dairy show at Manheim, taking grand champion honors and the grand champion showmanship ribbon ' as well. Kline had earlier won at the Ephrata Fair and was the county’s big gun at the Penn sylvania Junior Dairy Show in Harrisburg. Kline also had the champion junior Holstein title and won the best udder com petition at Manheim. The reserve champion of the show was Linda Kauffman, Elizabethtown, who had the second place three-year-old along with the champion senior Holstein calf. Linda’s entry was also the reserve champion junior Holstein. Her three-year-old also placed second in the best udder competition, behind Kline’s cow She placed third m showmanship, behind Kline and Paul Bollinger, Manheim RDI, who finished second. The best three females of the show were shown by Ronald Gruber, Elizabethtown RD3; with the entries of Clarence and Earl Stauffer, Ephrata RDI, placing second and Darryl (Continued On Page 14) In This Issue Markets 2-4 Sale Register 47 Farmers Almanac 6 Classified Ads 29 Editorials 10 Homestead Notes 34 DHIA 20 Lancaster Panning Photo
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