READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS CITRUS DIRECT from FLORIDA BY LANCASTER COUNTY FARMERS ASSOCIATION ARRIVING WEEK OF APRIL 23 • --Cartons (4/5 bu.) Valencia Oranges at $ 5.50 • I- Cartons (4/5 bu.) Pink Grapefruit at *5.50 •Name, \ • Address • • « • j Phone : : Indicate Pickup Point : • —DON HERSHEY'S FARM, Manheim • | —HENRY REIST FARM, Mount Joy : : —TERRE HILL ORCHARD, New Danville i i —GROFF BROS. ORCHARD, Kirkwood • * \ • Orders are due to Carlton Groff, RD No. 1, Kirkwood, Pa. 17536 by April 5. You will be notified upon arrival. Clayton “Bing” Wolf is retiring April 1 after a 37 year career as a tractor main tenance expert with the IH dealer in Ephrata. Bing Wolf Retiring After 37- Yr. Career Clayton “Bing” Wolf has decided to turn in his tool box after fixing IH tractors for the past 37 years. Wolf started working for the IH dealer in Ephrata in 1937. Two years later he was named service super visor, a post which he’s held till DAIRYMEN & BEEFMEN . . . When you make Mol-Mix your “profit-partner,” fall and winter feed costs won’t get out of hand. Mol-Mix is loaded with all the protein, energy and other nutrients your dairy cattle need for top health and maximum production. It helps avoid those cold weather “slumps” too. Yet, you'll be sur prised how economical and easy it is to convert to our labor-saving liquid concept. Stop in soon. We’ll tell you how Mol-Mix will help you get a solid grip on profits, so you can... it there, paitmet Ever hear the expression, ‘‘Too much month and not enough pay check?” It’s another way of saying that your income doesn't cover all of your expenses It also means that if you keep up tjtns way of finan cial life, you’ll end up hopelessly in debt. But you don’t have to—end up in debt, that is, says the Pennsyl vania Bankers Association. Not if you manage your money prop erly. And managing your money is easier than you think if you develop a personal or family budget. Now don’t let the idea of budg eting frighten you. It doesn’t have to be painful. And it doesn’t have to be difficult. Don’t con fuse it with dieting, thinking that budgeting is counting pennies in stead of calories. A budget is more like a road John H. Henkel, a Strasburg R 1 farmer, was elected to the executive board of the National Pork Producers Council, at the National Pork Congress in In dianapolis, this week It was the first time someone from outside the Midwestern corn belt has ever been elected to the executive board of the pork producers organization The nine member board will meet every five weeks to provide guidance for the nation’s pork industry. The National Pork Producers Counci 1 is involved in pork promotions, research and government policy making as it affects the hog producers Henkle, 44, has 100 sows in his own hog operation. He farrows about 35 of the sows every other month throughout the year A state director of the Pork Producers Council for the past now. Wolf is well-known to area farmers and vo-ag students and teachers. He’s taught informal ag mechanics courses at Ephrata High School and local vo-tech schools. He’s also on the vo-tech advisory board for purchasing equipment for mechanical training shops. Wolf is an active Mason, and plans to do a lot of hunting and fishing after his retirement. JOHN Z. MARIN New Holland RDI Phone 717-354-5848 your Hoi-Mix® dealer liquid supplements Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 24,1973 Too Much Month, and Not Enough Paycheck? Henkel Joins Pork Council Exec Board ■ public surylct by this nuwspopur and (hi Pumsylnm lt lankurs Assoditton MAKING YOUR MONEY COUNT map. It tells you how to get where you’re going and keeps you from getting lost. Simply put, a budg et is a plan for organized spend ing and saving ahead of time You can still have choices on where and how you are going to spend your money But a budget lets you see the alternatives more clearly, helps you weigh values, set priorities, and make wiser decisions Budget planning helps —sometimes forces —you to put first things first in order to stay within your income. More im portantly, it helps you to know that your money is going where it’s needed—or at least where you want it to go. So if you want to end up dollars ahead, the Pennsylvania Bankers Association advises you to plan your budget carefully. Then stick to your plan. You’ll find it’s a good way to make your money count. three years, he was elected by delegates of all participating states There were eight farmers from Lancaster County represented at the annual Pork Congress. * * < Tides Vary High tide does not always come at the same hour. Each tide is about 50 min utes later than the preced ing tide and each afternoon tide about 50 minutes later than the afternoon before. NEW MUELLER BULK MILK TANKS USED BULK TANKS 400 gal. Dari-Kool 300 gal. ESCO 400 Gal. Girton 300 gal. Mueller - ' 12 can Star Cooler 10 can used Cooler Used 3 H.P. Lehigh Com pressor Used HR2 Diesel 'Used Lincoln Welder Strainers - Pails Wash Vats Glass Lined Water Heaters Full Line of Milk House Equipment SPECIALIST IN DIESEL REPAIR & SERVICE NEW LISTER DIESELS SEE US FOR SPECIAL PRICE ON INSTALLATION HAVE YOUR ELEC TRICAL SYSTEM CHECKED ON OUR NEW SUN TESTING EQUIPMENT FOR 6-8-12 VOLT SYSTEMS, IN CLUDING BATTERY, ALTERNATOR, GENERATOR, REGULATORS, ETC QUEEN (HMD REPAIR Box 67, Intercourse, Pa. 17547 24 Hour Service Phone 717-768-8408 from 7:00a m. tos:oop.m JohnD Weaver 656-9982 after 5:00p.m. or Answering Service 354-5181 21
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